X-Men - Part 1

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So what is everyone's opinion about the two main X-Writers Jason Aaron and Kieron Gillen. Are the worth the 3.99 price tag?

Looking forward to Aaron's the most. I don't think any comic is worth the $4 but whacha gonna do
Oh you should read it...its really good. Basically the main conflcit occurred in Shcism #3, which coincided with Gen Hope 10. A group of X-men along with some X-kids went to some Mutant History Museum, where they knew the Kid Hellfire Club would be attacking. The kids were able to take the X-men out. Idie was still inside the building hiding during the attack. The Cuckoos had her connected to Scott (who was travelling there via jetpack) and Logan (who was running through traffic) via telepathy and Idie asked if she should try to stop the HFC. Logan said she should run bc there was a bomb inside with people and that she's just a kid. He said he'd make it there in time. Scott said there wasnt anytime and told Idie to do what she felt she had to do. So she got up and used her powers to torch the place and killed a dozen people, and the bomb went off. There were no civilian casualties so Scott was okay with what she did and Logan was upset that he put her in a position to make that choice, to become a killer. So there in lies the conflict. She's like what, 12? Scott has no problem turning children into killers and Logan objects

I continue to be confused by Wolverine's moral compass.
Define "child." He's trying to kill Wiccan in Childrens Crusade and he stabbed Rachel Summers in the gut way back in the 80's.
I continue to be confused by Wolverine's moral compass.
He doesnt want to turn children into killers. He has no problem actually killing himself. Its one of the reasons he kicked X-23 out of X-force bc he realized just how f-ed up that was to have a child on that squad. Killing changes a person; it takes away their innocence. I can definetly see why he'd have a problem letting the X-kids go about killing their enemies now. I think the bigger issue is why Scott doesnt.

Jesus, so much for Schism potentially redeeming Cyclops. :csad:
Nope not happening here. He must be the first headmaster/mentor to any group of young X-men that actually condoned and pushed a kid to kill if they felt its what they needed to do. Even Magneto wasnt like that when he watched over the New Mutants. I gotta side with Wolverine on this one
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Logan mentors children and kills (or attempts to kill) in front of them all the time. If he doesn't want children to become killers, maybe he should stop setting such a bad example for them. It's got to be hard to teach non-lethal combat to troops who see you using lethal force.
Define "child." He's trying to kill Wiccan in Childrens Crusade and he stabbed Rachel Summers in the gut way back in the 80's.

Well he doesn't consider Wiccan to be innocent I guess. That comic isn't a good representation of the Avengers and you know it! lol
Logan mentors children and kills (or attempts to kill) in front of them all the time. If he doesn't want children to become killers, maybe he should stop setting such a bad example for them. It's got to be hard to teach non-lethal combat to troops who see you using lethal force.
Well, Jubilee and Shadowcat aren't really murderous fiends (at least, Jubes wasn't before becoming a vampire). I'm not arguing your point, I'm just saying that his track record seems to indicate that his method somehow works.
Logan mentors children and kills (or attempts to kill) in front of them all the time. If he doesn't want children to become killers, maybe he should stop setting such a bad example for them. It's got to be hard to teach non-lethal combat to troops who see you using lethal force.
To the best of my knowledge, aside from Elixir and X-23 in X-force, he hasnt been killing in front of the X-kids.

BTW, how great is the new Hellfire Club? Man these kids are a bunch of murderous evil brats, but so much fun to read. I cant beleive they took out Emma, Namor, Iceman, Magneto and Colossus

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The new Hellfire Club is a group of evil children?

That's actually kinda scary.
I don't think Cyclops came off wrong or amoral in that situation. He never gave her the order to kill, technically. Idie made the decision herself after walking through the museum and seeing all the terrible things mutants have gone through. People would have died if Idie didn't act.

Schism #3 was alright, but it was made way better by reading Generation Hope #10 right after it... I might start reading it ongoing.
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The new Hellfire Club is a group of evil children?

That's actually kinda scary.
yeah and beleive it or not, they are coming across even more evil than the original Inner Circle. I wouldnt be surprised if at least one of them is killed off by an X-man by the end of Schism bc these kids tehmselves have no problem with killing at all. Plus they took out the A team, so they definetly cant be underestimated
Isn't anyone gonna make a gif out of the scene from W&TXM's "Breakdown" ep where Cyclops blasted Wolverine?
That gif got me in the mood to watch the Animated Series. Thanks to netflix I've now watched the first four episodes and laughed when that scene showed up in the second episode :)

Now I'm gung ho to keep watching :)
I was so excited when X-Men: TAS was put on Netflix, but I was very unhappy that it didn't hold up, for me at least. I find something wrong with having Gambit inserted into some of these classic stories which for all intents and purposes are rather faithful retellings.

I will say that X-Men: Evolution really impressed me. I liked it as a kid, but I was surprised how much I still liked it.
Since I haven't been following Schism at all and I've damn near stopped readings comics entirely these last few months...

What exactly are the X-Men in-fighting about?
Dude why aren't you reading Schism its awesome. One of the best X-comics in years for me.

Wolverine and Cyclops relationship and dialogue in the first issue alone makes it worth picking up.

Seeing Wolverine tired and worn out from being on so many different teams (some on Marvel actually acknowledging that)

Wolverine cracking jokes about how he said the X-Men should of moved to Canada. Quentin Quire (Kid Omega) from Grant Morrissons run showing up and causing some mayhem.

Wolverine picking up a new teenage girl sidekick.

The Hellfire Club being homicidal 11 year olds who mudered their own familes. They are like the kind of kids The Pride wished The Runaways turned out like.

Emma Frost snapped a 11 year old hellfire brats little finger which is the most gangsta thing she has done since murdering her own sister.

Wilhemina is Drusilla from Buffy as a girl.

Also Magneto got owned Kade kilgore who talked to him in away no one has ever talked to him.
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