The Doctor Doom Thread

Wake me up when it comes from a credible source

Mads Mikkelsen is in discussions with Marvel Studios regarding a potential new role, distinct from his previous portrayal as Kaecilius. (Source: @DanielRPK)
This is the 2nd source saying the GREAT Mads Mikkelsen may be up for Doom or implied to be...just wish Marvel would cast him, it would give me hope that Doom is at least in good hands actor wise...the man has a presence like no other and is born to play him in Hannibal and you can see why...
Posted by user MakeMineMarvel999 on reddit in response to Doom needs more build up: this is all fan fiction but I found it interesting and realistic

How many movies have you written, Bill Shakespeare?

Remind me how much screen time Darth Vader enjoyed before the final scenes of RETURN OF THE JEDI?

Doom will have had two to three times as much by the time we reach AVENGERS SECRET WARS.

Doom mentioned or hinted at...
Doom sends FF to alternate future from 1960s.
THUNDERBOLTS—July 25, 2025
Doom saves team from Sentry; kills Sentry. Seen by world as new and superior Iron Man.
BLADE—Nov 7, 2025
ARMOR WARS—Feb 13, 2026
Doom uses Hammer as cover for reprogramming Ultron as his personal body guard.
AVENGERS V—May 1, 2026
Doom prevents Wanda's suicide with his Space-Time Platform. Doom convinces Wanda to wipe out Kangs and TVA. Compromises Atlas-Loki.
Doom, Wanda, and Strange find dying Eternity, killed by Incursions. Wanda and Strange are unwilling to take Eternity's omnipotence, so Doom does and saves timelines by creating Battleworld

Stop repeating nonsense. Even if this doesn't play out, clearly there is PLENTY of time.

The last laugh is going to be the best![\quote]
so, if their coming for the 60's {and possibly an alternate Earth}

will Doom also come for that time period? {and possibly an alternate Earth?}
or will he already be from the current MCU timeline (and their Earth)

an only interact with them once they come too present day?
I am very nervous Doom will be in the present already and have no backstory with the FF. But I hope it doesn't play out that way
Everyone’s going to hate me but just bear with me. I hope they go less mcu and more foxverse for the doom backstory. By that of course I mean giving it as the gravitas and nuance as Charles and Erik.

like, if they nail that pivotal scene at university with the accident and reed’s arrogance that day, they’ve got it!
Everyone’s going to hate me but just bear with me. I hope they go less mcu and more foxverse for the doom backstory. By that of course I mean giving it as the gravitas and nuance as Charles and Erik.

like, if they nail that pivotal scene at university with the accident and reed’s arrogance that day, they’ve got it!

“I want Doom to be a major character with a major connection to Reed - Like Charles and Erik in X-Men as opposed to the one and done undeveloped villains we’ve often seen in the MCU.”

I think you’d get nearly universal agreement with that statement.

“I want something like the Foxverse.” Well now you’re just trying to piss people off, because Fox did two terrible iterations of Doom.:rofl:
Who knows when Black Panther 3 is going to release at this point. Might not be until after Avengers 5 or Secret Wars.

I still think rushing Doom is a mistake, but regardless of my personal feelings, we haven't heard anything about Black Panther 3. Not many rumblings, so it doesn't seem like it's that close
My gut feeling is that they hold off on Black Panther 3 until after Secret Wars. Mainly so they can use the multiverse to bring back T'Challa via a variant.
My gut feeling is that they hold off on Black Panther 3 until after Secret Wars. Mainly so they can use the multiverse to bring back T'Challa via a variant.
I am thinking that's the play also
Who knows when Black Panther 3 is going to release at this point. Might not be until after Avengers 5 or Secret Wars.

I still think rushing Doom is a mistake, but regardless of my personal feelings, we haven't heard anything about Black Panther 3. Not many rumblings, so it doesn't seem like it's that close
I mean look at Thanos...two extended appearance in GOTG and then his massive impact in Infinity War (essentially his movie) and then its not necessarily rushing Doom...

As an uber Doom fanatic, they can still have time to showcase Doom here and there across some of these movies, a cameo here, a cameo there, retromaking him the reason for some of the past MCU things (the Wakanda Forever subplot for one, could be the true boss to Valentina, the Moon Knight connection (his castle/Latveria in first episode), you can have him do all kinds of stuff after Secret Wars with the reboot...Dr. Strange 3 with him (Triumph and Torment), Black Panther 3 (Doomwar), if Galactus invades, of course anything with the F4 and maybe eventually developing a connection to Valeria, should Sue give birth to her....
I mean look at Thanos...two extended appearance in GOTG and then his massive impact in Infinity War (essentially his movie) and then its not necessarily rushing Doom...

As an uber Doom fanatic, they can still have time to showcase Doom here and there across some of these movies, a cameo here, a cameo there, retromaking him the reason for some of the past MCU things (the Wakanda Forever subplot for one, could be the true boss to Valentina, the Moon Knight connection (his castle/Latveria in first episode), you can have him do all kinds of stuff after Secret Wars with the reboot...Dr. Strange 3 with him (Triumph and Torment), Black Panther 3 (Doomwar), if Galactus invades, of course anything with the F4 and maybe eventually developing a connection to Valeria, should Sue give birth to her....
Doom isn't Thanos. Thanos was billed as a final boss who and that's easier to explain in 1 movie. Doom's backstory is more complicated, and he is at his core a dude in an armored suit. He has to do something to elevate himself as a threat that requires a 2 part finale. It's not the same dynamic as Thanos in any way. Even without the stones, Thanos was being billed as the most powerful being in the universe.

Also again, we don't know what their plans are beyond the 2025 crop of movies. At the time of the announced Avengers 5 and Secret Wars, Black Panther 3 was not on the slate at all. So we have no idea what the time frame of that project or what plans are for it. They very well could be waiting on it so they can use Secret Wars to somehow age up T'Challas son cause of the various Letitia Wright controversies and such. Even if this is doable, Black Panther 3 wouldn't be happening until basically right before or in between Avengers 5 and Secret Wars if Avengers 5 still ends up a 2026 movie. But I doubt it's a 2026 movie given we don't even have Armor Wars and other things we know are coming yet. So I cannot see this happening until Black Panther 3 actually has some indication it's coming in the near future
I don’t think we need to know too much about Doom prior to his first appearance (and
I would kind of prefer the audience NOT know too much about him at the start to enhance the mystery and danger of the character.

But I think Secret Wars is unique.

I’m not comfortable with him being thrown into Secret Wars as a primary character without us knowing something about him first.

I also don’t like the idea of them using a script for Secret Wars that was written around Kang and just throwing Doom in there as a replacement.

But I don’t know if either of those fears are founded at this point.

But what I do know (or at least strongly believe) is Doom is the single most important character Marvel has and if they want the next ten years to work, they need to do Doom right.

And I’m nervous.

Marvel hasn’t done a character like Doom, so I have no idea if they can or will do him right.

Probably the closest they’ve done is Loki, but he’s so drastically different than Doom, I don’t know what to expect.
I think Doom's model needs to echo Loki more than Thanos. You need the movie that establishes Doom. Preferably for me it would be a FF film. We get his backstory, he faces the FF, and we establish him like Thor did for Loki. From there, Doom can be a supporting player in other things and we build toward whatever mega event we are building towards with Doom as the big bad then through his various appearances. That to me is the proper way to introduce Doom and build him up. The Thanos model worked for Thanos, but Doom is much more unique and a different beast entriely.

I also don't want Doom haphazardly tossed into an event built around Kang as a panic move. Which is what it feels like we would be getting at this point. We can easily toss in fan theories on how they can swap him in there, but while we are limited by imagination, Marvel Studios is limited by cost and whatever is already in production. Meaning to make this hypothetical plan work, you have to possibly reshape the entire map, and many of these projects are already being filled, preparing to film, or are written. We have no idea beyond what they've announced what's going where in the puzzle or what's more or less done than other projects. Black Panther 3 is to going to suddenly come before Armor Wars for example. We also don't know if they're delaying Avengers 5 with the Kang rumors or anything. So right now what happens is really anyone's guess. But I wouldn't marry yourself to a possible game plan that we are making with imaginary money and such that may not reflect whatever Marvel's plans are based on what's already underway.
^Well that article makes me wonder. So much so that I'm having a hard time coming up with a follow on statement.

Doom needs to be handled well and planned out almost like a movie on his own even if his script plays out over several films. I really really want them to hit this one out of the park, and at the time I thought the fallout in Sokovia was the perfect setup for it. Now I'm concerned it's been too long for that to work.

Is this confirmed different reality from the original before a Secret Wars/Deadpool reset? Cause that gives them more leeway but they really really need to nail this one. What made the MCU great in the past was focus on characters and understanding of source material. Let's hope they recapture that with this one.

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