Batman: Arkham Knight

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I need to know because no one else mentioned this...

Did anyone else get jumpscared by Joker when you were ziplining through rooftops? I mean yea everyone got jumpscared by Man-Bat but when Joker did it, it felt almost as scary because I had just finished a Man-Bat part and I never expected it from him.
I need to know because no one else mentioned this...

Did anyone else get jumpscared by Joker when you were ziplining through rooftops? I mean yea everyone got jumpscared by Man-Bat but when Joker did it, it felt almost as scary because I had just finished a Man-Bat part and I never expected it from him.

Yeah I did,then he started laughing. Son of a...
If Rocksteady are staying with WB but leaving batman games and if still interested in other heroes,Then I'd like..

Deathstroke,Nightwing or Red Hood spin-offs
Green Lantern

or of course..

I would expect them to use Superman or a very big name.
My save file is at about 74% right now, loving everything about this game. :D

And I'm still lost on the hate for the Batmobile, I love it. Especially those drone battles (which seem to be people's biggest annoyance). I wonder if people are playing a different game than me or something :funny: I can understand the frustration if people are dying because they haven't upgraded the Batmobile enough to wipe the floor with the drones but I get pumped when those sections come up, usually switch to a headset too. I saw some griping about a challenge with 48 drones and didn't break a sweat with it, I loved it. But I can picture people not utilizing the missile system or upgrades. We finally get the Batmobile after 3 games and I can't get enough of it. I think it's great and Battle Mode is incredible. Still don't know why they made the default controls so weird and don't allow for the Battle Toggle option in the game options until a certain point in the story and they don't even tell you about it (I think Lucius just mentions upgrades or something). Hopefully people have discovered that because I'd lose my mind if I had to continually hold left trigger to be in Battle Mode.

My only gripe with the Batmobile is that the chase sequences don't work as smoothly as you'd like since the controls while good, are still a little off so you sometimes go all over the place when chasing people. If you also get a slight bit of air (which happens a lot) while turning you spin out. I'm a lot better and I think powersliding (R2 + Square) helps too. My least favorite sections were the [BLACKOUT]Firefly[/BLACKOUT] chase missions, at least chasing the militia convoys are entertaining because of the backup that arrives but chasing that guy around and losing him or screwing up the takedown window is not fun. And I also mentioned the sound while driving makes it sound like a toy car and I wish it had more power to it.

I also read a lot of gripes about one of the last Riddler races and yeah, I didn't enjoy it but it's part of the challenge and I've played more headache inducing sections.
I don't get why people think Rocksteady is leaving WB. WB gives them all this freedom and resources. Hell WB even told them not to worry about Batman being rated M. I don't think they will leave.

Personally I think Rocksteady's next game should be Flash. There was as much Flash nods as Superman. Maybe more. I feel Flash would fit the free flow combat system if you had Zoom have henchmen with speed powers plus Grodd and his gorillas.

I would love nothing more than Superman but I can't see Rocksteady taking anything from the Batman games and using if for Supers. Maybe the gliding but they would still need to start from the ground up.

I could see them doing an IP but I rather more DC games. Same with WBM. I would like a sequel to Origins but I just rather see another DC hero get a game outside of Batman.
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My save file is at about 74% right now, loving everything about this game. :D

And I'm still lost on the hate for the Batmobile, I love it. Especially those drone battles (which seem to be people's biggest annoyance). I wonder if people are playing a different game than me or something :funny: I can understand the frustration if people are dying because they haven't upgraded the Batmobile enough to wipe the floor with the drones but I get pumped when those sections come up, usually switch to a headset too. I saw some griping about a challenge with 48 drones and didn't break a sweat with it, I loved it. But I can picture people not utilizing the missile system or upgrades. We finally get the Batmobile after 3 games and I can't get enough of it. I think it's great and Battle Mode is incredible. Still don't know why they made the default controls so weird and don't allow for the Battle Toggle option in the game options until a certain point in the story and they don't even tell you about it (I think Lucius just mentions upgrades or something). Hopefully people have discovered that because I'd lose my mind if I had to continually hold left trigger to be in Battle Mode.

My only gripe with the Batmobile is that the chase sequences don't work as smoothly as you'd like since the controls while good, are still a little off so you sometimes go all over the place when chasing people. If you also get a slight bit of air (which happens a lot) while turning you spin out. I'm a lot better and I think powersliding (R2 + Square) helps too. My least favorite sections were the [BLACKOUT]Firefly[/BLACKOUT] chase missions, at least chasing the militia convoys are entertaining because of the backup that arrives but chasing that guy around and losing him or screwing up the takedown window is not fun. And I also mentioned the sound while driving makes it sound like a toy car and I wish it had more power to it.

I also read a lot of gripes about one of the last Riddler races and yeah, I didn't enjoy it but it's part of the challenge and I've played more headache inducing sections.

I don't hate them, I just think there are too many of them and it gets tiring, plus it doesn't really make you feel like Batman, it's not really about the difficulty. The cobra drones are especially annoying just because having to be stealthy in the Batmobile feels wrong and is so slow.
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They should figure out a JL game next. It'd be out in time for the movie.
I don't get why people think Rocksteady is leaving WB. WB gives them all this freedom and resources. Hell WB even told them not to worry about Batman being rated M. I don't think they will leave.

Personally I think Rocksteady's next game should be Flash. There was as much Flash nods as Superman. Maybe more. I feel Flash would fit the free flow combat system if you had Zoom have henchmen with speed powers plus Grodd and his gorillas.

I would love nothing more than Superman but I can't see Rocksteady taking anything from the Batman games and using if for Supers. Maybe the gliding but they would still need to start from the ground up.

I could see them doing an IP but I rather more DC games. Same with WBM. I would like a sequel to Origins but I just rather see another DC hero get a game outside of Batman.

I just assumed that's why they were ending the franchise or well stop doing batman

A superman game by them could use similar aspects of arkham..

-Lex could use kryptonite or something that removes much of Supes's powers and so through out the game he gains them back when you upgrade like in arkham

-Enemies could be Lex's drones,Brainiacs robots,Doomsday minions or escaped powered phantom zone prisoners and so you free flow with powerful punches,gut kicks, heat blasts,wrestling type slams environment take downs

-The super gliding in AK can be used for Superman's basic flying

-Dual play could be used with Superboy and Super Girl

-Combat challange maps could easily be done with these enemies and predator maps be superman sneaking around Darkseid and/or Doomsday lairs as well as somewhere in the phantom zone

Character model types and graphics could easily be used and just brighten metropolis up to fit Superman,The city itself could be as big as Gotham in AK but just all put together instead of islands
I don't hate them, I just think there are too many of them and it get's tiring, plus it doesn't really make you feel like Batman, it's not really about the difficulty. The cobra drones are especially annoying just because having to be stealthy in the Batmobile feels wrong and is so slow.
It's such a polarizing addition to the game then, I guess. I've actually never felt more like Batman in this game than any of the previous games. The Batmobile is the biggest reason why. I suppose since we've never seen a Batmobile with the technology this one has it can make people wonder what they're doing. But I think it's great and in this world of Batman where the gadgets and technology are ridiculous it works for me. I'm just in a different boat with the combat drone sections in general because they are very well done to me.

The threat shouldn't just be rooms of enemies that need to be taken out while doing the Batman thing (which are even better this time around actually) but raising the stakes with enemy convoys patrolling the streets in tanks. So the chaos that can come about in the Batmobile is fine with me. I even love the other little things like the passenger transport system that comes out the back, I :hrt: how they designed this car. It'd have been interesting if they implemented the Batpod into the game too :hehe:
I was able to finish up to around 97% over the weekend. As it stands, I didn't feel like waiting to collect the outstanding 170 some odd riddles I have left, so I queued the 100% ending on YouTube. Didn't really like it; too ambiguous. I hope some of the DLC speaks to this more.

Bring back the challenge maps.

I have more fun with the Batmobile outside of the scope of the game proper. I'm so through with some of those side missions. Light AR and game challenges and free roam for me. Some of the nonsense you have to go through just kills a lot of the fun and turns it into a chore.

There was some really great characterization here and a number of moments chock full of emotion that Rocksteady nailed here. The scope and magnitude of the game is great. There is SO much to do and the detailing that went into the city, landscape, monuments and even background dialogue is just... :hmr:

Love how the end credits are a tribute to the series.

I audibly exclaimed joy when Deathstroke came into the picture... then, I cursed when he was wrapped up in another goofy tank mission and a non-interactive one punch KO that makes him look like a chump. FOH.

Tim and Barbara is the new Dick and Barbara? :confused:

Ivy. :csad: Of course, she'd have been right back to being a psychotic antagonist because someone walked across the grass in the park next week, but still.

I expected Joker's death to play a minor role, but I loved the internal dialogue that was presented to that weird ass dynamic that he and Bruce have.

I've done my fair share of *****ing about the Batmobile, but I really enjoyed the assault on GCPD segment you do with Oracle's help. Dammit, why couldn't she have been around for the majority of the game. Stupid Crane! :argh:

I think the Knightfall Protocol is just silly and the impetus of it struck me as needless. Some great emotion and scenes that go with it, but something more resounding to the mantle of the Bat and his presence in Gotham City could have been presented to wrap things up.
Have you done that campaign for disarmament side mission in Founders yet? Where you have to take out 48 tanks and drones coming in waves and attacking you all at once? If not brace yourself for much frustration.
My God. This was so bad. It was dealing with the missiles that had me almost ready for a room at Arkham.
Knightfall Protocol made perfect sense to me.

Alfred: Sir, I really don't understand why we have to do this?
Batman: Do you not realize how much property damage I caused tonight alone? Not to mention the estimated trillions in civil lawsuits I'll have against me within the week.
Alfred: But sir.
Batman: And what will I have to pay for them when Wayne Enterprises are audited to find the cash flow used to pay for my Bat-stuff, how'll Lucius explain that to our stockholders? How will I explain to the IRS I've left a well-funded underground militia off my tax records for the last 20+ years?
Alfred: You mean you're not concerned for your friends or family?
Batman: You mean all the people who are either dead or getting kidnapped anyway?
Alfred: Fair point sir.
Batman: Trust me, faking our deaths is the only I can avoid being accountable for my actions.
Alfred: How noble.
I really don't mind the
Tim and Barbara stuff, it's just a different take or interpretation. Which is what these games do. I dunno I think some are way overreacting about it honestly.
But whatever I'm cool with it haha :)
Knightfall Protocol made perfect sense to me.

Alfred: Sir, I really don't understand why we have to do this?
Batman: Do you not realize how much property damage I caused tonight alone? Not to mention the estimated trillions in civil lawsuits I'll have against me within the week.
Alfred: But sir.
Batman: And what will I have to pay for them when Wayne Enterprises are audited to find the cash flow used to pay for my Bat-stuff, how'll Lucius explain that to our stockholders? How will I explain to the IRS I've left a well-funded underground militia off my tax records for the last 20+ years?
Alfred: You mean you're not concerned for your friends or family?
Batman: You mean all the people who are either dead or getting kidnapped anyway?
Alfred: Fair point sir.
Batman: Trust me, faking our deaths is the only I can avoid being accountable for my actions.
Alfred: How noble.

You have way too much time on your hands.
^ I just do a quickfire blast from the electric gun for those guys. The ones I'm surprisingly useless at is the charging thugs. Those ****ers always knock me on my ass. :funny: When I try to quickfire them I always hit someone else. I now resort to jumped dodging them when I can.
Oh yeah, dodging is the ideal thing to do to them.
I have to say... I found the whole Tim and Barbara thing completely jarring. Perhaps I'm too old school, but it's always been Dick and Babs.

It feels like they changed it just for the sake of it. As a result, Dick felt under-developed. I can't believe they reduced him to a side mission and as a boss for Harley Quinn.

Such a shame.

Yeah, I didn't like it either. It could have been fine perhaps had we gotten to see them more as a couple but, as it is, it has no real impact on the story apart from trying to add more drama to Bruce not telling Tim about Babs. But I didn't feel anything towards their relationship because we never see it. It's just mentioned.
Knightfall Protocol made perfect sense to me.

Alfred: Sir, I really don't understand why we have to do this?
Batman: Do you not realize how much property damage I caused tonight alone? Not to mention the estimated trillions in civil lawsuits I'll have against me within the week.
Alfred: But sir.
Batman: And what will I have to pay for them when Wayne Enterprises are audited to find the cash flow used to pay for my Bat-stuff, how'll Lucius explain that to our stockholders? How will I explain to the IRS I've left a well-funded underground militia off my tax records for the last 20+ years?
Alfred: You mean you're not concerned for your friends or family?
Batman: You mean all the people who are either dead or getting kidnapped anyway?
Alfred: Fair point sir.
Batman: Trust me, faking our deaths is the only I can avoid being accountable for my actions.
Alfred: How noble.

Thank YOU! This actually makes sense!
I'm having trouble with the whole
identity reveal thing. For me, it was forced, just because Rocksteady wanted to end the trilogy.

Considering Batman is a master of stealth and escapology, I can't believe he surrenders (even his identity) to a Scarecrow who is alone and outnumbered by his 'hostages': Robin (who's also trained by Batman) and Gordon, who's pretty experienced himself.

Moreover, Batman is also a mastermind, and I can't believe he did not consider all of the consequences that Levitikus mentions and a lot more that come with his identity revealed; his company (an important instrument to help Gotham) would get in serious trouble, and let's face it, any journalist or person with common sense would deduce the identity of his allies, I mean, Dick and/or Tim are his surrogates sons. Even if he fakes his death, he leaves them exposed. Even with Scarecrow defeated, I can't shake the feeling that he won by exposing Bruce, all the super villains that were captured, people who don't like Bruce/Batman, can eventually escape, take revenge on Wayne's closer ones, Wayne Foundation, anything that is related to him; but then, I suppose the final scene tries to explain that he will appear even as a nightmare/demon to save the day.

IMO, it was a bad written ending starting with the identity reveal, but I try not to think about it and enjoy.
As someone said earlier, perhaps the game would have been perfect if WB Montreal wrote the story and Rocksteady developed the gameplay. :oldrazz:
I'm only about 50% of the way through, so I'm doing my best to avoid spoilers

but currently, I count myself among the disappointed
The batmobile blows, pure and simple
Driving it normally around the city is okay, but the controls are wayy too touchy. But battle mode is just atrocious. Who thought to themselves before this game came out "gee, ya know what would make me feel more like Batman? some shoddy controlled tank battles" or "some stealth tanking action"... it doesn't even make logical sense.. how does an army rush 40 tanks to an inner city location?? they come out of nowhere like cockroaches and they're just as annoying. Maybe if I did every single side mission to get the stats up it would make it tolerable, but that should not be a requirement to enjoying the new big gadget of the game.
And then those Riddler missions, don't even get me started. "Intellectual superior" my ass, you built a ridiculous race track, good for you. Any time you go with Catwoman to the side rooms to solve a puzzle was decent, but why in the hell would you put Riddler missions and the batmobile together. Fighting the Riddler should bring out your detective side, not make you wanna race.

other than that, solo Batman stuff is good but nothing new
Arkham Knight is tough to care about, but I'll see how the story progresses.
Scarecrow is intimidating, but not very compelling, I miss the nightmares from AA

The best part as far as I'm concerned is whenever a second character gets involved. I'd have been totally happy if the "new gadget" was Robin instead of the Batmobile. Fighting Harley's gang on the horror movie set with Tim was great.

Some of the side missions were fun too, I dug the man-bat stuff and the serial killer missions (though there could have been more variety there, and the final boss fight is obnoxious)

not at all a bad game, but just really disappointing, I feel like this series diminished with each installment.
Rocksteady did a solid job on the series as a whole, but probably best they move on to something fresh
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Maybe if enough people ***** about the ending and big reveal they'll pull a Bioware and do an "extended" ending, lol.

Anyway.. I just reached this point..

After all the time I spent going after her Crane just had Babs KILL HERSELF?!

yeah I'm really hoping for some further story reveals on that part
Thank YOU! This actually makes sense!
I'm having trouble with the whole
identity reveal thing. For me, it was forced, just because Rocksteady wanted to end the trilogy.

Considering Batman is a master of stealth and escapology, I can't believe he surrenders (even his identity) to a Scarecrow who is alone and outnumbered by his 'hostages': Robin (who's also trained by Batman) and Gordon, who's pretty experienced himself.

Moreover, Batman is also a mastermind, and I can't believe he did not consider all of the consequences that Levitikus mentions and a lot more that come with his identity revealed; his company (an important instrument to help Gotham) would get in serious trouble, and let's face it, any journalist or person with common sense would deduce the identity of his allies, I mean, Dick and/or Tim are his surrogates sons. Even if he fakes his death, he leaves them exposed. Even with Scarecrow defeated, I can't shake the feeling that he won by exposing Bruce, all the super villains that were captured, people who don't like Bruce/Batman, can eventually escape, take revenge on Wayne's closer ones, Wayne Foundation, anything that is related to him; but then, I suppose the final scene tries to explain that he will appear even as a nightmare/demon to save the day.

IMO, it was a bad written ending starting with the identity reveal, but I try not to think about it and enjoy.
As someone said earlier, perhaps the game would have been perfect if WB Montreal wrote the story and Rocksteady developed the gameplay. :oldrazz:

Agreed,That's my biggest problem with the story and when free roaming after that. When I read the spoiler before playing the game,I knew that Rocksteady doing that would be making their biggest mistake!

If Rocksteady wanted it all to end in such a way then I would have just preferred
[BLACKOUT]Batman supposedly dying after sacrificing himself somehow or that he retired and passed the batman mantle down to Azrael or Dick[/BLACKOUT] and I bet WB Montreal would have done something like that
Thank YOU! This actually makes sense!
I'm having trouble with the whole
identity reveal thing. For me, it was forced, just because Rocksteady wanted to end the trilogy.

Considering Batman is a master of stealth and escapology, I can't believe he surrenders (even his identity) to a Scarecrow who is alone and outnumbered by his 'hostages': Robin (who's also trained by Batman) and Gordon, who's pretty experienced himself.

Moreover, Batman is also a mastermind, and I can't believe he did not consider all of the consequences that Levitikus mentions and a lot more that come with his identity revealed; his company (an important instrument to help Gotham) would get in serious trouble, and let's face it, any journalist or person with common sense would deduce the identity of his allies, I mean, Dick and/or Tim are his surrogates sons. Even if he fakes his death, he leaves them exposed. Even with Scarecrow defeated, I can't shake the feeling that he won by exposing Bruce, all the super villains that were captured, people who don't like Bruce/Batman, can eventually escape, take revenge on Wayne's closer ones, Wayne Foundation, anything that is related to him; but then, I suppose the final scene tries to explain that he will appear even as a nightmare/demon to save the day.

IMO, it was a bad written ending starting with the identity reveal, but I try not to think about it and enjoy.
As someone said earlier, perhaps the game would have been perfect if WB Montreal wrote the story and Rocksteady developed the gameplay. :oldrazz:
Agreed. It comes off as unwieldy and something done just to try to be different or distinctive in the finale. To complicate it, it's purposefully open-ended. A scene that shows Bruce and Alfred off somewhere incognito, watching a report on how Gotham City is still vigilant against crime, being emboldened by the Bat Family (maybe even Azrael too) works fine. A shade corny and predictable, but it fits and works a lot better. At least, better than Mysterious Fear Toxin Apparition Man swooping in to save the day. That's even if you want to go with the idea of people not being able to, like you mentioned, piece together who Batman's allies are. Not a dealbreaker, but at the end, it just has me at a combination of laughter and WTF.
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