The General Comic Discussion Thread - Part 2

So, I finished Dark Crisis. I’ve heard a lot of negative comments about it, but I’m generally ok with it. I agree that the stakes seemed not as big and the outcome not as monumental. Everything seemed a bit inconsequential with regard to the ending. But I actually am on board with that. Personally, I get a bit tired of DC having a reality-bending crisis event every 3 years just so they can recalibrate. I find the cyclical re-writing of reality to be silly and lazy. It ultimately means that there are no consequences to what happens in the interims.
As for the story, I liked the big picture idea of it boiling down to a Dick Grayson vs Slade Wilson confrontation. In theory, I love to see the intimacy of their rivalry. Deathstroke is the true nemesis of Nightwing and vice versa. Writers too often ignore this. But it is a great feud. That said, the execution here was very flawed. It ended up somewhat unsatisfying because the big throw down was teased but didn’t really happen. They mostly talked a big game and then there was a retreat or an interference. It was like a wrestling match where there is no clean pin fall. People want to see that resolution.
Also to this point, I loved the recognition of the importance that Nightwing has in the overall DC Universe. I’m excited to see his character be showcased more going forward. That was certainly the highlight of this event. That said, the writing of Deathstroke was a character assassination of proportions similar to Hal Jordan in Zero Hour. Slade isn’t the type of character that I would see trying to end all life on earth. And if something were to make him take that turn, I would expect it to be something bigger than guilt over being a bad father.
And while we are on the topic of Hal Jordan, why is it that writers tend to write Hal and Barry as pompous jerks? They were insufferable in this story. And this is consistent with the writing of them that I have noticed over the past 20 years. It is reminiscent of when Dick was Batman and led the JLA, Hal wouldn’t join because he said it felt weird to have Dick Grayson giving him orders. Similarly, Barry also wouldn’t join and constantly expressed doubt that Grayson’s JLA could get the job done, despite the fact that they defeated a team up of Eclipso and the Crime Syndicate, which could be a crisis level event in and of itself. (By the way, if you haven’t read that JLA run, I highly recommend it. I love the lineup of Grayson Batman, Donna Troy, Supergirl, Jesse Quick, Jade, Starman and Congorilla. Plus they work hand in hand with the Justice Society because Grayson is a collaborator at heart.) In Dark Crisis, Hal and Barry act as though only they can save the day while casting dispersions on everyone else. Then when the battle is over, they go and Pat one another on the back and say “well the rookies did a good job holding the line until we showed up” even though they personally didn’t do anything of consequence. It’s obnoxious. And if DC puts Barry back in as the main Flash, I will be highly disappointed.

My other frustration was Black Adam. This was a silly cash grab of trying to promote the character as an edgy hero to bring him in line with his characterization in the movie. But it wasn’t in line with the character and he came off as wishy-washy. There was a way to have him in the story and it work well. This wasn’t it.

All those criticisms aside, I actually liked it. It was probably the quickest read I’ve ever had for a crisis event. It showcased one of my favorite characters and write him really well. And it had some fun moments. If this were cinema, it would be more akin to a Fast and the Furious movie as opposed to high cinema. There are things that I would’ve done differently, but in all, I had fun with it and came away liking likable characters even more. Nothing ground breaking, but that’s a positive to me.
Been focusing on buying some older books this month and found a few gems in Manhattan, particularly the Doctor Strange And Doctor Doom: Triumph And Torment and Batman: Bloodstorm. I already had Batman and Dracula: Blood Rain, so this was a pleasant surprise to run across and helped me pull the trigger on buying Batman: Crimson Mist.


Those oversized Marvel Graphic Novels are a favorite of mine to come across. They're not reprinted all that often and when they are the artwork is usually butchered because of the resizing.

Sadly I haven't been keeping up with most recent books since 2021. I just don't have the strength to follow them all anymore, I've fallen so far behind it just don't even want to attempt catching up, so I've been focusing on my collection and going through that. I'm currently reading the second Daredevil by Frank Miller omnibus and I plan on reading the first Milestone compendium afterwards.

I think the only book I want to catch up on is Swamp Thing. Pick up some of the collected editions that came out after the new 52 series ended.
Big Dc Comics week with Nightwing issue 100, but also other stuff

Batgirls #14

We start with a really cool Batgirls issue that has no spoke Dialogue which is really fitting for a Cassandra Cain focused issue.
I liked the flow and style of the issue a lot…I guess that’s exactly because the artist could really go all out on this and completely focus on the storytelling that way.
Yeah a neat issue.
The Main Cover is fitting for the Issue so go with that.

Batman/Superman - Worlds Finest #11

Ah, so god damn good.
I don’t think I can really do a good job in praising this book on all accounts as much as it deserves.
There is just so much heart and love in ever page, people working on this that absolutely get whats good about Batman, Superman, Robin and every character involved.
It is such a incredible book, I just love it so much.
Here too, the main cover is what I would go with…fits the issue the best.

Batman - One Bad Day – Bane

That one was wild and I loved it.
The Art, the writing and all…really well done.
So far the One Bad Day books are a lot stronger than I expected.
Im definitely enjoying them a ton.
Bane and Batman have such a underrated Relationship, its always good when that is explored more.
On this you cant go wrong with the Covers, but the main one is my favorite.
Its even one of the Best pieces of Bane art ever imo.
Really cool looking cover there.

Black Adam #7

As usual with this, I really liked the issue.
I don’t hear much buzz about it sadly, but I still have a lot of fun with it.
It’s a good read for 7 issues so far, it has a consistent good level.
As for Covers, Sergio Davila is my favorite of the ones for this issue.

The Flash #791

What a cool issue, this arc shapes up pretty nicely already.
One thing I can already tell…Miss Murder is a incredible Dumb Villain name.
Like I appreciate getting more Female villains, but its one of the dumbest names you can give a character imo.
Outside of this, im not taking anything yet at face value…things aren’t as they seem…you cant fool me DC.
Anyway, yeah im super into this Arc already…give me more.
Go with the Main Cover…when it comes to covers im most of the time just more of a fan if the Cover fits what happens in the Issue.

The New Champion of Shazam! #4

Damn shame it’s the final issue, because this is so absolutely good.
Such a good team who worked on this who had a really fantastic mindset and told a great story with Mary.
There is so much potential in the whole Shazam IP…I don’t get why DC/WB aren’t banking on it more, especially now that the new Movie is coming out relative soon.
So many cool stories you can tell…oh well.
Lets enjoy what we can.
As for covers, I love the Main one…but Tula Lotays is cool too

Nightwing #100

Okay DC, you are not helping yourself when you start a Issue of any comic with showing me Alfreds grave.
You know what would work? BRINGING HIM BACK RIGHT NOW.

Anyway, I kind of was hoping for a more explosive issue.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic Issue that shows what made the Nightwing comics so great.
But for issue 100 I was expecting way more.
There are a few really strong emotional things there that make up for it…but still I somehow expected bigger things.
The biggest thing of the issue we saw coming long ago, even before the Dark Crisis event.
But maybe I was just expecting too much from it.
Like I said, it has everything that makes the NIghtwing solo so good and then gives us a few little extra great things…that is fantastic.
Maybe im just too greedy and was hoping for a huge Game changer or so.
I sound probably more negative than it was because the issue felt really really good, make no mistake about that.
Alone that incredible Bruce/Dick panels are what im looking for, what I need so much when it comes to the Batfamily.
Had a ton of fun with it…onto the next 100.

As for covers, with such a milestone issue of course there come several that are all incredible good.
My personal favorites are Bruno Redondo for its simple yet effective approach and Jorge Fornés for the same reason.
I really like these simple covers on such Milestone issues.
Of course you get the usual incredible good ones, Jim Lee, Jorge Jimenez, Dan Mora.
They also from what I have seen, have a George Perez one, that is lovely too.
But like I said…these simple ones are my favorites.

If you can spare the money and are a fan of Nightwing, get those all.
I think such Milestone issues warrant having a few of the same issues in your collection.
Don’t feel bad if you get more than one Nightwing #100…but also don’t feel bad if you don’t.
Just have fun either way.

As you can see, a very strong week.
I have to let the Nightwing one sit for a bit and re-read it a few times then im sure the “complain” I have goes away.
I can already tell that while writing this, that my initial problem with it slowly becomes less and less a problem.
So I guess in a few days I really appreciate the Issue more than at the moment.
Again, I probably keep sounding more negative than I feel…I did have a grin on my face reading it and felt great joy with the issue.
Big Dc Comics week with Nightwing issue 100, but also other stuff

Batgirls #14

We start with a really cool Batgirls issue that has no spoke Dialogue which is really fitting for a Cassandra Cain focused issue.
I liked the flow and style of the issue a lot…I guess that’s exactly because the artist could really go all out on this and completely focus on the storytelling that way.
Yeah a neat issue.
The Main Cover is fitting for the Issue so go with that.

Batman/Superman - Worlds Finest #11

Ah, so god damn good.
I don’t think I can really do a good job in praising this book on all accounts as much as it deserves.
There is just so much heart and love in ever page, people working on this that absolutely get whats good about Batman, Superman, Robin and every character involved.
It is such a incredible book, I just love it so much.
Here too, the main cover is what I would go with…fits the issue the best.

Batman - One Bad Day – Bane

That one was wild and I loved it.
The Art, the writing and all…really well done.
So far the One Bad Day books are a lot stronger than I expected.
Im definitely enjoying them a ton.
Bane and Batman have such a underrated Relationship, its always good when that is explored more.
On this you cant go wrong with the Covers, but the main one is my favorite.
Its even one of the Best pieces of Bane art ever imo.
Really cool looking cover there.

Black Adam #7

As usual with this, I really liked the issue.
I don’t hear much buzz about it sadly, but I still have a lot of fun with it.
It’s a good read for 7 issues so far, it has a consistent good level.
As for Covers, Sergio Davila is my favorite of the ones for this issue.

The Flash #791

What a cool issue, this arc shapes up pretty nicely already.
One thing I can already tell…Miss Murder is a incredible Dumb Villain name.
Like I appreciate getting more Female villains, but its one of the dumbest names you can give a character imo.
Outside of this, im not taking anything yet at face value…things aren’t as they seem…you cant fool me DC.
Anyway, yeah im super into this Arc already…give me more.
Go with the Main Cover…when it comes to covers im most of the time just more of a fan if the Cover fits what happens in the Issue.

The New Champion of Shazam! #4

Damn shame it’s the final issue, because this is so absolutely good.
Such a good team who worked on this who had a really fantastic mindset and told a great story with Mary.
There is so much potential in the whole Shazam IP…I don’t get why DC/WB aren’t banking on it more, especially now that the new Movie is coming out relative soon.
So many cool stories you can tell…oh well.
Lets enjoy what we can.
As for covers, I love the Main one…but Tula Lotays is cool too

Nightwing #100

Okay DC, you are not helping yourself when you start a Issue of any comic with showing me Alfreds grave.
You know what would work? BRINGING HIM BACK RIGHT NOW.

Anyway, I kind of was hoping for a more explosive issue.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fantastic Issue that shows what made the Nightwing comics so great.
But for issue 100 I was expecting way more.
There are a few really strong emotional things there that make up for it…but still I somehow expected bigger things.
The biggest thing of the issue we saw coming long ago, even before the Dark Crisis event.
But maybe I was just expecting too much from it.
Like I said, it has everything that makes the NIghtwing solo so good and then gives us a few little extra great things…that is fantastic.
Maybe im just too greedy and was hoping for a huge Game changer or so.
I sound probably more negative than it was because the issue felt really really good, make no mistake about that.
Alone that incredible Bruce/Dick panels are what im looking for, what I need so much when it comes to the Batfamily.
Had a ton of fun with it…onto the next 100.

As for covers, with such a milestone issue of course there come several that are all incredible good.
My personal favorites are Bruno Redondo for its simple yet effective approach and Jorge Fornés for the same reason.
I really like these simple covers on such Milestone issues.
Of course you get the usual incredible good ones, Jim Lee, Jorge Jimenez, Dan Mora.
They also from what I have seen, have a George Perez one, that is lovely too.
But like I said…these simple ones are my favorites.

If you can spare the money and are a fan of Nightwing, get those all.
I think such Milestone issues warrant having a few of the same issues in your collection.
Don’t feel bad if you get more than one Nightwing #100…but also don’t feel bad if you don’t.
Just have fun either way.

As you can see, a very strong week.
I have to let the Nightwing one sit for a bit and re-read it a few times then im sure the “complain” I have goes away.
I can already tell that while writing this, that my initial problem with it slowly becomes less and less a problem.
So I guess in a few days I really appreciate the Issue more than at the moment.
Again, I probably keep sounding more negative than I feel…I did have a grin on my face reading it and felt great joy with the issue.
I still need to pick up Worlds Finest and Nightwing 100. I’ve been reading everything else digitally on DC Ultra. I may take your advice and buy several variant covers for Nightwing, even though Bruno Redondo has never disappointed in this title so far. But the Jamal Campbell is awesome and the Travis Moore cover is heartwarming.
Been focusing on buying some older books this month
Sadly I haven't been keeping up with most recent books since 2021. I just don't have the strength to follow them all anymore, I've fallen so far behind it just don't even want to attempt catching up, so I've been focusing on my collection and going through that.
Both these statements, exactly :up: So much of what's around with DC at the moment either doesn't interest me or is too far along for me to jump into. I've been reading and buying older stuff, or things that can stand alone for some while.
Both these statements, exactly :up: So much of what's around with DC at the moment either doesn't interest me or is too far along for me to jump into. I've been reading and buying older stuff, or things that can stand alone for some while.
One word of advice: DC is firing on all
Cylinders with PKJ’s Action run, Chip Zdarsky’s Batman, Jeremy Adams’ Flash, and especially Tom Taylor’s Nightwing and certainly Mark Waid’s World’s Finest.

The big crises are a bit underwhelming, but the solo books are better as a whole than they’ve been in a while
Regarding the concerns about Wonder Woman Historia getting collected from a while back, it just showed up in the April solicitations as a deluxe edition hardcover. Actual release date is meant to be June 6th, so fingers crossed it's not cancelled.
How is the Milestone reboot? Many of the original stories are important to me while growing up, particularly icon, I don't know how I'd feel if they've changed it around too much.
How is the Milestone reboot? Many of the original stories are important to me while growing up, particularly icon, I don't know how I'd feel if they've changed it around too much.
I love them. Especially Icon. It maintains the essential and core elements of their origin stories. Where they do change them up, I think they improve them. I only read the first two issues of the new Blood Syndicate, but it was a bit slower burn and probably felt like it had the most changes.
Regarding the concerns about Wonder Woman Historia getting collected from a while back, it just showed up in the April solicitations as a deluxe edition hardcover. Actual release date is meant to be June 6th, so fingers crossed it's not cancelled.
Nice! Looking forward to it.

Anything on a hardcover edition of Woman of Tomorrow? No? Okay. :csad:
I don't generally buy Marvel omni's, but in the last month, I got Miracleman (which only kinda counts as Marvel imo) and now this beauty:

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The best run Carol Danvers has ever had, imo! And did I get the DM cover just because that one had Dexter Soy's art on the spine? Who's to say. :o

View attachment 61113

I gotta counterbalance all this Marvel spending with a new DC omni, though, so I'm getting the reprint of this guy next:


On another note, I can't wait for the collection of Superman: Space Age because I am LOVING that story.
How am I just now learning about Space Age? Mark Russell is such an excellent writer. Can't wait to read it.
How am I just now learning about Space Age? Mark Russell is such an excellent writer. Can't wait to read it.
Same here. I haven't kept up with comics for months... I'll read it once the collected edition is released.

The Flintstones is a masterpiece.
How am I just now learning about Space Age? Mark Russell is such an excellent writer. Can't wait to read it.
I read the first Book of Space Age. It’s wonderful. I’d really be up for a live action Superman film that was a 1960’s period piece.
I think what we are seeing is Tom King spreading his wings and writing some different genres. Gotham Year One is definitely a noir mystery, whereas Human Target is a more an homage to old school Cary Grant/Hitchcock debonair adventure mysteries. They are much more straight forward than Mister Miracle, which is a cerebral classic. But I love both of these books thus far. In fact, Human Target just might end up on the Tom King Mt Rushmore alongside Superman: Up in the Sky, Mister Miracle, and Omega Men.
To me, Strange Adventures is maybe the only King work that I consider a failure. Batman/Catwoman is a bit of a mess and Rorschach leaned too heavily on trying to emulate Alan Moore (not as badly or as blatant as Geoff Johns’ attempt with Doomsday Clock.) But his newer work is just different than Mr Miracle. Nevertheless, Human Target especially maintains King’s trademark unorthodox narrative style, with quirks and twists and turns fully intact.

On the subject of Tom King attempting different genres, I’d recommend Love Everlasting. It’s a substack book that King is self publishing and it’s a romance comic, with a Tom King twist.

As I said, most of his recent work feels more pastiche than progressive. I thought Strange Adventures had a through-line that was pretty profound when taken as it's own self-contained story. And I'll take Rorschach over Doomsday Clock any day of the week. That one is probably the masterwork no one will acknowledge, despite my issues with the very end of the story. But Gotham City: Year One and Human Target feel like "Tom King writes noir story" rather than "Tom King writes noir story that upends all the tropes". As I said, it's pastiche, and while there's certainly nothing wrong with it, sometimes it feels...obvious.

Regarding Love Everlasting. I signed up for the substack, bought the Image issues and just received the Substack edition of the first trade. It has a very interesting premise, but every consecutive issue just felt like the first issue. The same thing literally happens every issue. I'm hoping the story moves forward a bit more.

That said, Human Target #11 came out today. This is probably the emotional climax of the story and King handles it gracefully, as Christopher Chance and Ice try to come to terms with their relationship and the fact that Chance is dying was a complete accident. I'm sure the five fans of Ice will hate the book, but hell. This is has been a solid ride so far. Can't wait for the finale next month!

Justice Society Of America #2. Never thought I'd say this about Geoff Johns, but I am absolutely loving this book. I'm disturbed by the amount of delays this book is already getting slapped with, as I've found it pretty engrossing as a fan of Earth-2, whose lore Johns seems to be sticking with. There's definitely gonna be weird timeline shenannigans going on throughout the story, but half the excitement is seeing how they get resolved. Also, I'm ecstatic that Jerry Ordway is doing art throughout this series. The man has not lost a step and is just as good as he's ever been. Hopefully this goes for more than 12 issues.

Action Comics #1051: Basically the return of the "Superman Family" title from the 70s. The main story felt a little "eh" as once again Action Comics lands with a muffled pop than a victorious bang. The follow-up story by Dan Jurgens was a fun first chapter, and I adore Lee Weeks' art so any opportunity for more of that is fine by me. I glossed over the Power Girl short. It seems tied to the Lazarus Planet stuff that I'm not reading so I felt lost. Pretty decent issue over all. I hope the book improves.

Flash #791. Got the last copy of the variant cover for this one because I missed out last week and it seems the A-cover and this issue is the first appearance of a new character, hence the speculators managed to snag all the copies. Solid issue. It's great seeing the Flash family reunited. The only narrative snag is the deal with Iris. Everyone seems to think she's dead, while it's pretty clear to me that she's frozen in place(or really, just moving that much more slowly) just like all of the other non-speedster characters. I don't understand why the conclusion that she's dead was made so abruptly or why none of the other Flash family pointed out that she's just frozen. Does this mean that Animal Man and Mr. Terrific are also dead? I don't get it. This plot thread feels really forced, and because we all know no one ever stays dead in comics (ESPECIALLY Iris), this threatens to derail an otherwise really good story.

Nightwing #100. I think I'm out with this book. I can't explain any better than I have in the past, but I really cannot stand Taylor's writing. The whole thing about the prison industrial complex was so ridiculously heavy handed and lacked all of the weight needed to really sell that. I actually laughed out loud when Nightwing gave his speech to the prison-escapees about being held without trial. I previously said this about Taylor's Superman as I dropped that book that his tackling of social justice in his books borders on being, at best, profoundly disingenuous. Here, it was just absurd. For as long as the book was, page-wise, it felt pretty padded and not very special for a 100th issue. I dug the part about Nightwing leading the Justice League and Bruce and Dick's heart to heart, but there's nothing keeping me here anymore, and there's nothing keeping my interest in what will more than likely be a Taylor-penned Justice League revival. Taylor's writing is just blech.

World's Finest #11. This felt like a rushed conclusion. While I liked the revelations of last issue, this felt like the story just wanted to end and did nothing much to make it feel like a solid ending. I AM looking forward to next month's issue though: The date between Supergirl and Robin.

My shop didn't include my copy of Detective Comics so I'll be picking that up later this week and now i have to try to track down Stargirl #3, which also introduces a new character that is causing speculators to buy it up like crazy.
As I said, most of his recent work feels more pastiche than progressive. I thought Strange Adventures had a through-line that was pretty profound when taken as it's own self-contained story. And I'll take Rorschach over Doomsday Clock any day of the week. That one is probably the masterwork no one will acknowledge, despite my issues with the very end of the story. But Gotham City: Year One and Human Target feel like "Tom King writes noir story" rather than "Tom King writes noir story that upends all the tropes". As I said, it's pastiche, and while there's certainly nothing wrong with it, sometimes it feels...obvious.

Regarding Love Everlasting. I signed up for the substack, bought the Image issues and just received the Substack edition of the first trade. It has a very interesting premise, but every consecutive issue just felt like the first issue. The same thing literally happens every issue. I'm hoping the story moves forward a bit more.

That said, Human Target #11 came out today. This is probably the emotional climax of the story and King handles it gracefully, as Christopher Chance and Ice try to come to terms with their relationship and the fact that Chance is dying was a complete accident. I'm sure the five fans of Ice will hate the book, but hell. This is has been a solid ride so far. Can't wait for the finale next month!

Justice Society Of America #2. Never thought I'd say this about Geoff Johns, but I am absolutely loving this book. I'm disturbed by the amount of delays this book is already getting slapped with, as I've found it pretty engrossing as a fan of Earth-2, whose lore Johns seems to be sticking with. There's definitely gonna be weird timeline shenannigans going on throughout the story, but half the excitement is seeing how they get resolved. Also, I'm ecstatic that Jerry Ordway is doing art throughout this series. The man has not lost a step and is just as good as he's ever been. Hopefully this goes for more than 12 issues.

Action Comics #1051: Basically the return of the "Superman Family" title from the 70s. The main story felt a little "eh" as once again Action Comics lands with a muffled pop than a victorious bang. The follow-up story by Dan Jurgens was a fun first chapter, and I adore Lee Weeks' art so any opportunity for more of that is fine by me. I glossed over the Power Girl short. It seems tied to the Lazarus Planet stuff that I'm not reading so I felt lost. Pretty decent issue over all. I hope the book improves.

Flash #791. Got the last copy of the variant cover for this one because I missed out last week and it seems the A-cover and this issue is the first appearance of a new character, hence the speculators managed to snag all the copies. Solid issue. It's great seeing the Flash family reunited. The only narrative snag is the deal with Iris. Everyone seems to think she's dead, while it's pretty clear to me that she's frozen in place(or really, just moving that much more slowly) just like all of the other non-speedster characters. I don't understand why the conclusion that she's dead was made so abruptly or why none of the other Flash family pointed out that she's just frozen. Does this mean that Animal Man and Mr. Terrific are also dead? I don't get it. This plot thread feels really forced, and because we all know no one ever stays dead in comics (ESPECIALLY Iris), this threatens to derail an otherwise really good story.

Nightwing #100. I think I'm out with this book. I can't explain any better than I have in the past, but I really cannot stand Taylor's writing. The whole thing about the prison industrial complex was so ridiculously heavy handed and lacked all of the weight needed to really sell that. I actually laughed out loud when Nightwing gave his speech to the prison-escapees about being held without trial. I previously said this about Taylor's Superman as I dropped that book that his tackling of social justice in his books borders on being, at best, profoundly disingenuous. Here, it was just absurd. For as long as the book was, page-wise, it felt pretty padded and not very special for a 100th issue. I dug the part about Nightwing leading the Justice League and Bruce and Dick's heart to heart, but there's nothing keeping me here anymore, and there's nothing keeping my interest in what will more than likely be a Taylor-penned Justice League revival. Taylor's writing is just blech.

World's Finest #11. This felt like a rushed conclusion. While I liked the revelations of last issue, this felt like the story just wanted to end and did nothing much to make it feel like a solid ending. I AM looking forward to next month's issue though: The date between Supergirl and Robin.

My shop didn't include my copy of Detective Comics so I'll be picking that up later this week and now i have to try to track down Stargirl #3, which also introduces a new character that is causing speculators to buy it up like crazy.
Wow! I so appreciate your reviews and your insights. I find them so fascinating because you and I could not disagree more on so many titles. I disliked Strange Adventures and Rorschach but I absolutely love Human Target. I am over the moon about Nightwing and I think Tom Taylor is a master writer. Also I love World’s Finest and thought that the latest issue was perfect.

And you seem to disagree on every point and that is just so interesting to me. I love hearing your differing opinions. It challenges me and makes me zero in all the more on what I appreciate about the titles that I like. It also makes me appreciate the fact that there are different strokes for different folks.
Titans are getting a new on-going as the new top tier team taking over for the JL. Nicola will be the artist

Cyborg is also getting a new solo and looks like WW is getting a new team pretty soon
Wow! I so appreciate your reviews and your insights. I find them so fascinating because you and I could not disagree more on so many titles. I disliked Strange Adventures and Rorschach but I absolutely love Human Target. I am over the moon about Nightwing and I think Tom Taylor is a master writer. Also I love World’s Finest and thought that the latest issue was perfect.

And you seem to disagree on every point and that is just so interesting to me. I love hearing your differing opinions. It challenges me and makes me zero in all the more on what I appreciate about the titles that I like. It also makes me appreciate the fact that there are different strokes for different folks.

You should have heard the audible groan I unleashed this afternoon when I saw Taylor was writing the new Titans book :D Nicola Scott's doing the artwork though, so atleast it'll look nice.

I think Strange Adventures and Rorschach deserve a re-read. Strange Adventures moreso for the themes and the way it examines the archetype that is Adam Strange. I'm not very nostaglic, so as much as I like the usual Adam Strange stuff, I was able to easily divorce myself from that to find a pretty engrossing story. Rorschach's philosophies were what hooked me and how King manages to weave that into the Watchmen universe without explicitly dealing with any of the major characters was pretty fascinating. The ending just really bugged me in how simplistic it seemed to reduce the ideas presented beforehand. But perhaps a re-read will clarify.

To be clear, I've largely enjoyed World's Finest, but this recent issue just didn't land with me.
I love them. Especially Icon. It maintains the essential and core elements of their origin stories. Where they do change them up, I think they improve them. I only read the first two issues of the new Blood Syndicate, but it was a bit slower burn and probably felt like it had the most changes.
I'll keep that in mind. Always found many of the characters interesting, particularly Icon and Xombi. I knew they did Icon & Rocket and Static, did not know about Blood Syndicate. They did Hardware too, yes?

Actually, that reminds me, I need to get that Xombi mini illustrated by Frazer Irving years ago.

Still buying books I don't need, like Punisher: Return to Big Nothing. The HC is beautiful.
New comics week

Action Comics #1051

With this we pretty much start the year of the Superfamily fully.
And it’s a good start for sure.
It’s the first time I realized how much I needed the Superfamily to be together.

Seems I am a bigger fan of such Family team-ups than I thought.
Sure Batfamily is always melting my heart, Flashfamily is always fun and im excited for the Arrowfamily…but with this I just really realized how much I love stuff like this.
Seeing them be together as Family and Superheroes is just such a nice feeling.
Other than that…lets see where this arc goes, it has a lot of potential.

Had a lot of fun with not just the main story, but the other 2 stories too.
Absolutely a great start.

As for Covers, go with the Main one, I think that one is the best.
Unless you are a Power Girl fan, then you have a lot of choice.
A lot of Power Girl Variant Covers…I wonder why XD

Detective Comics #1068

Oh man, Ram V is so good.
How he incorporates so many things into his story, is just fantastic.
His writing creates such a great vibe where you almost feel like you are sitting in Gotham and watch this all unfold.
Here and there I think the Art doesn’t do this enough justice, but then there are incredible Great panels there too that absolutely manage that.
And the cherry on top is the use of Two Face…which I love so much.
Such a great Run so far…absolutely A+
Go with the Main Cover, its incredible…but In-Hyuk Lee’s is fantastic too.

Harley Quinn #26

Yeah, not much to say.
The Arc I like continues with the same quality.
I didn’t saw the last panel coming, but i like the cliffhanger.
Another IMO underrated Infinite Frontier run.
The Main Cover Is great, but as fan of Ivy/Harley, Tiago Da Silva is your choice.
In general the Harely Quinn covers are underrated, be it the normal ones or the Variant ones.

Just 3 Issues this Week, but im more than pleased with them.
Was just doing some re-reading of early 2000’s era Supes, and I’m just gonna throw out my hot take for the day that Joe Kelly’s best issue of Action Comics is not #775, but #792.


Gets me misty-eyed every time.:cry:

I wish I could force this issue onto anyone adapting the character, or any fan who tries to minimize the importance of mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent to Superman’s story.

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