Superhero Cinematic Civil War - Part 57

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I like Jessica Jones as a character, but as someone with so much baggage and such a weary personality I imagine she must be a difficult lead for a show. Hard to get much forward momentum going with such a reluctant hero.

Season 1 had the villain of the show, a truly contemptible person who is also a joy to watch, and is the most personal for Jessica and her story. Seasons 2 and 3 couldn't muster anything close to that.
I agree that Jessica Jones dropped when it killed off Kilgrave.
It not have been my most anticipated thing, but I was looking to watch it at some point, until I found out what they did to Trish and Jessica's friendship and then I just dropped my interest in the show.
Just rewatched Thor and I still think it's incredibly underated. Even the stuff on Earth I don't mind as much anymore. It looked pretty solid in 4K too, Thor and Loki's capes really popped.

Outside of the Avengers and Iron Man, Thor might be the best film in Phase One.

- Avengers
- Iron Man
- Thor
- Cap
- Iron Man 2
- Hulk

Outside of that though, do we think Loki returns for Thor: Love and Thunder? I'm guessing we won't get an official word until after his show comes out, but I'm betting Loki will be back at this point.

This so much.

Thor, the character and the franchise did not need to be "fixed" after TDW.

That movie was just a lackluster followup.

But since then they are all over the map and not in a way that is about some consistent point of growth for the character and the grab bag of supporting players and concepts he brings with him.

No, it feels more like a soft reboot every time in hindsight and... I don't get it the foundations laid in the first film are all good solid stuff that in fact STILL has its reverberations in the MCU.

I liked it. There are some problems that you just can't work through. And it is quite realistic in the destructive nature of addiction.
I feel like Thor has aged pretty well in the decade since it came out. It was the first MCU film to really embrace the cosmic side of that universe and in turn paved the way for The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. There are more than a few things that are wrong with it like Hemsworth's dyed facial hair and the weird dutch angles all over the cinematography but those are just superficial when you look at the bigger picture. Hemsworth and especially Hiddleston really made the movie work.

Side note: Holy crap, it's been almost ten years since Thor and Captain America were first released. :wow:
This so much.

Thor, the character and the franchise did not need to be "fixed" after TDW.

That movie was just a lackluster followup.

But since then they are all over the map and not in a way that is about some consistent point of growth for the character and the grab bag of supporting players and concepts he brings with him.

No, it feels more like a soft reboot every time in hindsight and... I don't get it the foundations laid in the first film are all good solid stuff that in fact STILL has its reverberations in the MCU.
It's made me like Ragnarok less and less. It has its fun moments and everything, but the total change to Thor's characterization and the overall weirdness? Not for me.

I feel like Thor has aged pretty well in the decade since it came out. It was the first MCU film to really embrace the cosmic side of that universe and in turn paved the way for The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. There are more than a few things that are wrong with it like Hemsworth's dyed facial hair and the weird dutch angles all over the cinematography but those are just superficial when you look at the bigger picture. Hemsworth and especially Hiddleston really made the movie work.

Side note: Holy crap, it's been almost ten years since Thor and Captain America were first released. :wow:
Both of them gave really solid performances, especially in scenes with Odin

I was just thinking about that too when I was watching it again. 10 years? Man, time flies!
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Outside of that though, do we think Loki returns for Thor: Love and Thunder? I'm guessing we won't get an official word until after his show comes out, but I'm betting Loki will be back at this point.

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It's made me like Ragnarok less and less. It has its fun moments and everything, but the total change to Thor's characterization and the overall weirdness? Not for me.
I can understand the humor being off-putting for some but I don't think Thor's characterization was spoiled or anything in Ragnarok. Was he a little more jokey than before? Sure, we know that Hemsworth wanted it because he does have a natural comedic talent which he wanted to incorporate within the character. He does this in Infinity War (a little) and Endgame (a lot) as well. People have said that this doesn't fit Thor but I disagree. In Ragnarok, MCU Thor has spent enough time around humans like the Avengers that he'd naturally adopt some of their traits in his own interactions, such as the occasional humorous quip. But besides that, and more importantly, let's not forget that MCU Thor was never all that serious to begin with:

I really like the first Thor and hope they emphasize the “Viking” part of “space Viking” more in Love and Thunder, but it’s tough to hold that against Ragnarok. It’s such a weird movie, feels like it never should have been allowed to happen.

Superman & Lois looks better than expected. Will definitely watch the first episode or two and see if it grabs me. Not 100% sold on the premise but as long as it’s decent enough it’ll grab my attention.
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While Thor 1 is the most underrated MCU flick, Ragnarok is still the better, more remarkable film. Ragnarok elevated the character in a way all of Thor's previous appearances never did.
While Thor 1 is the most underrated MCU flick, Ragnarok is still the better, more remarkable film. Ragnarok elevated the character in a way all of Thor's previous appearances never did.
Most underrated MCU film is an interesting debate in and of itself. Thor is definitely up there for me, same with Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and Iron Man 3, which has grown on me over the past few times I've rewatched it. Captain America: The First Avenger was up there but I feel like it's gotten more love since the Cap sequels and the Avengers movies. Steve's overall arc really enhances the first film.
The first Captain America takes the cake for most underrated in my opinion. I don’t like that it scoots past the bulk of his WWII missions to put him on ice, but it’s a great origin movie and a fun period piece.

I’d put Ant-man and Thor up there as well.
I can understand the humor being off-putting for some but I don't think Thor's characterization was spoiled or anything in Ragnarok. Was he a little more jokey than before? Sure, we know that Hemsworth wanted it because he does have a natural comedic talent which he wanted to incorporate within the character. He does this in Infinity War (a little) and Endgame (a lot) as well. People have said that this doesn't fit Thor but I disagree. In Ragnarok, MCU Thor has spent enough time around humans like the Avengers that he'd naturally adopt some of their traits in his own interactions, such as the occasional humorous quip. But besides that, and more importantly, let's not forget that MCU Thor was never all that serious to begin with:

I'm not saying they were wrong in the direction they took. Clearly, it worked, but for me it was quite a drastic change. I still enjoy Ragnarok. It's fun, entertaining and does a lot for Thor, really. I just preferred the Thor we got in the first movie.

Most underrated MCU film is an interesting debate in and of itself. Thor is definitely up there for me, same with Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and Iron Man 3, which has grown on me over the past few times I've rewatched it. Captain America: The First Avenger was up there but I feel like it's gotten more love since the Cap sequels and the Avengers movies. Steve's overall arc really enhances the first film.
Cap used to be, I agree, but the second act brings it down for me a notch. I'd agree with Ant-Man, Strange and Iron Man 3 being others that are underrated, but I'd also add Captain Marvel. I know a lot of people were down on that one, but it's one of my MCU favs.
Went ahead and watched Thor: The Dark World tonight too. The first twenty minutes or so are legitimately good, but the supporting cast is a big reason why it's not as good as it could be.

Darcy, her intern, Selvig...all kinda pointless and pretty annoying. Obviously Malekith is one of, if not the worst, MCU villains to date. I still don't know what his plan was.

It's still in the bottom 3 MCU with Iron Man 2 and Incredible Hulk for me, but it's grown on me a little bit over the years. I doubt I'll ever like it more then "it's fine"
Obviously Malekith is one of, if not the worst, MCU villains to date. I still don't know what his plan was.
The only thing keeping him from the bottom of the MCU film villain list for me is that he made more of an impact than the villains in Ant-Man and the Wasp, which really isn't saying much at all. (No, I don't count Ghost as a villain, same as how I don't count Bucky as a villain in TWS)
The only thing keeping him from the bottom of the MCU film villain list for me is that he made more of an impact than the villains in Ant-Man and the Wasp, which really isn't saying much at all. (No, I don't count Ghost as a villain, same as how I don't count Bucky as a villain in TWS)
I...literally can't remember anything about the villain(s?) from Ant-Man & the Wasp, so yeah, good call.
The only thing keeping him from the bottom of the MCU film villain list for me is that he made more of an impact than the villains in Ant-Man and the Wasp, which really isn't saying much at all. (No, I don't count Ghost as a villain, same as how I don't count Bucky as a villain in TWS)
Yeah, I can see that. Ghost wasn't even led to be the villain, really. I remember seeing some interviews with Paul Rudd and he mentioned that it was more both of them getting in each others ways.

Some movies don't really need a key villain though. I don't think Ant-Man and the Wasp would have been any better if it had one.
I just remembered we're getting freaking KANG in the next Ant-Man movie
Nobody here cares but Morbius has been delayed to January 21 2022.

It’s quite fitting Morbius will become a January film considering how much of a turd in the wind it looks.
Just rewatched Thor and I still think it's incredibly underated. Even the stuff on Earth I don't mind as much anymore. It looked pretty solid in 4K too, Thor and Loki's capes really popped.

Outside of the Avengers and Iron Man, Thor might be the best film in Phase One.

- Avengers
- Iron Man
- Thor
- Cap
- Iron Man 2
- Hulk

Outside of that though, do we think Loki returns for Thor: Love and Thunder? I'm guessing we won't get an official word until after his show comes out, but I'm betting Loki will be back at this point.
Thor is severely underrated, it was so good and entertaining and most of the characters were at their best. I also have a soft spot for it because it was the first MCU movie I watched. My phase one ranking would look exactly like yours.

I don't think Loki would be in Love and thunder. The Loki in the past Thor movies is dead and Thor is not aware of this new Loki. We'll probably only get Loki in flashbacks, unless something happens in the Loki series which will be out before Love and Thunder.
While I did enjoy the first two episodes of WandaVision, I was honestly a bit bored. Not enough story spread over basically 50 minutes of episodes. That said, I am just sitting here waiting for the inevitable Pietro cameo.

While I did enjoy the first two episodes of WandaVision, I was honestly a bit bored. Not enough story spread over basically 50 minutes of episodes. That said, I am just sitting here waiting for the inevitable Pietro cameo.


I'm engaged enough to want to see how it all wraps itself up and of course whatever connections to the Doc Strange sequel and the wider MCU as a whole it may have...

But some of the praise it's getting for it's first two episodes baffles me a bit. It was solid enough, but amazing in any way? Nah... I'm sorry.
On one hand, I loved Captain Marvel, so I am invested in Monica.

On the other hand, I just do not give a **** about Wanda and Vision. Their "love story" is not something I ever believed.

Eh, I will just watch Dinosaurs and The Muppet Show, I guess.
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