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Discussion: The REPUBLICAN Party - Part 16

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If he has the delegate majority and they give it to someone else at the convention all hell breaks loose.

I don't think people quite understand how severe this collapse is.
If he has the delegate majority and they give it to someone else at the convention all hell breaks loose.

I don't think people quite understand how severe this collapse is.

It won't. Those are the rules. More Republicans favor other candidates over Trump and he didn't get enough to win the nomination. For every "Republican" that is upset there will be many more sighing in relief. If it's done correctly of course it could be a super ticket where everyone wins. A Rubio/Kasich ticket while promising Ted Cruz an appointment on the Supreme Court. It will have to be handled well, but it can be done with little blowback. I trust Romney is smart enough to know what he's doing. Reagan won more states in 76 and there was a brokered convention that led to Ford gaining the nomination. The Republican Party did not collapse and all hell did not break loose.
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Holy crap.....are you kidding me. TED CRUZ on the Supreme Court.....A LIFETIME APPOINTMENT? PLEASE....PLEASE, just give him the Presidency right now, and we only have to live with him for 4 years....hell, I'll take Trump for 8 years. Good grief!
I really find it pathetic that GOP debates resort to insults about penis size. And these men think they're fit for Presidency?

I really find it pathetic that GOP debates resort to insults about penis size. And these men think they're fit for Presidency?

Then talk to Rubio for bringing up the small hands bit in the first place. The insinuation he tried to creatively avoid saying on his campaign stops didn't fool anyone on what he was actually trying to say.
Rubio lost any good vibes my way after he went on his anti-Trump campaign before Super Tuesday. He and Romney can take a leap.
Then talk to Rubio for bringing up the small hands bit in the first place. The insinuation he tried to creatively avoid saying on his campaign stops didn't fool anyone on what he was actually trying to say.

I wasn't referring to just Trump. You notice I said GOP debates and these men, not Trump debates and Trump. They're all immature children.
Romney is denying the scenario where he becomes the nominee via brokered convention. But I don't believe him.
Romney is denying the scenario where he becomes the nominee via brokered convention. But I don't believe him.
Hard to trust him now, especially with him going full anti-Trump and then not endorsing any one candidate. With how highly regarded he is within the Establishment circles/donors still, it wouldn't surprise me if he's angling for it. I think it'd be a mistake since he's been rejected twice by the voters and it feels more like he's bored than actually caring about the job.
So, I'm not that big into politics but if Trump does get the nomination and stays as a Republican, is this going to set the party back, long term? With Trump being accused of bigotry against Spanish and Hispanics, will Democrats use this in a "hey, remember when you guys supported a racist?" sort of way?

Doubt it. The GOP has been inherently racist for a long, long time. For many Trump is simply saying what they've been thinking.
I really find it pathetic that GOP debates resort to insults about penis size. And these men think they're fit for Presidency?


They really need to do an Idiocracy sequel.

It basically writes itself this time around.
How is Ted Cruz running for the President? He's Canadian. I thought the law has always been that you have to born on U.S. soil to hold office, period.
Not born on U.S Soil.
Natural Born.
His mother was born in america
So, I'm not that big into politics but if Trump does get the nomination and stays as a Republican, is this going to set the party back, long term? With Trump being accused of bigotry against Spanish and Hispanics, will Democrats use this in a "hey, remember when you guys supported a racist?" sort of way?
Accused? Have you seen his rallies? He is a racist piece of trash.

As to setting the party back. It has a very real chance.
Ironically, quite a few of Cruz's supporters were probably birthers who attacked Obama.
Then talk to Rubio for bringing up the small hands bit in the first place. The insinuation he tried to creatively avoid saying on his campaign stops didn't fool anyone on what he was actually trying to say.

The small hands thing goes back 25 years at least. Graydon Carter once called Trunp a "short fingered vulgarian" and Trump has never gotten over it.

Graydon Carter said:
Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers. I almost feel sorry for the poor fellow because, to me, the fingers still look abnormally stubby. The most recent offering arrived earlier this year, before his decision to go after the Republican presidential nomination. Like the other packages, this one included a circled hand and the words, also written in gold Sharpie: “See, not so short!” I sent the picture back by return mail with a note attached, saying, “Actually, quite short.” Which I can only assume gave him fits.


This past Sunday John Olliver brought it up on his show. Rubio must have heard about it and decided to pick on Trump about it.

The fact that after 25 years Trump still has never gotten over it shows just how incredibly thin skinned Trump is.
Trump is the dictionary definition of thin skinned. Just look up Michael Moore's story of how the two appeared on a show together and Trump asked Moore not to be mean to him. What a tough guy.
Not born on U.S Soil.
Natural Born.
His mother was born in america

Yeah Cruz's excuse is a stretch. I believe his nomination could be contested on this alone.
Trump is the dictionary definition of thin skinned. Just look up Michael Moore's story of how the two appeared on a show together and Trump asked Moore not to be mean to him. What a tough guy.

I remember reading about that.
Oh come on now, Trump in all likelihood said that jokingly. In case you guys haven't noticed the guy cracks a joke whether inappropriate or appropriate like every other second.
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It won't. Those are the rules. More Republicans favor other candidates over Trump and he didn't get enough to win the nomination. For every "Republican" that is upset there will be many more sighing in relief. If it's done correctly of course it could be a super ticket where everyone wins. A Rubio/Kasich ticket while promising Ted Cruz an appointment on the Supreme Court. It will have to be handled well, but it can be done with little blowback. I trust Romney is smart enough to know what he's doing. Reagan won more states in 76 and there was a brokered convention that led to Ford gaining the nomination. The Republican Party did not collapse and all hell did not break loose.

The brokered convention won't happen and if it does and the "establishment" gets their way by plugging some random fool as their candidate instead, the Republican party is absolutely dead. Trump supporters will not vote for anyone else. They will skip out on the election and some will probably vote for Clinton/Sanders out of pure spite.

There are no clear rules for a modern day brokered convention. The RNC and DNC aren't set up in the same way as it was before. You don't really have smoked filled rooms with party bosses who have power absolute (although you can have a variation of that depending on the individuals pulling the strings) .

If Trump comes to the convention with the majority delegates and ends up walking away as a nobody and the RNC picks someone else, I will bet everything on the party imploding and Trump running in his own created party with a following that will probably keep growing.

People keep underestimating Trump and I'm telling people here that the modern Western world has never quite seen something like this.
The majority of Republicans in the Texas Legislature .And the states past two Governors supported him they know him better then anyone .

Cruz doesn't even have the support of John Cornyn, the other Senator from Texas.

Many have said in Texas that had Kay Bailey Hutchison not retired or David Dewhurst had won, Cruz would have ran against Cornyn.
Yeah Cruz's excuse is a stretch.
It's not. Most legal scholars believe he is eligible, and that the natural born citizen clause requires only that you be, at birth, a citizen -- which Cruz was, via his mother.

In other news, evidently Cruz is focused on preventing Rubio from winning Florida in the hopes of forcing him to drop out, thus gifting the state's delegates to Trump. Party first, eh Ted?
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