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Lounge of Justice - Part 90

That is a rather weak oversimplification even for the internet...

Yeah as a DC fan that has watched most of their films in theater since mid 2000s, I won't be subscribing to HBO Max for Batgirl and Blue Beetles but I might go to the theater with my whole family if they release it there by the time it comes out. I might even take them to watch Black Widow when it's in theaters, and we're not even hardcore Marvel fans. Is that complicated enough for ya from a consumer and business perspective?
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Nah, a company trying to brand itself as the king of diversity then dumps Batgirl and Blue Beetles on streaming :funny:Has HBO Max even gone worldwide yet?

That's like Disney releasing Black Widow, Black Panther & Shang Chi on streaming only, come up with a bunch of excuses and talk down their potentials.

Black Widow should have been a single season streaming show. Its not like she's going to be doing anything MCU shattering in this prequel, and a show would have allowed more time to explore her family and where she came from.

Black Panther , Wakanda, Klaw, and Killmonger would have all defibitely benefited from the extended runtime of a streaming show.

Id be willing to bet Shang Chi and most MCU origin stories would be better as streaming shows rather than rushed cookie cutter 2 hour films.

If WB/HBO wants to give Batgirl 8 - 10 hours to establish the character and the world thats a good thing afaiac. I care more about character development and world building than the size of the screen I watch the character on.
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In the age we're living in that's not "dumping" the character on streaming anymore than Marvel sending Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, Ironheart, Echo and She-Hulk to Disney+ is dumping them. I get that WB is the bad guy here but that's a weird argument to be making in light of months of people demanding the studio make two Justice League sequels for it.
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Yeah as a DC fan that has watched most of their films in theater since mid 2000s, I won't be subscribing to HBO Max for Batgirl and Blue Beetles but I might go to the theater with my whole family if they release it there by the time it comes out. I might even take them to watch Black Widow when it's in theaters, and we're not even hardcore Marvel fans. Is that complicated enough for ya from a consumer and business perspective?

Congrats...you are now using anecdotal evidence to make your point. Are you a clickbaiter ;) :o:o:o while your anecdote is a good one and I don't doubt it is true in your case, more people I know are the exact opposite of you. Most of my friends with kids would much rather watch it on their 60 inch TV at home than spend $50+ at the cinema and worry about snacks and bathroom breaks and driving and...etc. Hell they would pay for HBO Max just to be able to do that...especially since they don't have a pay tier in place like Di$ney does.

It is cute though when the internet makes it seem like every decision is made in a vacuum. They just can never quite wrap their head around that more goes into it than "Herr dats about one a dem Latinos weez best not poot dat in derr theaters mmmkay!1!1"

I remember when the some of the same people now hating this wanted Cyborg to be on HBO Max not even a year ago. I guess the Snyder Fans aren't into diversity either...

I remember when I watched Birds of Prey premiere on HBO Max...wonder why that wasn't in theaters. Not enough White Men! :o (for those that don't get it I am kidding of course it was in the theaters I went to the sneak preview!)

It has been so nice that there hasn't been any whining from racists about DC films. Certainly havent heard any arguments about "race swapping" when dealing with WB the last few years around here amirite? It isn't like they don't have Black characters on every show (often playing traditionally White characters) along with massive amounts of LGBTQ characters. It isn't like they havent done two Wonder Woman films and a third is coming. Black Superman anyone? And lest we forget they hired a Pacific Islander to play Aquaman (again traditional White character) whereas Di$ney doesn't even let Asians play Asians half the time! ;) :o

I am sure it is just a weird coincidence that the only ones who seem vocal about any of this (especially on Twitter) are Snyder Superfans.

Look I am not saying WB is some bastion of multiculturalism and should be held up as the gold standard but they are as good as anyone else. Blue Beetle will likely be more successful on HBO Max than it would be in the theaters and there is probably a much better chance it gets sequels and expansion there. No pressure on the story or opening weekends. No worries about "legs" and RT scores. It is 100% on engagement. Anyone who has friends with kids knows if they like something they will watch it Eleventy Billion times on streaming. In the theaters, they might see it twice but likely once then either buy the DVD/VOD or just stream anyways. The movie can takes its time to grow an audience. Same thing we all said in the Snyder thread about ZSJL and various other projects we hoped he would get to do on HBO Max if they let him continue his version of the universe. Its the same rationale people use for the existence of Netflix for Pete's sake. The threshold for success is much lower and the amount of positive headlines it will get if it is even a minor success will trump anything it would have gotten being a small success on the Big Screen. Hell WW84 was able to be spun into a success and we all saw the reaction to that film!
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In the age we're living in that's not "dumping" the character on streaming anymore than Marvel sending Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, Ironheart, Echo and She-Hulk to Disney+ is dumping them. I get that WB is the bad guy here but that's a weird argument to be making in light of months of people demanding the studio make two Justice League sequels for it.

Well Zack is White so maybe they want him relegated there because of that ;)

When Di$ney does it it is smart and in no way offensive to anyone! (cause Di$ney sure doesn't have a history of being...problematic on many fronts up to and including the present day ;) )When WB does it it is because they are the devil! Plus...ZACK SNYDER!!1!1! :o

I guess I wonder why streaming services should exist for all these studios if they aren't going to add content. If they are just for post theater release viewing that will get stale fast and likely not work long term except for things like Disney+ and the kids stuff. Even hardcore MCU fans aren't going to just keep watching over and over ad infinitum meaning a plateau is inevitable. That is why new content is needed. Well what better way to use it than to take smaller properties that are unknown to the masses and give it a shot there. Give it a series or film that doesn't need to adhere to the needs and wants of the theater system. (like say a 4 hour Justice League film!) Let lesser known directors or creators have a shot at telling a story without the pressure a film (especially Superhero films) would be under in the theater. Make the odds better it is successful because it won't be based on BO receipts but on how many watch it and how did they react.

Who knew it was actually just Jim Crow ;)

The whole argument reminds me of something that happened in my home state. We are known for our High School Hockey tournament every year. The Boys tourny can sell out the NHL arena especially if the larger schools are in it. (the smaller class of schools sells well but not sellout well until the championship) The Girls tourny gets almost no one to show up in comparison...it just doesn't have the fan base. (though it does well enough) The Girls sued to get their tourny in the NHL arena under Title IX because they deemed it unfair they played in a smaller arena. (there is a college team that plays at my alma mater and they have a nice arena that is perfect size) They won. They have been playing at the NHL arena and it is a ghost town. The 2-3k fans they get are awash in a sea of empty seats in an 18k seat arena. They look like no one cares and there is no atmosphere which is what makes the tourny fun. If they had stayed in the college arena (which holds I believe 3k) they would sell out every game, the atmosphere would be super hyped and they could build a better brand and larger audience. (the college teams sells it out and has one of the strongest and deepest fanbases because of it...they were not popular when they played in a larger Mens arena) Now the Women were right, all things being equal or in a vacuum they should have all the same opportunities the Men do. I 100% always support that Title IX is a big yes from me. But practically speaking, they would be infinity better off staying where they were...
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Curious to know ya'lls casting choices for a JL line up in the 90s. Also, please don't use any of the batmen from that era. Keep it fresh. lol











Green Lantern/Hal



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Curious to know ya'lls casting choices for a JL line up in the 90s. Also, please don't use any of the batmen from that era. Keep it fresh. lol
There was a thread about this a while back. Here was mine...

Superman/Clark Kent-Billy Campbell
Batman/Bruce Wayne-Alec Baldwin/Mel Gibson(added)
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince-Lucy Lawless/Catherine Zeta-Jones
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan-Tom Cruise
Aquaman/Arthur Curry-Brad Pitt
Flash/Barry Allen-Matthew Broderick
Martian Manhunter-Lawrence Fishbourne
There was a thread about this a while back. Here was mine...

Superman/Clark Kent-Billy Campbell
Batman/Bruce Wayne-Alec Baldwin/Mel Gibson(added)
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince-Lucy Lawless/Catherine Zeta-Jones
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan-Tom Cruise
Aquaman/Arthur Curry-Brad Pitt
Flash/Barry Allen-Matthew Broderick
Martian Manhunter-Lawrence Fishbourne

perfect choices.

i will always maintain that 90s alec baldwin would've have been the perfect pulp era version of bruce wayne /batman.

1994's the shadow is basically one of the best batman movies that is not actually batman.
From THR's piece.

In addition to Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Warners has a full roster of DC Film projects coming up, including The Batman (March 4, 2022), The Flash (Nov. 4, 2022), and Warners’ and New Line’s Black Adam (July 29, 2022) and Shazam! Fury of the Gods (June 2, 2023). Blue Beetle, Batgirl, Supergirl, Green Lantern Corps, Static Shock and Wonder Woman 3 are also in the works.

Hopefully there's more on those two at Fandome.
Superman - Keanu Reeves
Batman - Andy Garcia
Wonder Woman - Madeleine Stowe
Flash - Christian Slater
Green Lantern John - Wesley Snipes
Green Lantern Guy - Woody Harrelson
Aquaman - Kevin Costner
Cyborg - Ice Cube
From THR's piece.

Hopefully there's more on those two at Fandome.

Despite all the drama over at that studio I’m actually REALLY hyped about DC’s upcoming stuff! Their upcoming movies tantalize me more than Marvel’s currently. Each project seems like its going to be its own wildly different thing.

Only one I’m skeptical about is The Flash. Like, I feel like i should be HYPED AF about that movie because my favorite Batman is making his grand return in it but…I dont know. I need a clearer idea of what this movie is, I guess.
From THR's piece.

Hopefully there's more on those two at Fandome.

Was Green Lantern Corp relegated because Kilowog is an Alien of Color? Damn WB and their lack of diversity with aliens!! :o
No idea if this was already posted, but...

Brillant. I just start re-watching one of my favourite alt-dimensions TV series 'Fringe' on big screen projector - it's always a treat to see & hear John Nobles again.
I dont get the Mathew Broderick casting...I love the guy but nothing about him says Flash at all especially Barry.
I just can't get into musicals. Might as well put nails on chalkboard for me. The only one that was tolerable is LA LA Land, but even that was wearing thin on me. Honestly, that film could've done without all them musicals scenes imo.

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