X-Men - Part 8

All New Wolverine 27 is one of my favourite issues of a comic in a while.
I was curious about that as well. I mean, it was good, but I didn't see anything that made it stand out above every other book. Seemed pretty consistence with the rest of the series (which I agree is quite good).
Haha I guess that was kind of a weird thing to say since nothing groundbreaking or mind-blowing happened, but it was Taylor's ANW at it's best. The art was also very dynamic and creative (like when [BLACKOUT]"Sarah" was "killed" or using Laura's two claws to spell "SNIKT")[/BLACKOUT]. I think the Orphans of X are a really great antagonist. And Daken is one of personal faves so I was happy with him being around (and wearing a shirt that said "Strong Girl" :oldrazz:)
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Hopeless delivered everything I wanted with Jean Grey 9. The team-up structure of her comic has been hit-or-miss but now Hopeless is hitting it out of the park with this story. It should have been like this all along but I'm happy with what we're getting now.
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Hopeless delivered everything I wanted with Jean Grey 9. The team-up structure of her comic has been hit-or-miss but now Hopeless is hitting it out of the park with this story. It should have been like this all along but I'm happy with what we're getting now.

IA. He also delivered the best Emma since IVX #1
IA. He also delivered the best Emma since IVX #1

Hah, and I still hated her. For me, she ruins every book she's in.

When she told Jean that Jean's nightmare was her love story, I wanted Jean to confess that Scott left her but that Jean made him stay with her instead. Shatter Emma. And then... I don't know... crash the copter.
Hah, and I still hated her. For me, she ruins every book she's in.

When she told Jean that Jean's nightmare was her love story, I wanted Jean to confess that Scott left her but that Jean made him stay with her instead. Shatter Emma. And then... I don't know... crash the copter.

well the issue wasnt supposed to make you like her, but she was written more in character than we've been seeing for most of the year. The banter between she and Jean was good
I'll agree with that. She felt more Emma like than she has since Death of X, but I liked the Death of X version better because it destroyed her character.
Apparently the letters section of Blue teased two new X-Men ongoings, one of which is presumably Red. Also, a New Mutants mini-series is launching in March with Majik, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, Boom Boom, and Rictor.
Red spoilers! https://news.marvel.com/comics/81448/x-men-red-code-crimson/

Taylor sees Jean as the heart of the X-men
Gambit was revealed as the final member
The new headquarters is underwater and built on Atlantean techology
Trinary is a technopath
Theres a reason why the team is wearing new costumes in story
Everything Taylor says sounds great. I really trust him as a writer. [BLACKOUT]The underwater base is interesting and unexpected. Trinary really reminds me of Symmetra from Overwatch. I can't wait to see how Jean shocks the status quo. [/BLACKOUT]
Apparently the letters section of Blue teased two new X-Men ongoings, one of which is presumably Red. Also, a New Mutants mini-series is launching in March with Majik, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, Boom Boom, and Rictor.
So Cannonball and Sunspot are lost to the Avengers indefinitely. I can't bring myself to read Avengers USA or whatever it's called just for them. But I don't hate this combination of New Mutants and X-Factor. Majik! Rictor! Boom Boom! But umm where's Dani?
It seems more like an X-factor book than New Mutants. But hey, sometimes its okay to go away from the classic lineups.
Boom Boom and Rictor were in the New Mutants before!
they were X-terminators members and xfactor wards /students before that. sowere syrin and multiply man too. and after they join force with the new mutant's under rusty and skids leader ship they joined the new mutants and then some time later cable came about.
Boom Boom and Rictor were in the New Mutants before!

Thei inclusion here is odd bc Marvel primarily ignores their era of NM as it was less popular and almost always goes back to the classic Claremont lineup
Apparently the letters section of Blue teased two new X-Men ongoings, one of which is presumably Red. Also, a New Mutants mini-series is launching in March with Majik, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, Boom Boom, and Rictor.
hmm they may be trying to dopfoprone of the new mutants what they are doing for jean. older jean has never out right lead a team til now and I guess this might be majik's time to shine there.

and I'orry even though it's sad canoon ball andsun spot are in anavengers team and the orginal play was for the X-men some people have this weird notion that the X-men can't progresswiththe dream of making lasting team with both mutates, super human's << none and mutant's

which is whatthey have been strivingfor for year's but othjer like new warriors have beaten them to it whichj I keep repeating is a shameand we're only getting via US aevenger with sun spot and cannoball as leader and founders of the idea.

next tothe unity team of avenger of Xmen it was the only idea that X men or other Xteam's member though that allowed them to work to gether with none mutant's on ether longer or more permanent basis.

the whole point tothe dream was to make bridges and not be stuck in stagnate area foreverand some come closer to resembbing our world where people are trying to be more inclusive even thoer that still racism around there is overt head that has be made in people accepting other of other race & back ground's too and people have mixe race family and accepting of of and who the choose to love .

And when see other team's in MU making greater strides & head way then X-men in their purpose in life . then there's some thing wrong isn't there?

insome way's O want US avenger to stay cause it was sunpot idea (though I think it beinmg an avenger thing may have been bedis vehicle some how. but it's allowing certain X-men to be the founders of the movent to further the dream which was also to try and workk closer to the other races of the MU in a more permanent basesis. other wise I'mtired o hear ho the X-men are alwayse talking about it but aren't make any head way or aren't doing anything to rfully reach, and no just add one occasional none mutant member itna't enough. it has to be full team of none mutant added along to the mutants likt the new warrior's did or whatthe unity team tried and we need to see those other heroes back up the X-men more oftent to the puiblic too being on those teams. We're just past a certain point now.

And were going past 2017 the dream need's to make more head way.

morimportant ly those team of both X-men and new warior's need to be shown as examples as the unity version of avenger or usaavengers to the universe they live in too. it's why some some japanise animes have been kicking their butt of late cause of this too . they sty to that same thing and still have their struggles with th race issue but thse are recent show / managa comic 's of which were inspired by X-men. but they are willing to go to the next step . while marvel goes back ward at times. whichis weird. so as much as I love to see them on Xteam . I 'd also like to see the dream make head way too. and have a permanent team of heroes of mix race's besides the avengers which the new warriors started.

And this team was started by sunspot even though it 's an avengers team it's something that is pushing the dream forward. and he 's the master mind of it.
I dont know anything about them.
It was one of my favorite comics. I don't know how much of that is quality and how much is nostalgia. I've hoped that they'd show up again for about 2 decades now but just lost hope. Heck, even the ONE character who did travel to the 616 (Halloween Jack) disappeared after one appearance in X-Force. The team kinda had an appearance in that X-Men '92 book, but that wasn't a real book, and then during Bendis' run, but that felt like an alternate take on the old team. But to have them show up in a main X-Men book blows my mind. Granted, that line up screams in the face of continuity (as La' Lunatica joined the group after Metalhead lost his human form) but I don't even care. I'm just glad to see them again.
Sithborg said:
I tell you what, I now have a hankering for picking up an X-men 2099 collection.

The only collections that I'm aware of was the X-Men 2099 vol 1 which had I think the first 9 issues (I used to have it, it looked good), and then a Spider-Man 2099 volume containing the entire Fall of the Hammer crossover. X-Men issue 5 is in both, but the Spider-Man collection has the other parts of that crossover which, if memory serves, the X-Men were prevalent in 3 out of 5 issues, not to mention a character that becomes a major X-Men 2099 character later.
So I just finished Mojo worldwide and eh.

Well seeing Longshot be revelant again in a X-Men team title (even for a few titles) since he quit the X-Men in the 80s was nice to see. It always makes me wonder that he joined Excalibur and the other titles but never returned to the X-Men main roster. So this is a must see just for Longshot's appearance.

But eh this cross over seems filler unless Mojo becomes X-Men's next big bad which I doubt is going to happen. Mojo is a joke imo. The only important thing that happened is Kitty's squad found out that Magneto is still alive. Seeing the throwback moments was nice at first but it made me realize how I dislike how unmemorable things are after ivx. I quite hate the X-Men titles (the ones I've read) since the relaunch. It is just not exciting. The line up we have seen too many times and the 2.0+ knock offs. There's not a lot of originality going in here and I'm tired of it.

I am hoping Astonishing 1 to 6 would please me and the Phoenix Resurrection is worth the hype. But Gold and Blue are just not feeding me enough with my X-Men dose.

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