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The Official Flash Thread - Part 2

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Saw John Carter today, and they definitely nailed with Woola how a speedster should look onscreen.
^ He was hardly forced. He was chosen, but had all the opportunities to decline his role, yet, he didnt.
jordan was always gonna be hard to relate too he was an unlikeable *****e who was forced to be a hero he didnt become one on his own to fight off evil like say spiderman,dare devil,batman,iron man,x men,etc.

hard to relate to a guy who had to be forced to become a hero

It's more on the execution because Kirk had a similar arc (Classic Joseph Campbell) but it was more effective because under that gruff was total vulnerability.

Ryan's Hal lack the writing to make
him compelling even when he's a *****e so that's why it was hard for me to sympathize with his character. He just felt contrived.
The most recent episode of Young Justice was Kid Flash/Wally West centric and was heavily influenced by Wally's Flash#1 (where he delivers a heart for organ transplant and runs into Vandal Savage).

It got me thinking that this kind of story (racing across the country to save somebody's life in time) would be great for a Flash movie and would really show what makes him really unique amongst other superheroes. Weather Wizard or Captain Cold could even be the villains of the story in which they generate an ice storm that would leave the Flash the only individual capable of delivering an important heart transplant. They could even throw in like another Rogue or an escaped Gorilla Grodd as a distraction during the delivery.


The great character moment in the episode was when Wally decided to stop fighting Vandal Savage and just continued running in order to deliver the heart in time. Really showed Wally's maturity (especially since he was just cut out of a cool fight mission alongside the Jusitce League) and that superheroes are more about saving lives rather than just punching supervillains.
Yeah, we need a big citywide or even worldwide threat. Something that tests Flash's abilities. I think building Captain Cold as Flash's arch nemesis from the start would be for the best. Really start to develop The Rogues for later with Cold as their leader. Maybe throw in other villains for quick defeats or at least (If it's a legacy type of movie) establish that these villains have been accumulated over the years.

To be perfectly honest, a Flash movie with The Rogues establishing themselves for the first time would not only be plausible but a great way to start the franchise and build on the theme of legacies. That kind of thing is unprecedented with superhero films and I for one am tired of origin movies and a lot of others are as well. Who wants to always wait for the sequel for the good stuff (I'm looking at you, Green Lantern)?
Setting up a bigger enemy or event for a sequel is something all superhero movies have done recently. Besides, Green Lantern had Parallax, who is Hal Jordan's second biggest enemy behind Sinestro (In the old days).
Star Sapphire. All these movies are so busy trying to set up events that their foundation sometimes end up sucking. Instead of worrying about franchises they should be worried about having a good movie to begin with. The success of these movies are not a forgone conclusion like Green Lantern confirmed. Flash is definitely a story that doesn't have to be an origin. The origin is not what's compelling about the character. It's the fact that there's been 4 of these guys to hold the mantle and their rogues gallery that operates by cooperating (unlike any other rogues gallery). That is what I believe should be the focus.
^ Remember that the New 52 are going to be the basis of upcoming movies, and Barry Allen is the only Flash there.
^ That's not... cinematic enough.

Wow, I just realized that too ....... Good story though, but more for a TV show not for a blockbuster movie.

Should the first (if ever) Flash movie tell the origin story or jump straight to mid-career Flash (kinda like Incredible Hulk or even Burton's Batman) ??
^ I'd go for an origin story centered on Barry Allen, but I'd rewrite the origin for something more "sci-fi" and believeable.

By the way, I think Mob Rule is the ideal villain for a movie.


The rebooted Captain Cold, being a Metahuman with a pretty cool new set of powers, wouldn't be too shabby either.

I think it would be cool to see perhaps three Rogues (Mirror Master and Trickster) lead by Captain Cold as villains in the first movie. I think they could pull it off without villian overload. The rogues unlike some other comic villains also work well as a team.

They are all have technology powered as well.

How about Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy)?
His been mine and a few others pick for Iron Fist movie for a few years. Hunnam stock could possibly rise after Del Toro's Pacific Rim comes out which his starring in.
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^ The Rogues are no longer technology-powered. Captain Cold is a metahuman, and others are, too. Before the reboot, Captain Boomerang was already superpowered.
^ I'd go for an origin story centered on Barry Allen, but I'd rewrite the origin for something more "sci-fi" and believeable.

By the way, I think Mob Rule is the ideal villain for a movie.


The rebooted Captain Cold, being a Metahuman with a pretty cool new set of powers, wouldn't be too shabby either.


I think the concept of Mob Rule was pretty cool, but the execution felt kinda short. Another thing I also realized was when they mentioned that Manuel Lago was supposed to be this badass soldier, but given his power-set, Mob Rule would look/become lame via the Conservation of Ninjutsu: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConservationOfNinjutsu. In addition, self-cloning could be one of Mirror Master's many abilities.

Despite the power-set, I think there's a lot of story potential with Manuel Lago and his ties to Barry Allen.
For me, I'd be ideal to have Lago be the leader of Mob Rule, and the Flash trying to appeal to this man who was once his friend, and is now lost in a crusade of revenge against the government that turned him into a "monster".
i want to zoom go back in time terminator style for the first movie. he won't know who barry is, so that'll give him time to develop. and in one of the flash's early superhero action scenes have him stop a robbery by mirror master or something, then in an after credits scene have mirror master going to iron heights where he meets a mysterious figure we'll know is captain cold to set up the rogues for flash 2.
i want to zoom go back in time terminator style for the first movie. he won't know who barry is, so that'll give him time to develop. and in one of the flash's early superhero action scenes have him stop a robbery by mirror master or something, then in an after credits scene have mirror master going to iron heights where he meets a mysterious figure we'll know is captain cold to set up the rogues for flash 2.

This is how I envisioned a Flash origin movie. Putting a twist on the superhero origin by adding time travel to the mix.The amazing thing for such a movie is that they can use an experienced Barry/Wally in some flashforward scenes.

Hell, they could even "justify" changes from the comic book by using time travel as an excuse (kinda like the Abrams Star Trek).
I don't know. Abrams' Star Trek worked because everyone knew about the original timeline. Most people aren't aware of the Flash, and would probably go "Why am I supposed to care this guy's past was messed up with?".
well yeah, that's why i wouldn't want zoom to know flash's identity, to prevent him from just going back in time and killing barry's parents.

the other route i would be happy to see them take would be have barry be an established flash and tell the story through wally's eyes. finding out his aunt's boyfriend is the flash, that'd be an interesting new way to introduce the hero without having to spend a third of the movie on an origin.
I don't know. Abrams' Star Trek worked because everyone knew about the original timeline. Most people aren't aware of the Flash, and would probably go "Why am I supposed to care this guy's past was messed up with?".

It could work for a sequel OR they could play it into the romance subplot (he was originally supposed to be with Iris, now he's with Patty) OR get all metafiction about superheroes having dead parents.

Lots of story material when it comes to time travel. Especially if there's some angst over having a slight feeling of things are not what they're supposed to be.
well yeah, that's why i wouldn't want zoom to know flash's identity, to prevent him from just going back in time and killing barry's parents.

the other route i would be happy to see them take would be have barry be an established flash and tell the story through wally's eyes. finding out his aunt's boyfriend is the flash, that'd be an interesting new way to introduce the hero without having to spend a third of the movie on an origin.

Zoom can't kill Flash because it would lead to some paradox preventing him from becoming Zoom in the first place (stupid I know, but that's how they explain it in the comics).

The Wally as Flash franchise works well too. I think the obligatory scenes of practicing your newfound powers (in Flash's case, superspeed) would work well if you had someone to race with.
At this point, whatever director they get, just let them do their thing even if it means using Wally instead of Barry.
Wally is not going to be used. DC didn't go through the trouble of bringing back the character for no reason, it was most likely a corporate mandate to streamline the franchises.
As much as it pains me to admit, even if Wally were not unjustly wiped from existence, a movie version would pretty much have to use Barry. Wally's origin is too tied to being a sidekick.
Zoom can't kill Flash because it would lead to some paradox preventing him from becoming Zoom in the first place (stupid I know, but that's how they explain it in the comics).
right, because everything from the comics always gets brought to the screen, also all the characters are aware of their decades of continuity as they make their first appearance in film.

if anyone wanted to use that concept, just as with any other in an adaptation, they'd find a way to make it work
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