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The Amazing Spider-Man: The Game - Part 5

I care about size and graphics, I also care about being polished from glitches as best as they can

It's totally fine for people to care about the size. It's not unimportant, for example Just Cause 2 wouldn't have been the game it is if it wasn't for how huge it is. But when games focus on just one city I prefer it when they try to capture the feel of the city instead. Getting a 1:1 replica of New York with actual pedestrians and cars to run on this generation is probably impossible, and even then would cost more money than anyone would ever want to spend.

Liberty City in GTA4 felt more like a real town and what I imagine New York to feel like than any other game set in New York I've ever played. And last generation, Los Santos in San Andreas felt more real than Los Angeles in True Crime even though the latter had the full town mapped out. Sleeping Dogs seems to follow suit with trying to capture the feel of Hong Kong instead of making a virtual copy of it. The cities in the Assassins Creed series as well. Of course you can't have New York be too small, if Spidey were situated in New Marais from Infamous 2 for example, he would swing across an island in less than a minute. New York from Spider-Man 2 is probably the largest I would ever want currently, but I could go for smaller. The smaller it is the more work they can put into getting some cool places in and making each place feel unique. But this is just me and what I want.

As for graphics, the reason I want cel-shading is that I think it suits Spider-Man. It also ages better than regular graphics, and I imagine it's easier to make effects look good in it. With realistic graphics water is a huge hassle that only looks great in a few games. With cel-shading you don't need it to act realistically in the same way.

And I think everyone wants games to be as bug free as possible.
I thought the size for the map in ASM was fine, i just would of wanted a little more detail.
I thought the size for the map in ASM was fine, i just would of wanted a little more detail.

I haven't had the chance to play it yet so I don't want to comment on it. Can someone say roughly how big it is compared to other open world games?
I thought the size for the map in ASM was fine, i just would of wanted a little more detail.

In all honesty, even though it would probably never happen, I would like to see Rockstar partner up with Beenox to deliver a Spider-Man game, Rockstar knows their stuff when it comes to crafting good stories, and their level of detail as far as games is pretty damn great. As much as they rely on realism and delivering experiences that are pretty good in terms of realism, I think Spider-Man would be a great character for them to apply their skills too. Beenox delivers good when it comes to Spidey's character model, voice actors and etc, but I think with the help of Rockstar, the game would easily turn to a triple A title. Oh well, a man can dream :o
Yea, only the default(belt, no belt, black), raimi(both) and negative zone outfits show damage.


It's silly that not all of them do.

Edit: Really dumb question.... I just entered my Stan Lee code. How do I play it?
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I haven't had the chance to play it yet so I don't want to comment on it. Can someone say roughly how big it is compared to other open world games?

Hm, good question. Id say its about like a qtr of the size of Liberty City?

I think it'd take you like 3 minutes, just web swinging, to go from the furthest ends of the map? Something like that.

It's silly that not all of them do.

Edit: Really dumb question.... I just entered my Stan Lee code. How do I play it?

Yea i really dont know why the rest dont.

It should be in the main menu, under Extras.
As for graphics, the reason I want cel-shading is that I think it suits Spider-Man. It also ages better than regular graphics, and I imagine it's easier to make effects look good in it. With realistic graphics water is a huge hassle that only looks great in a few games. With cel-shading you don't need it to act realistically in the same way.

And I think everyone wants games to be as bug free as possible.

I love cel-shading graphics when properly done and when it fits the game. I wouldn't be against it for a Spidey game, but, as for titles based on movies, I think I prefer the more realistic style.
If they are going to go with a more realistic style, then at least make it look good. Sorry but the graphics in this game just arent great. Id give them a 7 and thats being generous. The colors and textures look washed out and the character models are nothing to brag about. The environments dont really stand out either. Its far from a great looking game and visually its unimpressive. Looks more like something one would expect from earlier in this gen's life cycle
Hm, good question. Id say its about like a qtr of the size of Liberty City?

I think it'd take you like 3 minutes, just web swinging, to go from the furthest ends of the map? Something like that.

Wow, thats not that big. I thought it was bigger. (Thats what she said...)

I love cel-shading graphics when properly done and when it fits the game. I wouldn't be against it for a Spidey game, but, as for titles based on movies, I think I prefer the more realistic style.

Yeah, I wouldn't fit a movie-game.
They certainly could improve the graphics for the next game,
I took some photos of the city and it's hard to take a pic of the landscape that doesn't come out kinda blurry.
Yea i really dont know why the rest dont.

It should be in the main menu, under Extras.

Thanks again. I had to reboot the game to get it to appear.

One last question, is there currently any way to get the Classic Raimi suit on 360?
Wow, thats not that big. I thought it was bigger. (Thats what she said...)

Yup, it's pretty small! I know what you mean as far as your point with GTA IV's Liberty City capturing the essence of NYC, if not the size. They also are guilty of pretty much "smooshing" Midtown and Lower Manhattan together... but they do it so well. They cover 4 boroughs and N NJ with so many details that give the region the flavor it has. TASM lacks pretty much anything that gives even it's take on NYC any flavor. It truly comes off as a city where little to no research was done and created by people who know nothing about NYC. Liberty City was obviously done by people who did a lot of research and do know NYC. I don't expect Rockstar-level city in Spiderman games, but it's not unreasonable to expect the bar set in Spiderman 2 be met and then go from there.

I was excited about the return of the Helicopters, but they turned out to fly with herky-jerky movements in small circular patterns that make them not much fun to ride. You think they are paying tribute to SM2 with them, but the reality is they are ripping directly from Arkham City. You don't ride the helicopters there much either other than as possible strategic points to launch an attack from. Contrast them with the helicopters in SM2.. there were many of them and while they flew a set, exact track... they took mostly smooth, long, wide trips around the city that made them fun to hang from and just sight-see. They felt more realistic in movement and fit in naturally with the city. The copters in TASM are simply useless toys... web rush points that move in the sky that really go nowhere.

Spiderman 2 was GTA-Spidey. TASM is Spidey Goes To Arkham City. When viewed that way, TASM is fun for what it is, but it's no current generation answer to SM2 and what that game excelled at.
Thanks again. I had to reboot the game to get it to appear.

One last question, is there currently any way to get the Classic Raimi suit on 360?

I guess it's part of the Rhino Challenge pack. I got mine at Gamestop, so the classic Raimi suit is there from the beginning on the 360.
Thanks again. I had to reboot the game to get it to appear.

One last question, is there currently any way to get the Classic Raimi suit on 360?

You should already have it man. Using the Stan Lee or Rhino pack unlocks it.
If they are going to go with a more realistic style, then at least make it look good. Sorry but the graphics in this game just arent great. Id give them a 7 and thats being generous. The colors and textures look washed out and the character models are nothing to brag about. The environments dont really stand out either. Its far from a great looking game and visually its unimpressive. Looks more like something one would expect from earlier in this gen's life cycle

I agree, sans Spider-Man. This is easily the best looking Spider-Man we have gotten. His model is perfect.
As for graphics, the reason I want cel-shading is that I think it suits Spider-Man. It also ages better than regular graphics, and I imagine it's easier to make effects look good in it. With realistic graphics water is a huge hassle that only looks great in a few games. With cel-shading you don't need it to act realistically in the same way.
For live action movie tie-ins I'd rather have realistic art, though cel-shading wouldn't really make me look lesser at it

And I think everyone wants games to be as bug free as possible.
For that, I think I can get over the size of the city being rather small
This will sound odd as hell, but i think i enjoy the combat in ASM more than i do in Batman:AC. I mean dont get me wrong, its not better, at all, but i think its more fun. Im replaying the levels in ASM and i popped AC in last night and i realized i had more fun as Spidey than i did as Bats. Maybe its cuz I'm a little biased as iv always liked spidey over bats, but idk. I just love the look of Spideys combat. Love the acrobatic flip he does over a dude. LOVE the move where spidey kicks the thugs legs out from under him and then heel kicks him before the guy lands.

I also would like to go back in time and punch myself in the face for complaining about the robot fights. I LOVE the giant slayer battles. The little ones are annoying but man those giant boss battles are awesome.
This will sound odd as hell, but i think i enjoy the combat in ASM more than i do in Batman:AC. I mean dont get me wrong, its not better, at all, but i think its more fun. Im replaying the levels in ASM and i popped AC in last night and i realized i had more fun as Spidey than i did as Bats. Maybe its cuz I'm a little biased as iv always liked spidey over bats, but idk. I just love the look of Spideys combat. Love the acrobatic flip he does over a dude. LOVE the move where spidey kicks the thugs legs out from under him and then heel kicks him before the guy lands.

I also would like to go back in time and punch myself in the face for complaining about the robot fights. I LOVE the giant slayer battles. The little ones are annoying but man those giant boss battles are awesome.

I feel the same way. The Arkham combat has more polish but that aside, the combat in ASM is truly satisfying. It's a great freeflow system that captures the full-on acrobatic manuevers of Spidey with solid animations that are fluid and look so Spidey-like. The addition of the signature moves are fantastic...I love webbing dudes to the floor, wall and ceiling. I also love that move where he does a jump and a flip at a guy facing him, grabs his shoulders, then slams him face down into the ground. So many good moves though.

I can't remember another combat system that made me feel like I AM Spidey...it's so bad ass. It'd be great if Beenox made some combat challenge maps.
For those who played this sequel and saw the movie, which is more fun?
After watching the movie I find some scenes a bit off, maybe it's cause I think what Horner did needs more refining as Spider-Man music
I feel the same way. The Arkham combat has more polish but that aside, the combat in ASM is truly satisfying. It's a great freeflow system that captures the full-on acrobatic manuevers of Spidey with solid animations that are fluid and look so Spidey-like. The addition of the signature moves are fantastic...I love webbing dudes to the floor, wall and ceiling. I also love that move where he does a jump and a flip at a guy facing him, grabs his shoulders, then slams him face down into the ground. So many good moves though.

I can't remember another combat system that made me feel like I AM Spidey...it's so bad ass. It'd be great if Beenox made some combat challenge maps.

Yea i deff hope this is the style they use going forward. I mean i never really cared that much for SD or EoT, but i at least played them. However if they go back to that style for the next game, whatever that is(ASM 2 or something else), ill have to pass entirely. It just isn't any fun.
For those who played this sequel and saw the movie, which is more fun?
After watching the movie I find some scenes a bit off, maybe it's cause I think what Horner did needs more refining as Spider-Man music

Id agree with you man. I wasn't crazy about the soundtrack. It just didn't stand out for me. I loved the movie tho, much more so the 2nd time around. As for which is more fun, I'm biased and always will say the game is. I just rather play a game than watch a movie. Loved both tho and can't wait to watch ASM again.
I liked the combat in this game but I thought it was a bit too simple. Id hope that they'd add a second action button so you can create and mix up more combos. It came across too much of a button masher at times and knowing when to press the dodge button when you got the cue

For those who played this sequel and saw the movie, which is more fun?
After watching the movie I find some scenes a bit off, maybe it's cause I think what Horner did needs more refining as Spider-Man music
well the movie of course. Great story and rewarding experience from beginning to end. I found the story in this game to be a bit of a letdown and found the game to be about average. Id give the movie a 9 and the game a 7.5. Its good but it doesnt compare to the film
Yea i deff hope this is the style they use going forward. I mean i never really cared that much for SD or EoT, but i at least played them. However if they go back to that style for the next game, whatever that is(ASM 2 or something else), ill have to pass entirely. It just isn't any fun.

I never really minded the "webs as weapons" thing in SD and EoT. It was a bit dumb I suppose but it was still a lot of fun and I was able to look past the sillyness of it. Plus, it was very different from the past Spidey games so I gave Beenox a bit of credit for trying to change things up a bit.

That being said though, now that we got a very awesome acrobatic system in place with ASM, if they decided to go back to the SD/EoT system...I'd be extremely disappointed. My guess is that they continue to use all the mechanics in ASM for the sequel game and since it's probably a given Activision will want another Spidey game before that one...we may see the EoT combat again in a sequel to that game. I'd prefer a Noir game.
I never really minded the "webs as weapons" thing in SD and EoT. It was a bit dumb I suppose but it was still a lot of fun and I was able to look past the sillyness of it. Plus, it was very different from the past Spidey games so I gave Beenox a bit of credit for trying to change things up a bit.

That being said though, now that we got a very awesome acrobatic system in place with ASM, if they decided to go back to the SD/EoT system...I'd be extremely disappointed. My guess is that they continue to use all the mechanics in ASM for the sequel game and since it's probably a given Activision will want another Spidey game before that one...we may see the EoT combat again in a sequel to that game. I'd prefer a Noir game.
Not sure if we would see a Noir game. I found the Noir segments to be the best and most fun out of SD but that was mainly for the stealth mechanics whichw as a very unique and interesting change of pace. They've successfully managed to work those mechanics into this game so I can see them going forward with that instead of revisiting Noir and having a whole game modelled around it.

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