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X-Men - Part 3

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Man... this was such a breath of fresh air I could almost cry. I've not thoroughly enjoyed the X-Men since Morrison started screwing them up and this feels like a step WAYYY in the right direction.

I'm really hoping that Chamber and Husk get some good staring time. He's been listed as being with Wolverine but he's not actually appeared on panel anywhere since Age of X (and even that was in the background mostly). I'd like to see him and Husk overcome their problems and hook back up. That could be fun bounced off of Cannonball in a protective older brother role.
Man... this was such a breath of fresh air I could almost cry. I've not thoroughly enjoyed the X-Men since Morrison started screwing them up and this feels like a step WAYYY in the right direction.

Uhhhh, putting them back in the school as teachers pretty much echoes what Morrison was doing.

But what's up with all the baby Nightcrawlers? Where did they come from? Did they explain it and I totally missed it?
I missed it too, unless when Hank grumbled something about having left a trans-dimensional portal open that that is where they all came from.... ?
I figured that was the explanation, since that was the only thing close to being where they came from mentioned in the issue.
I think it goes back to Austen's "The Draco." Which I think only JewHobs could stomach long enough to read in its entirety. JewHobs? :)
Uhhhh, putting them back in the school as teachers pretty much echoes what Morrison was doing.

The school aspect was good. It was his messing with the actual X-Men that started messing things up, primarilly what he did with Scott and Jean, making them cheat (or attempt to cheat) with Wolverine and Emma, stick Scott with Emma, and took the first steps of removing the family feel of the book.

Also changing Beast's appearance randomly for no real reason.

Morrison had a lot of great things in his run but the Scott/Jean/Wolverine/Emma thing has tainted these books for a decade give or take in my opinion.

runawayboulder said:
But what's up with all the baby Nightcrawlers? Where did they come from? Did they explain it and I totally missed it?

TheCorpulent1 said:
I think it goes back to Austen's "The Draco." Which I think only JewHobs could stomach long enough to read in its entirety. JewHobs? :)

That's what I'm leaning toward as well. When Beast mentioned breaking into another dimension and then little Nightcrawlers started showing up... I thought the Draco. That would also make sense with Azazel having been a primary threat in First Class. I could see them wanting to bring him back.

The jist was that Azazel, a mutant from Biblical times who posed as Satan, impregnated a bunch of women to breed an army of children. He got stuck in a dimension and he eventually called all of his children to him in attempts to get free. These children included Nightcrawler (mothered by Mystique), Abyss, and Kiwi Black. The dimension he was in is the Brimestone dimension that Nightcrawler teleports through.

Azazel sacreficed his children in order to get the power to be free and those three mentioned above survived and teamed with the X-Men to help defeat Azazel and his forces and kept the Brimestone Dimension closed. Now I'm wondering of these little Nightcrawlers are perhaps more of Azazel's children, though why they look like Nightcrawler is beyond me.

I also had the thought that their dimension could have something to do with Mojoworld, as he seems to like making little versions of X-Men.

And since we're talkign about the little boogers, can I just say how much I laughed at "Bamf" "Bamf" "Bamf" "Whiskey!"? :D
The school aspect was good. It was his messing with the actual X-Men that started messing things up, primarilly what he did with Scott and Jean, making them cheat (or attempt to cheat) with Wolverine and Emma, stick Scott with Emma, and took the first steps of removing the family feel of the book.

There was a big disconnect from the family feel of the franchise for a while before Morrison came along. I remember hearing the complaints when they did the "unofficial" first Schism that took place prior to the Twelve event. Morrison gets the blame for stuff that really shakes my head sometimes.

Also changing Beast's appearance randomly for no real reason.
It was a second mutation and a sweeping effect that went through half the mutant race. The only ones still noticed by editorial and the general populace are Beast and Emma. Personally, I prefer feline Beast. It visually reminds me of Ron Perlman from the Beauty and the Beast tv show back in the day (with Linda Hamilton). When an artist does it right it looks terrific....the downside.....it's done wrong, he looks like a friggin donkey.:csad:

Morrison had a lot of great things in his run but the Scott/Jean/Wolverine/Emma thing has tainted these books for a decade give or take in my opinion.
Why, because 7 years later Marvel still runs with some of his ideas and builds off it? By that logic we can totally bring your hero Bendis into this...:whatever:

And since we're talkign about the little boogers, can I just say how much I laughed at "Bamf" "Bamf" "Bamf" "Whiskey!"? :D
Finally something we agree on! I thought it was hysterical and soon when they inevitably mix it up with Lockheed, it's gonna give the book a solid amount of comic relief.
There was a big disconnect from the family feel of the franchise for a while before Morrison came along. I remember hearing the complaints when they did the "unofficial" first Schism that took place prior to the Twelve event. Morrison gets the blame for stuff that really shakes my head sometimes.

That's not really true. The break-up prior to the Twelve was staged by Xavier and Jean to root out who the infiltrator was and they were back together come the Twelve. It was just a plot point, not a perminent status quo. It lasted a grand total of 4 months I believe. After that they were good again until Morrison completely scarred the franchise with his treatment of Scott and Jean.

It was a second mutation and a sweeping effect that went through half the mutant race. The only ones still noticed by editorial and the general populace are Beast and Emma. Personally, I prefer feline Beast. It visually reminds me of Ron Perlman from the Beauty and the Beast tv show back in the day (with Linda Hamilton). When an artist does it right it looks terrific....the downside.....it's done wrong, he looks like a friggin donkey.:csad:

Oh I understand secondary mutation, Morrison just pulled it out of the blue with no build up. Heck, he didn't even mutate Beast. He was just suddenly cat-like.

That said, I don't mind secondary mutation. I just think Morrison handled it poorly.

Why, because 7 years later Marvel still runs with some of his ideas and builds off it? By that logic we can totally bring your hero Bendis into this...:whatever:

Long term plot points isn't bad. I actually prefer that to this crappy "new reader accessable" thing Marvel seems to cling to. It's when you completely crap on something that's been an icon in the industry for 40 years... and then follow it.

And you act like I think Bendis is an amazing writer or something. I doubt he'd even be among my top 10.

Like I said though, I loved a lot of what Morrison did. The only thing I dispised, and in my opinion it tainted the entire run, was his handling of Scott and Jean. That's it. I loved Xorn, John Sublime, Planet X, Riot at Xavier's, Fantomex, etc. But he tore down Scott and Jean's characters "to make them interesting" like cheating on your spouse is somehow more interesting, and then he killed Jean and hooked Scott up with Emma comletely destroying any chance of recovery.

I honestly wanted to drop X-Men for the first time in around 10 or 15 years at that point and honestly sorta wish I had. I've not really enjoyed much of it since. Scott's dropped from my favorite X-Men to one of the most bleh. I can't stand Emma even to this day (I never cared for her but Morrison made her detestable for me). I hate Beast's constant jadedness. Wolverine's teenage-girl pining for Jean has reached an all-time intolerable high. Xavier's been tainted multiple times. Banshee and Nightcrawer were killed off. Most of my favorite aspects of Morrison's run have been done away with but every single bad one's still intact and running. And tons of boring writing.

The X-Men are realy a mess and it just keeps getting worse every year and it's entirely due to the feel of the book and how far they keep removing it away from the family feel it had until Morrison took over. If not for my love of the characters I'd be saving tons of money.

That's why Wolverine & the X-Men was such a joy for me. It actually captured the feel of pre-Morrison X-Men. I don't even much care to read Uncanny X-Men now (though I will because I can't stop reading core X-books).
I've dropped Uncanny hard and fast. It's the boringest book ever and with Land still doing the art, forget it. They gave me an out with Schism and I took it. :(
I've dropped Uncanny hard and fast. It's the boringest book ever and with Land still doing the art, forget it. They gave me an out with Schism and I took it. :(

I'd like to but if I haven't dropped it yet I won't now. Maybe I can enjoy it more now that I at least have one X-Men book that feels like old X-Men.
I've just been very bored with X-men as of late (except Factor and Force of course). My boy Gambit hasn't been getting much play and while Logan is a fave, he hasn't been getting any constructive use outside of his own books. Mostly he's just been cannon fodder. :( Why pay $4 for a comic that isn't going to keep me interested. Maybe I've just been reading too long....
Isn't "Logan being a fave" the norm?
Hardly. :p There's plenty of hate, especially since the guy has been overused as far as always showing up, but then when he is used, not much happens beyond him charging in and getting blown up, melted, tossed, sliced and or diced and pounded, just because the writer knows they can do all that without him dying. :( That's not true character development.
Uncanny X-Men was rather so so. Can't believe Cyclops talked smack about the Avengers and said his team is better than them.
Uncanny X-Men was rather so so. Can't believe Cyclops talked smack about the Avengers and said his team is better than them.

These days Scott's as paranoid and militant as Bruce Wayne. You could literally sub Bruce in there for Scott and not be able to tell the difference at times.
I loved UXM #1. The issue was pretty good and Gillen and Pacheco developed an amazing issue.

Best line goes to Storm: "Let's play a game...raise your hand if you've never gone through a stage that others characterized as "mainly super villian. Your hand's up Scott. Are you absolutely sure it should be?" LOL
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I know it was a joke but Scotts never really been villianous his just become militaristic like his son Cable.
Lifeguard apparently back outta nowhere as well.
Lifeguard apparently back outta nowhere as well.
They need to bring Slipstream back as well. Im in the minority, but I liked the XXM additions and its too bad no one other than CC used them
Honestly, the issue was okay but Lifeguard's name on the list in the end was the best part of the book :)

I LOVED her, Thunderbird, and Slipstream. I hated when they left the book and expected to never hear from them again. Hopefully there's some actual plan for her instead of background panels.

Also, Slipstream was mentioned as depowered on that one huge list that came out after House of M. Writer's have already ignored that (though I can't remember what character it was) so that means nothing anymore.
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