Terminator: Genisys - Part 5

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Geez, even Kano looked better in that web series Mortal Kombat: Legacy...

24yr old Terminator 2 effects/makeup look better than 2015 Terminator Genisys. Go figure

That's because Stan Winston was the freaking man.

Also it has a lot to do with filmmakers today not opting for a combo of practical and CGI for their effects sequences. They now just go full blown CGI and it comes across much more artificial since their are not authentic props to contrast and ground the CGI in any given scene anymore.

I think the only director who makes big movies that I see still opt their FX teams go for a combo of practical and CG is Nolan. Which is why the effects in his movies often come across are more believable and authentic than most.

It also becomes much more notable because their is no film grain to really help enhance the illusion. Everything so much clear with digital to the point that it could become a detriment.
Is it just me or would the casting of John Connor and Kyle Reese work better the other way round?

That wouldn't work because the John Connor and Kyle Reese in this movie are from 2029. John is around 45 years old and Kyle should be in his mid twenties. I don't like either casting choice but they are age appropriate.

Uh, everyone feels out of place in this...

Say what you want about Terminator Salvation but at least John and Kyle were perfectly cast. Landing Bale was such a coup. Utterly wasted. :csad:
That wouldn't work because the John Connor and Kyle Reese in this movie are from 2029. John is around 45 years old and Kyle should be in his mid twenties. I don't like either casting choice but they are age appropriate.

Uh, everyone feels out of place in this...

Say what you want about Terminator Salvation but at least John and Kyle were perfectly cast. Landing Bale was such a coup. Utterly wasted. :csad:

Yeah, it really does suck. I remember when those first few trailers hit, I was so excited to finally see a kickass John Connor fighting against the machines. Instead, I got two hours of some d**khead walking around in the desert while John hides out in a basement listening to his mother's tapes.
I'm really upset about how much this is going to suck.
Dark b you nailed one of the issues with the shot. PG 13 is the ****ing devil.
Really don't like Clarke for Connor. Ironically, if they were going to take an actor from Game of Thrones, Lena Headey already proved she can own it.
I hate CGI. I hate it.

EDIT: I'll take that back. If it's not like Spielberg or Cameron or Nolan utilizing it, I'm just not terribly interested.

The first three Transformers movies literally put me to sleep in the theater.

Jurassic Park and T2, for me, are still the two best SFX movies ever. Ever.
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No, you don't:woot: It's okay in small doses. But this movie looks like a turd took a crap on a pile of horse****.

The only times I've really honestly been blown away by CGI, like, an actual mouth-opening reaction, is from the following films:

Jurassic Park
T2: Judgment Day
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

And that's honestly it. I don't think I'm missing any others...
When I was a kid, I thought the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were life-sized robots.
The sad truth is that when this comes out, there will be more bad Terminator movies than good ones.
The sad truth is that when this comes out, there will be more bad Terminator movies than good ones.

Meh....I really enjoyed Salvation, nowhere near as good as the first two, but I found it to be very good and enjoyed it very much.

Terminator three was horrible up until the last 15 minutes. To each there own I suppose. I wont pass final judgment until I see this film. But Honestly its not looking good. But From the beginning I was not a fan of this and wanted a continuation from Salvation, seeing more of the future war with Connor leading the Resistance. My opinion, Arnold is no longer needed as the face of the franchise. I've wanted to see the future war with Connor and the Resistance since watching the very first Terminator film years ago. Looks like I'll never get the Terminator film that I wanted, hence why I at least felt that Salvation was at least trying to build up to that point.
The only times I've really honestly been blown away by CGI, like, an actual mouth-opening reaction, is from the following films:

Jurassic Park
T2: Judgment Day
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

And that's honestly it. I don't think I'm missing any others...

I think I would also add The Mummy to that list.

Somebody's walking around with 159 million dollars in his back pocket laughing his ass off.

At least McG made an expensive looking turd.
CGI was used in Brokeback Mountain.

The best CGI is CGI you don't know is even there.
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