Batman: Arkham Knight

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It should have just been the default control scheme really.
I got the worst ****ing luck ever.

Ok so I'm in New Game Plus. For some reason early on in New Game Plus when you can go on the island with all the towers like LexCorp, I destroyed all the helicopters and flying drones. You know, because I can.

So I get to the part of the story where I get the gadget that allows me to blind the drones which I already had and guess what? There are no helicopters for me to take out because I already did it and I can't leave the section until I use the gadget on something but there are no drones for me to use it on.

So I'm gonna have to restart from beginning and it pisses me off because I found all those goddamn riddler trophies and now I have to refind them.

**** me
Did you select the remote hacking device already?, try that and try selecting the helicopter,believe me had the same problem...
Livid with my game! Spent ages looking for all the riddler stuff (did all the other side missions as I wanted the 100% ending first time) and my game glitches! I broke all the breakable objects on founders island but for some reason it didn't register. So I had 242 out of 243 riddles do I just completed and looked up the ending on YouTube.

Overall I adored the story and the ending but my biggest complaint is that the ending works well on a story level but not a gaming one. You don't really do anything challenging. It sort of holds your hand through it all.
edit, nevermind...
Livid with my game! Spent ages looking for all the riddler stuff (did all the other side missions as I wanted the 100% ending first time) and my game glitches! I broke all the breakable objects on founders island but for some reason it didn't register. So I had 242 out of 243 riddles do I just completed and looked up the ending on YouTube.

Overall I adored the story and the ending but my biggest complaint is that the ending works well on a story level but not a gaming one. You don't really do anything challenging. It sort of holds your hand through it all.
That sucks to hear, absolutely positive you got them all? You checked the menu screen for riddles and collectibles too? There's one box still left unchecked for breakable objects on Founder's Island?

Maybe deleting the game data and reinstalling might fix it. It's also wise to make sure you're playing with the patches installed, it did have a day 1 patch at like 3gb so that's a lot of minor issues that could have been sorted out if you played without it.
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On the militia: anybody else think it might have worked better if the militia group were a smaller group of elite mooks while Two-Face, Penguin, Harely, etc's gangs made up the bulk of the forces you're facing? Like, each predator room has 9 regular henchmen with regular chatter, and 1 or 2 professionals from Knight's group.

Would that work better?
That sucks to hear, absolutely positive you got them all? You checked the menu screen for riddles and collectibles too? There's one box still left unchecked for breakable objects on Founder's Island?

Maybe deleting the game data and reinstalling might fix it. It's also wise to make sure you're playing with the patches installed, it did have a day 1 patch at like 3gb so that's a lot of minor issues that could have been sorted out if you played without it.

Yeah I checked, the box had zero on all of them so it registered but just didn't tick off as done. There was literally nothing I could do. I have had a few glitchy problems I was driving and suddenly started falling through the map and I also blew up a wall for a Riddler trophy and got the fright of my life as the wall just bugged out into this weird blob.
I've only had one glitch. When I beat Deathstroke and was supposed to drive him to GCPD, the road turned into some grey misty thing that the Batmobile couldn't move through.
The only glitches I've noticed are where I knock a thug or part of their body through an object in the environment, then they get all twisted and stretched beyond their normal size, and they start shaking around violently trying to 'break out' of the object they are stuck in. Eventually they go still.
Did you select the remote hacking device already?, try that and try selecting the helicopter,believe me had the same problem...

I can't. You know the part of the game I must go to Stagg's Airships? Before I did that I took out all the drones, Towers, and this helicopter on Founders Island.

I'm playing on New Game Plus so I got all the upgrades.

I'm at the point of the story past the airships where I must take out the sentry gun things after getting stuff from a drone. I am where I would need to fight that helicopter with the remote hacker but I did that earlier on. I feel its because its part of the story is to why it's having issues.

Basically I ****ed up big time by doing too much too early.
Final thoughts. I think the Batmobile would have been better served as simply being a mode of fast travel rather than being an active part in the gameplay. I think it was simply a case of Rocksteady overthinking the vehicles usage. I would have had no problem with a GTA type of situation for the car. Story wise, bit of a wasted opportunity IMO, would have liked to see Rocksteady actually add something to the Batman mythology. Biggest negative I got from this was I didn't get the same sense of being Batman as I did the last 3 games, if that had been retained and the cars usage limited I think this would have been the best. City for me is still the most fun, and Origins has the best story.

The fact that it was an actual ending was very admirable I thought. It concluded a fairly cohesive story through three games. It wasn't a perfect ending, a little too ambiguous for its own good. But it did present some interesting, bold ideas such as [BLACKOUT]Batman being unmasked[/BLACKOUT] and [BLACKOUT]Bruce's final victory over Joker[/BLACKOUT]. Both of which have rarely ever been done in a Batman story before and would count toward adding to larger mythology.
I will give points for that ending, but it wasn't so much the ending that bothered me it was the Arkham Knight character. You are right though in that respect they went a direction that I can't recall anyone ever doing, so I can give them a thumbs up for that. Overall I can appreciate this game, but I don't love it like the last couple.
Yeah, I agree that the Arkham Knight didn't totally work. There were several options for who could have been under that mask that would have been much less predictable and connective to the story in the previous games.
Yes, the drones are cheap as ****, but doesn't make the game shine any less IMO.

Honestly, the only thing that I read and turns me off is when people start bashing the ending. That's something I've been noticing, a pattern, because apparently, some fans can't accept this is the end of Arkham games, at least Rocksteady's, believe me, the same thing happened with The Witcher 3, part of the fanbase also states how weak the endings are, "not enough closure" or "rushed" and all that blabla, not mentioning Halo 3 and Mass Effect 3 as well, the bottom being understandable, at some extent.

Seriously, just move on. Everything comes to an end.

Yeah, I agree that the Arkham Knight didn't totally work. There were several options for who could have been under that mask that would have been much less predictable and connective to the story in the previous games.

Who do you have in mind?
Yes, the drones are cheap as ****, but doesn't make the game shine any less IMO.

Honestly, the only thing that I read and turns me off is when people start bashing the ending. That's something I've been noticing, a pattern, because apparently, some fans can't accept this is the end of Arkham games, at least Rocksteady's, believe me, the same thing happened with The Witcher 3, part of the fanbase also states how weak the endings are, "not enough closure" or "rushed" and all that blabla, not mentioning Halo 3 and Mass Effect 3 as well, the bottom being understandable, at some extent.

Seriously, just move on. Everything comes to an end.


I don't have as much a problem with Arkham Knight as Mass Effect 3's ending. Not nearly as much, since just about everyone agrees that Mass Effect 3's ending is not merely bad, but one of the worst endings of any piece of fiction, period.

But Knight's is flawed. Red Hood's return is literally a 3-second cutscene followed by . . . nothing. Not a piece of dialogue even, no sense of what will come after, no sense of who he is now. And the final, final ending suffers a bit for trying to be a little too ambiguous. Many properties can really work that, but at the end of the day Batman and other DC properties don't deal in subtlety.

That said, the ending is not really the main flaw of the game.

The main flaws are relentless tank battles; needing the Batmobile for everything; the Arkham Knight reveal coming way too late to do anything interesting; the diminishing scale of the threat (the climax before the falling resolution should have been stopping Scarecrow's east coast bomb. As it stands, the threats in the game keep on decreasing from East Coast, to Gotham, to Barbara and Gordon's fate, to Batman's fate); the threadbare side missions; overuse of militia; lack of any really cool Scarecrow hallucinations, particularly in gameplay sections like with Asylum; bit of sexism with how female characters are treated; and of course, the worst sin of all - Barbara being with X-TREME Tim Drake, instead of Dick. Which is basically an act of heresy.
I have to say, with Knight one of Rocksteadys biggest problem is shown more then in the previous games.

They have a huge problem in terms of building tension and cinematics.

It started with act 1 of the game, i never felt a sense of desperation and danger.
Not even at the end of it when it seemed like batman would die(it was clear he wouldnt die since it was act 1, but still)

Barbaras "death was also unspectacular imo, it should have been dragged out a bit longer and done with camera angles etc.

Same with The Revelation of Jason as the Arkham knight, it was thrown in some matter of fact tone followed by one of the worst "boss" battles.

The one thing that pisses me off the most however, is how casually they reveal that gordon knows whos behind batmans mask.
The whole scene in the elevator was so unemotinal
Trust and believe I never said or implied this little conversation of ours is causing you to lose sleep. There's that thin skinned attitude again. What is the matter with you? You sound ridiculously paranoid. As if I want you to worry about a video game discussion. I can't believe that even crossed your mind! Are you going to accuse me of trying to invade your dreams next?

Yeah that's why I'm challenging this baseless opinion of yours, because it's different to mine. Watch me challenge Havok83's opinion now because he ranks Arkham City the best, and I think Arkham Origins is best. Can't have that. Everyone's opinion must match my own. I will stand for nothing less!!!!

Have you any other stupid insulting accusations to throw at me, or is this it?

No, I'm saying that claim you made has no validity because you've got nothing to base it on. Not every opinion needs to prove something. Like if someone loves AK best, they don't have to prove they love it best. That's just their opinion. It requires no proof. Saying a generation of gamers are a spoiled entitled lot that had unrealistic expectations for the game and that's why they're disappointed, and you don't have a shred of proof for such a claim, that's the kind of opinion that can and should be challenged.

I never acted like it was impossible. I said you have no basis for the claim. It would be like me saying Rocksteady lost a lot of their creative interest in AK. Is that possible? Sure. Have I any solid basis to make such a claim? No. So I have no valid reason to say it. But if I did, and someone challenged me to offer some kind of proof for such a claim, that would be perfectly reasonable.

If something is a disappointment it's because it has more flaws, so obviously they're more apparent than in something that is loved. I don't know what your point is saying that.

Ridiculously paranoid because I'm telling you this argument isn't as deep to me as you seem to think it is? Ok dude. You try to discredit opinions different than yours to a fault, I've been through this personally with you more than once, so there's your "basis" for that opinion of mines.

Saying this is the spoiled brat, ADD generation isn't anything baseless either, I'm not alone in that sentiment I don't believe, but strictly in terms of the Arkham series, I think it's foolish to believe fans had no expectations for Rocksteady's first foray on the new systems. Couple that with gamers who generally criticize everything and I can see a possible correlation. Most of the outright negative reviews I read were in here. Again, critically, the games been very well received. You can't concede that fact then turnaround and point out how terrible the game is at the same time. You feel it's the worst in the series don't you? If you can rail against my opinion I should be able to "challenge" yours...
Ridiculously paranoid because I'm telling you this argument isn't as deep to me as you seem to think it is? Ok dude.

Yes. Why would you even bring up such a thing when I never said or implied anything of the kind? Unless you're completely paranoid. Or just trying to be insulting.

You try to discredit opinions different than yours to a fault, I've been through this personally with you more than once, so there's your "basis" for that opinion of mines.

Translation; you challenged my opinion here and once before and I don't like that. Lets just call a spade a spade here.

Saying this is the spoiled brat, ADD generation isn't anything baseless either, I'm not alone in that sentiment I don't believe, but strictly in terms of the Arkham series, I think it's foolish to believe fans had no expectations for Rocksteady's first foray on the new systems. Couple that with gamers who generally criticize everything and I can see a possible correlation. Most of the outright negative reviews I read were in here. Again, critically, the games been very well received. You can't concede that fact then turnaround and point out how terrible the game is at the same time. You feel it's the worst in the series don't you? If you can rail against my opinion I should be able to "challenge" yours...

Of course fans had expectations for this game. That's only normal. I did, everyone in this thread did. We didn't spend months talking about nothing but the bits of info we were given. We were all discussing about things we would like to see, what we hope the game would be like. But they were not unrealistic expectations. None of us here were expecting Rocksteady to deliver the unreasonable or the impossible. And you can go back and have a glance through the old threads to see for yourself if you doubt me.

There you go throwing the game was well received critically excuse again, and saying we're calling it a terrible game. Am I speaking in Chinese or something, or are you just ignoring what is being said in favor of what you think is being said? Nobody is calling it a terrible game. Go find me some posts where you've read that. Then I'll concede to this point. I've said this about 5 times to you now and you keep ignoring it. Plenty of movies or games that have been considered disappointing with the fans were still critical and financial success. Why? Because disappointing does not equal bad.

I don't know how many other ways that can be explained to you without you thinking we're all saying the game is terrible. We're not. I personally love it, I just don't think it's nearly as good as it could have been, ergo I see it as a disappointment. But still a great game.
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Yes, the drones are cheap as ****, but doesn't make the game shine any less IMO.

Honestly, the only thing that I read and turns me off is when people start bashing the ending. That's something I've been noticing, a pattern, because apparently, some fans can't accept this is the end of Arkham games, at least Rocksteady's, believe me, the same thing happened with The Witcher 3, part of the fanbase also states how weak the endings are, "not enough closure" or "rushed" and all that blabla, not mentioning Halo 3 and Mass Effect 3 as well, the bottom being understandable, at some extent.

Seriously, just move on. Everything comes to an end.


I love the story and especially the end if I was just watching it but as a GAME the ending did not play well. The game essentially holds your hand and walks you through the last 20 or so minutes. You don't have to do anything remotely challenging. A few scenes play, you follow the path, shoot at stuff, play another scene, game over.
Yes, the drones are cheap as ****, but doesn't make the game shine any less IMO.

Honestly, the only thing that I read and turns me off is when people start bashing the ending. That's something I've been noticing, a pattern, because apparently, some fans can't accept this is the end of Arkham games, at least Rocksteady's, believe me, the same thing happened with The Witcher 3, part of the fanbase also states how weak the endings are, "not enough closure" or "rushed" and all that blabla, not mentioning Halo 3 and Mass Effect 3 as well, the bottom being understandable, at some extent.

Seriously, just move on. Everything comes to an end.


As an ending to the individual game, it's great. But I have trouble accepting this as a "definitive ending" to the world, which is why the arguments over it are more technical to me than anything else.

Yeah, it lacked a boss fight, but that was because you were playing the boss in an excellent integration of story and gameplay. If there was anyplace to put a physical fight, it was probably with the Knight earlier. Actually playing a hallucination that acts as a dark parody of first person shooter games and an examination of Batman's greatest fear is a brilliant idea, and the atmosphere of Batman's appearance in that segment is pitch perfect for rebuilding the audience's respect for this fearsome reputation.

But the only definitive part of the ending is that Bruce Wayne is dead. We're given clues that Batman still lives, and it seems both illogical and unlikely from a characterization standpoint that Bruce committed suicide with Alfred. We've still got at least three of his students active in Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing. And while a pretty good chunk of his villains have been arrested again, that's never stopped them before, and a decent number of villains are still out there: Rocksteady and WB Montreal have created a world far too large to have been cleaned up in one night. And the extended ending basically ends with an assurance that yes, Batman is still needed, and yes, he's still out there, in one form or another.

Again, the world's size is probably the biggest argument against the plot having tied up all loose ends. In the Nolan trilogy of Bat films, the world is smaller, and the villains have much more final endings: Ra's, Talia, Bane, and Two-Face are all dead, Scarecrow was never that big of a threat after Batman gassed him, and Joker is MIA. Nolan's world is also just a lot calmer, with a huge time period of peace between Batman's semi-retirement and last battles; Arkham's Gotham got less than a year, and they actually had Joker die.

So while I like the ending of the game, I can't see it as an ending to the series. And it isn't: at least some of the DLC's will join Red Hood in depicting post-game events, and the world is still ripe for storytelling. The question is will WB's gaming division take the story forward and forge a new status quo, or be desperate to play it safe in the middle years? Because I'd love to see not just Batman Beyond, but the sequence of events in this world that would lead to their version of Batman Beyond. I want to see a Battle for the Cowl, I want to see Batman Inc. vs Leviathan, I want to see Bruce get acclimated to a life underground.

There's too much left to just write the story off as finished.
Yeah, I agree that the Arkham Knight didn't totally work. There were several options for who could have been under that mask that would have been much less predictable and connective to the story in the previous games.
I actually had no clue he was going to be an outright villain in this game. I thought he was going to be a vigilante, like Batman, but much more ruthless and twisted with his methods. I thought he would emerge as a villain by the end of the game as he and Batman opposed each other. I kinda wish they had gone that route instead
I don't have as much a problem with Arkham Knight as Mass Effect 3's ending. Not nearly as much, since just about everyone agrees that Mass Effect 3's ending is not merely bad, but one of the worst endings of any piece of fiction, period.

But Knight's is flawed. Red Hood's return is literally a 3-second cutscene followed by . . . nothing. Not a piece of dialogue even, no sense of what will come after, no sense of who he is now. And the final, final ending suffers a bit for trying to be a little too ambiguous. Many properties can really work that, but at the end of the day Batman and other DC properties don't deal in subtlety.

That said, the ending is not really the main flaw of the game.

The main flaws are relentless tank battles; needing the Batmobile for everything; the Arkham Knight reveal coming way too late to do anything interesting; the diminishing scale of the threat (the climax before the falling resolution should have been stopping Scarecrow's east coast bomb. As it stands, the threats in the game keep on decreasing from East Coast, to Gotham, to Barbara and Gordon's fate, to Batman's fate); the threadbare side missions; overuse of militia; lack of any really cool Scarecrow hallucinations, particularly in gameplay sections like with Asylum; bit of sexism with how female characters are treated; and of course, the worst sin of all - Barbara being with X-TREME Tim Drake, instead of Dick. Which is basically an act of heresy.

Jason becomes Red Hood, since his DLC takes place after the main story. I didn't need a dialogue or anything like that, the whole story wasn't even about him, Rocksteady marked this game the wrong way.

I don't why it has too much ambiguity, it's very simple for me, Bruce Wayne becomes a new Batman with Crane's fear toxin, the road to reach that was very well done IMO.

As for the sexism, I fail to see any, because both female and male characters are treated on the same way, getting kidnapped and all that stuff (Dick, Tim, Fox, Gordon and even Bruce), they can be oversexualized, but that can be said for both sides.

I love the story and especially the end if I was just watching it but as a GAME the ending did not play well. The game essentially holds your hand and walks you through the last 20 or so minutes. You don't have to do anything remotely challenging. A few scenes play, you follow the path, shoot at stuff, play another scene, game over.

I fail to see why it's bad-gamey ending. Each to their own.

As an ending to the individual game, it's great. But I have trouble accepting this as a "definitive ending" to the world, which is why the arguments over it are more technical to me than anything else.

Yeah, it lacked a boss fight, but that was because you were playing the boss in an excellent integration of story and gameplay. If there was anyplace to put a physical fight, it was probably with the Knight earlier. Actually playing a hallucination that acts as a dark parody of first person shooter games and an examination of Batman's greatest fear is a brilliant idea, and the atmosphere of Batman's appearance in that segment is pitch perfect for rebuilding the audience's respect for this fearsome reputation.

But the only definitive part of the ending is that Bruce Wayne is dead. We're given clues that Batman still lives, and it seems both illogical and unlikely from a characterization standpoint that Bruce committed suicide with Alfred. We've still got at least three of his students active in Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing. And while a pretty good chunk of his villains have been arrested again, that's never stopped them before, and a decent number of villains are still out there: Rocksteady and WB Montreal have created a world far too large to have been cleaned up in one night. And the extended ending basically ends with an assurance that yes, Batman is still needed, and yes, he's still out there, in one form or another.

Again, the world's size is probably the biggest argument against the plot having tied up all loose ends. In the Nolan trilogy of Bat films, the world is smaller, and the villains have much more final endings: Ra's, Talia, Bane, and Two-Face are all dead, Scarecrow was never that big of a threat after Batman gassed him, and Joker is MIA. Nolan's world is also just a lot calmer, with a huge time period of peace between Batman's semi-retirement and last battles; Arkham's Gotham got less than a year, and they actually had Joker die.

So while I like the ending of the game, I can't see it as an ending to the series. And it isn't: at least some of the DLC's will join Red Hood in depicting post-game events, and the world is still ripe for storytelling. The question is will WB's gaming division take the story forward and forge a new status quo, or be desperate to play it safe in the middle years? Because I'd love to see not just Batman Beyond, but the sequence of events in this world that would lead to their version of Batman Beyond. I want to see a Battle for the Cowl, I want to see Batman Inc. vs Leviathan, I want to see Bruce get acclimated to a life underground.

There's too much left to just write the story off as finished.

Let's not bring Nolan's world here because that's not anything like Batman's.

Bruce is not dead. You think he would simply coward and suicide with his beloved Alfred? Nope. He faked his death so that he can be something new, something worse, something that only can rise from the ashes of Batman, his own very words. Bruce has the fear toxin, and he's using it to cause fear again.

Just see Crane's POV after Bruce injects him with the fear gas, it's the same Batman from the last scene in the alley.

That's one epic farewell ending, at least for me.
So guys what did you think of [/spoiler]Two-Face pushed away as a side mission?[/spoiler] The way they showed him in the announcement trailer you would think he have a bigger role. I must say I'm disappointed.
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