Superhero Cinematic Civil War - Part 57

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Cap used to be, I agree, but the second act brings it down for me a notch. I'd agree with Ant-Man, Strange and Iron Man 3 being others that are underrated, but I'd also add Captain Marvel. I know a lot of people were down on that one, but it's one of my MCU favs.
The first Cap movie is an okay movie, the only thing I loved about it was Steve, Bucky, the commandos and that he became a man out of time (I knew nothing about the comics so I was surprised by that ending. It was the most interesting part of the movie for me). As much as I loved Winter soldier and Civil war, it never made me like First Avenger more. Endgame actually made me like CATFA less. The ending is now pointless since he went back to this time. I'll forever hate how they wrapped up Cap's story. Every time I rewatch Endgame, I stop at Tony's funeral.

Most underrated MCU movies.

Doctor Strange
Avengers Age of Ultron
Captain Marvel
Iron man 3
And the Fantastic Four being trapped in the Quantum Realm. And then a Jon Watts movie.

*eye roll*
Was it confirmed they will be trapped in the Quantum realm? And you guys better leave my man Jon Watts alone :argh:
While I did enjoy the first two episodes of WandaVision, I was honestly a bit bored. Not enough story spread over basically 50 minutes of episodes. That said, I am just sitting here waiting for the inevitable Pietro cameo.

They better bring him back. Wanda needs her brother.
For me the first Thor movie is THE most under rated MCU movie. It has plenty of comedy but all of the emotional beats hit even now almost 10 years later. Thor Vs The Frost giants was also the best Phase 1 solo movie action scene.

Only the first Ant-Man and Captain Marvel movies come close in terms of being under rated for me.
Eh, I still don’t care for the first Thor. I mean, it’s fine, it has some solid character dynamics (and one awful one) and has one of the best Marvel scores, but that’s about all I can say for it. I usually like Branagh as a director, but his direction on that film...just didn’t really work for me. I didn’t care for the costumes or production design (everything was too shiny and plastic-y) and his Dutch angles were heavy-handed to the point of distraction. Also he should be arrested for what he did to Chris Hemsworth’s eyebrows, lol.

I consider Captain Marvel and Iron Man 3 to be the most underrated MCU flicks.
Captain America TFA, Thor, Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel are all underrated gems of the MCU. I know people find Ant Man & The Wasp forgettable, but I appreciate it for the mindless fun movie that it was.

But after rewatching Captain Marvel earlier this week I still stand by the notion that it is better than Wonder Woman. Even with gentle Skrulls.

Was it confirmed they will be trapped in the Quantum realm? And you guys better leave my man Jon Watts alone :argh:

Nah I’m just talking my unsolicited theories. But you know that’s where they’re driving at. And we’ll see about Mr. Watts....
Can we George Lucas the first Thor and fix those eyebrows?

It not have been my most anticipated thing, but I was looking to watch it at some point, until I found out what they did to Trish and Jessica's friendship and then I just dropped my interest in the show.

I didn't like what season 2 did with anybody but I didn't mind Season 3. I'd call that a pretty good season. What happened with Trish there didn't bother me tbh.
The first Cap movie is an okay movie, the only thing I loved about it was Steve, Bucky, the commandos and that he became a man out of time (I knew nothing about the comics so I was surprised by that ending. It was the most interesting part of the movie for me). As much as I loved Winter soldier and Civil war, it never made me like First Avenger more. Endgame actually made me like CATFA less. The ending is now pointless since he went back to this time. I'll forever hate how they wrapped up Cap's story. Every time I rewatch Endgame, I stop at Tony's funeral.

Most underrated MCU movies.

Doctor Strange
Avengers Age of Ultron
Captain Marvel
Iron man 3
I was pretty unaware of him being a man out of time as well and I would agree with your most underrated MCU movies. I might swap Strange with Ant-Man or just add Ant-Man all together but I agree.
On one hand, I loved Captain Marvel, so I am invested in Monica.

On the other hand, I just do not give a **** about Wanda and Vision. Their "love story" is not something I ever believed.

Eh, I will just watch Dinosaurs and The Muppet Show, I guess.

I loved CM as well. That one would be my choice for most underrated MCU flick. It drags a bit when Fury and Carol are doing detective work, but everything that happens after Talos slurps his Big Gulp is delightful.

I'm probably more invested in Wandavision than some because of my fondness for their relationship in the comics. It was one of the first ones that I remember depicting romantic involvement in a realistic manner.

I'm engaged enough to want to see how it all wraps itself up and of course whatever connections to the Doc Strange sequel and the wider MCU as a whole it may have...

But some of the praise it's getting for it's first two episodes baffles me a bit. It was solid enough, but amazing in any way? Nah... I'm sorry.

WandaVision is a wonderfully faithful rendition of classic sitcoms that looks great and features terrific performances. But it also carrier a sinister undercurrent with ties to the greater MCU. And it is also completely different from the prior 23 MCU films, which according to some folks all follow the same exact formula. What's not to love?
I'll watch episode 3 of Wandavision when I get home a little later. I liked the first two episodes enough but I don't think it's the MCU at it's best or anything. I like how unique and different it is, I like the sitcom feel as well. I think it'll get better and what's really keeping me invested is the mystery around it.
For real WandaVision is the project to silence anyone who says “MCU movies/shows follow the same formula etc.” That show is making strides. Bettany and Olsen’s chemistry is undeniable, you can see they trust each other.

Show me the last superhero movie to be taped in front of a live studio audience and juxtapose sitcoms and the Twilight Zone and I’ll give you an Infinity Gem.
Not a fan of old sitcoms?
I love old sitcoms. And I rather like the conceit of the show as it seems and I would say to a large degree I would say this is Feige and Co. going for their own LEGION. And the effort and potential is sure there. People are right, it is not just any Marvel production so far and it's not like most mainstream audience targeted super hero stuff from any of the other major studios.

Kudos to all that.

None of that makes me see the episodes I have gotten so far as "amazing" in any way. I said in the show's thread that I am invested insofar as I am intrigued by the mystery set up and am eager to see connections to the wider MCU.

However on that front they are still in set up phase in those 1st two eps. And I can't honestly say the conceit has allowed for some really cool handling of the two characters because they really aren't themselves. The writing is about the premise and has nothing to say about the protagonists as people. It is early though so that isn't a complaint it is just... Well it IS absent. It isn't grabbing me that way.

I like the undercurrent of Twilight Zone/Outer Limits paranoia inberent in the concept and I was hoping to get something out of the sitcom idea as there is so much potential for both comedy and commentary with it. But the two "classic 50's/60's" chapters was wasted in my mind. They kinda played it EXACTLY like a mediocre sitcom of the era (I Love Lucy/The Honey Mooners/The Dick Van Dyke Show this was not... It was barely My Mother The Car.) and that gets grating the longer it goes on.

And while I have always liked Bettany and am happy to see him again I am not on the Olsen train. I do not see on like any level what people find so remarkable. I can't say she is the worst but at her best I find her serviceable. It is true though they work well off one another. That is something given how we the audience know NOTHING about this relationship. This love story happened all off screen let's remember. So... Cool they are doing a kooky I Dream Of Genie thing but... I have no idea what the REAL Wanda and Vision were like as a couple, what brought them together, what they think and feel about on another... And the first two eps did nothing to help in that dept. either.

Again... It is early days and the mystery and the concept of using changing sitcom ideals portend them getting into meatier territory and I hope they make better use if the differing eras we have yet to see.

But grabbing me in any way outside of how the story will end and fit in to the wider MCU? Sorry... I cannot say it has accomplished that.
For real WandaVision is the project to silence anyone who says “MCU movies/shows follow the same formula etc.” That show is making strides. Bettany and Olsen’s chemistry is undeniable, you can see they trust each other.

Show me the last superhero movie to be taped in front of a live studio audience and juxtapose sitcoms and the Twilight Zone and I’ll give you an Infinity Gem.

Yes, it's good that Marvel has finally done something different with WandaVision. It's interesting so far.
I really like the first Thor film.

I found Captain Marvel really forgettable. Hopefully the sequel is better.
Ant-Man and The Wasp had villains?
They wasted Walton Goggins. I still don't get why they just had some random black market tech dealer villain when they could of had AIM serve the same role.
I think in a perfect world WandaVision wouldve benefited from having like a “2 episodes a week” release schedule due to how this is paced. I feel like its not going to be until the February episodes where things really pick up and get interesting. A good friend of mine who is a real Marvel zombie is not liking this show at all and thinks it was a mistake to pace this the way it is.
I assumed that it would have went 6 weeks instead of 8 weeks which now appears to finish 2 weeks prior to F&TWS so I get it.
For real WandaVision is the project to silence anyone who says “MCU movies/shows follow the same formula etc.” That show is making strides. Bettany and Olsen’s chemistry is undeniable, you can see they trust each other.

Show me the last superhero movie to be taped in front of a live studio audience and juxtapose sitcoms and the Twilight Zone and I’ll give you an Infinity Gem.
Yeah this show is pretty unique within the superhero genre.
Daredevil was the perfect Netflix level show. It's really cost effective to be about punch-ups in alleys and corridors. All the other shows desperately needed a better budget.

I don't think any of the other shows were meaningfully hurt by budget, aside from probably Iron Fist. What helped Daredevil season 1, and hurt the other shows, was structure and pacing. They all aimed to be "extended movie", and most of them suffered for it because 10+ hours is too long to fill with one single narrative arc. Daredevil season 1 avoided this because, whether by luck or superior writing or both, they had a good sequence of narrative beats that functionally served as multiple "stories". Most of the other shows effectively only had one ( or perhaps two ) stories per season, and so they were overly drawn out and filled with a lot of waiting around. What they needed was a willingness to be episodic, and have stories other than the singular season arc, and that doesn't especially need to cost a ton of extra budget.

( Yes, I really don't think Defenders was hurt by budget. Yes, it was limited to a sort of B-move style, but that didn't hurt the show. What hurt the show was that the plot revolved around Danny Rand, Elektra, and the Hand, and by this point they ranged from "boring and forgettable" to "the audience actively hates them". If the Hand were compelling villains and Danny a sympathetic hero, nobody would have cared that they spent all their budget on a bunch of darkened sets to have kung fu fights in. )
Re: Underrated MCU films, I still say the most underrated is Ant-Man 2. Yes, its ultimately a small scale stakes movie, but. . . well, to be blunt, we need more movies where the stakes are "the souls of a handful of people". Because that was exactly what the movie was about, whether either or both of the characters at risk would sacrifice everything that could make them a worthwhile person to get what they want. It was a movie with two tragically flawed sides and Scott Lang caught in the middle, trying to save everyone while also not losing his own family.
I...literally can't remember anything about the villain(s?) from Ant-Man & the Wasp, so yeah, good call.

The real villain of Ant-Man and the Wasp is "the tragic conflict between well-meaning but deeply flawed people". *cough* The crime boss dude wasn't a villain, he was a living talking environmental complication.
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