I think this deserves its own thread...Josh Trank denounces Fantastic Four - Part 1

Unfortunately the script hasn't leaked yet but we can always hope?!

I would have also loved the Thing action scene to be in the movie, they really need to include all deleted footage in the blu-ray.
I wonder how much of the deleted footage is even complete - particularly a special effects heavy scene like that. Would they include a rough cut on BluRay deleted scenes if it isn't done yet?
Studios do that at times, even Mad Max showed a deleted scene where they had a temporary puppet that they never made better.
If this had done better, I would fully expect Fox to release a version with some additional footage added - but nothing we want to see since, as has been pointed out, those scenes don't even exist. That footage would be a couple extra scenes of people talking and acting depressed.

But I doubt even that is going to happen now. If they released a 'special edition' they'd have to do marketing and new artwork in addition to the actual production costs of recutting it, re-mastering it, running a production line etc.

There's no way the interest would justify the cost, so we'll get the standard DVD and Blu-Ray release (SOON, so they can take advantage of the marketing they've already done rather than creating new marketing 8 months from now), and that will be the end of it.
The bits and pieces of usable material will probably just show up as deleted scenes. Also, keep in mind that some of this mythical material that would have made the movie better wasn't actually filmed. They can't make a director's cut with storyboard and script material. For example, the Dragonball Evolution home release did include some deleted scenes (including two that would have bumped up the film's MPAA rating), but it was not able to include an alternate climax in which Piccolo gets a hole punched through him because it didn't make it past the storyboard stage (you can unlock the storyboard in the video game).
From the movie or from Trank? Either way it doesn't seem they have verbally distanced themselves...they've just kept quiet. I think it says something that they have when Josh couldn't. I wonder if they ever will speak, but overall I hope their silence helps recover their careers.

Miles' tweet was funny and good humored and mocked himself more than anyone else, good for him. The rumor about Tranks email patting himself on the back doesnt fit with everyone else actions to the lead up to the release. I heard Fox didn't even have a premiere for it. So how exactly couLD Josh have been on a completely different world thinking this was a good film.

From the movie, and I think it's best done by just keeping quiet. Talking negative about the film at this stage is kind of a betrayal, like Trank did. That should be kept to themselves until the movie is a thing of the past and not trying to make money.
I don't think Trank has the maturity to eat humble pie and turn his career around.
What Trank needed to do is just stay quiet and take this on his chin. Not saying don't get angry. If you are angry, express that anger to your trusted circle, close friends and family. Perhaps a manager you can trust. Don't air it online.

Does it suck? Yes, but sometimes that is what you have to do. Sometimes you have to be the better man and not burn bridges, even if you are in the right.
I don't think Trank has the maturity to eat humble pie and turn his career around.

I often find myself thinking: "He's young, he's impulsive, he'll mature and start acting like a grown-up at some point."

Then I realize he's 31. He's not exactly a kid.
What Trank needed to do is just stay quiet and take this on his chin. Not saying don't get angry. If you are angry, express that anger to your trusted circle, close friends and family. Perhaps a manager you can trust. Don't air it online.

Does it suck? Yes, but sometimes that is what you have to do. Sometimes you have to be the better man and not burn bridges, even if you are in the right.

Yep. Even if he's right, he's hurting himself by speaking out far more than he is Fox.
I often find myself thinking: "He's young, he's impulsive, he'll mature and start acting like a grown-up at some point."

Then I realize he's 31. He's not exactly a kid.

It's different for directors I guess. When they are in their early 30s, they are young bucks really and still finding themselves and their style. Thing is, if you are a talented film director, you can work consistently for decades really. It's a career with a much longer shelf-life than being a hot it girl or leading lady in many ways.
Thing is. Whatever small budget project Trank signs onto will get way more attention than it should just to see if he cracks.

I know it's no where near the same but Marvel signing Downey was a huge risk cause of all his lapses. Of course he was a proven talent just troubled. Trank has some talent but is clearly troubled.
Some small company will hire him just for the publicity it will create.
I woke up from a nap and it dawned on me how to get Marvel the FF and Fox gets something that isn't money but of as much value as FF (at least in its current state). I'll write a post or a thread about it when I get a chance.

Equivalent exchange!!!
He'll definitely get a small film eventually.

Pretty much. When you include the indie market, Hollywood is huge. He already made a successful movie beforehand in Chronicle, so it's not like he's a complete hack and can't get another movie. He just needs to refocus and direct an indie movie. If that movie (and possibly a second indie movie) is a success, other studios will come knocking again.
Pretty much. When you include the indie market, Hollywood is huge. He already made a successful movie beforehand in Chronicle, so it's not like he's a complete hack and can't get another movie. He just needs to refocus and direct an indie movie. If that movie (and possibly a second indie movie) is a success, other studios will come knocking again.
Yep, direct a couple of small films and behave himself and he has a good chance of recovering...unless those small films really suck. I'm trying to be positive right now though.
Pretty much. When you include the indie market, Hollywood is huge. He already made a successful movie beforehand in Chronicle, so it's not like he's a complete hack and can't get another movie. He just needs to refocus and direct an indie movie. If that movie (and possibly a second indie movie) is a success, other studios will come knocking again.

But it may be more about attitude than talent in his case, which might be the reason no studio will want to go near him. They might recognise he has the ability, just that he doesn't have the people skills and professionalism to handle working with people in a way that doesn't inflame the situation when he doesn't get exactly what he wants.
People skills does seem to matter a lot....otherwise why would Shyamalan and the Walchowski's keep getting millions to make flops.
With Trank it's not so much the bad movie but how it became so bad plus his public hissy fit. What really went on behind the scenes? Did he have a good movie going then Fox didn't like the direction and changed it mid way through? Or did Trank implode as director and Fox tried to salvage what was left of the movie? Add to that the twitter debacle plus his apparent oblivious email that his end result was great.
People skills does seem to matter a lot....otherwise why would Shyamalan and the Walchowski's keep getting millions to make flops.
With Trank it's not so much the bad movie but how it became so bad plus his public hissy fit. What really went on behind the scenes? Did he have a good movie going then Fox didn't like the direction and changed it mid way through? Or did Trank implode as director and Fox tried to salvage what was left of the movie? Add to that the twitter debacle plus his apparent oblivious email that his end result was great.

Agreed, people skills matters

American History X's director Tony Kaye has been unemployed for the better of the last 15 years, just because of his public meltdown in that movie's post-production, nobody is willing to give him a chance even though American History X is good movie and a cult classic
Equivalent exchange!!!

Best be careful with that....

People skills does seem to matter a lot....otherwise why would Shyamalan and the Walchowski's keep getting millions to make flops.
With Trank it's not so much the bad movie but how it became so bad plus his public hissy fit. What really went on behind the scenes? Did he have a good movie going then Fox didn't like the direction and changed it mid way through? Or did Trank implode as director and Fox tried to salvage what was left of the movie? Add to that the twitter debacle plus his apparent oblivious email that his end result was great.

I think in the end it will be a case of people recognising that he can make a decent movie if the right conditions are there, but are they willing to work with him to achieve that result and how difficult will the process be in getting there? Studios might decide it's not worth the hassle and effort when there are plenty of other capable directors out there who might be easier to work with.

Ultimately, Trank might be the most talented director in the world, but if he doesn't change his attitude and mature a bit as a person, no-one will want to risk having to work with a difficult and unprofessional person like him.
On the new Batman on Fatman, KS said part 4 was indeed going to be post F4. Trank had a good humor about it via email, but for obvious reasons was not going to be able to do it.

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