The Doctor Doom Thread

It seems more and more to be going the Kang direction
Sucks for Doom then, but maybe it means he gets to stay in the MCU for a long old time then. Good for Kang to get a double feature main event like Thanos at least.
Yeah I meant come in to a F4 film rather than overall MCU. Although I’d have preferred him to debut in a F4 film.

Or does this mean there’s a chance that they don’t use him for Secret Wars and give that wholly to Kang instead?

That would be terrible if they give Doom's role to Kang. What a revolting development!
Sucks for Doom then, but maybe it means he gets to stay in the MCU for a long old time then. Good for Kang to get a double feature main event like Thanos at least.

It's bad enough that Kang gets to play all the characters from Dynasty. Now he takes Doom's part as well.
That would be terrible if they give Doom's role to Kang. What a revolting development!
If this rumour of him not being the F4 villain in the first film is true it seems a bit much for him to debut in Secret Wars as the main villain, and also not sure how long a future a focal universe threat would have after the main event. It was easier for Loki as he was a lower threat level himself during and after Avengers and had the Thor films for natural regular appearances. I guess I’d rather Doom slowly build from an F4 villain until his own main event.
Doom not being the main villain of FF doesn't necessarily mean he won't be in it. But if he isn't in it, then yeah I think if he isn't in FF, then the number of projects he can be in decreases and would ultimately make him an underwhelming villain to suddenly take over Secret Wars as the big bad, especially if the competition in Kang has several years of build up Doom doesn't have
Is there a rumor that Doom won't be the main villain? All I've heard is fans say they would like to have someone else be the villain in the first movie. But I think there's about a zero percent chance that Doom won't be in the FF movie at all.
It seems more and more to be going the Kang direction

I have a MAJOR problem with that...Kang doesn't deserve Secret Wars...this has ALWAYS been Dooms and if Marvel really does give it to Kang, it may be dramatic on my part but I will never forgive them for robbing my all-time favorite character of his crowning defining moment...
It seems more and more to be going the Kang direction
The thing is, Marvel Studios basically telegraphed what their version of Secret Wars would be in the first episode of Loki. So I'm not sure why everybody is surprised by this

It wont according to this source

The one thing I find dubious about this is the fact that for a movie in 2025, they already know the post and mid credits scenes. I call BS on that. They don't even have a finished script yet, let alone what the post credits and such will be. Plus, as we saw potentially with BP2 with recent rumors about that scene, things change
I think it’s unlikely that Doom will be the primary villain in FF, but likely he will appear.

And anyone who says they know otherwise is likely full of it.

I doubt even Kevin Feige and Matt Shakman know exactly how it will play out at this point.
At this point, I am almost ready to throw in the towel and tell Marvel Studios/Feige to leave Doom/Latveria out of their plans...

Let's break it down...Kang is being promoted as the next Thanos and if that means he will be the final boss for Phase 6, then he gets to be in both Avengers KD and Avengers SW...after that, Phase 7 will more than likely be the Mutant/X-Men time...beyond that we are looking at 2026 and beyond...I am sorry but I don't see them giving Doom an entire phase or multi phase arcs....I feel like by now they should have done it. Maybe I'm growing very pessimistic cause for all the good Marvel has done, somehow Doom always gets crapped on. It just doesn't make sense to NOT prioritize him and start building. Wakanda Forever made perfect sense to be Dooms kickoff adapting both "Three Kings" and a hint of Doomwar and yet how do you ultimately bring Doom into this? You remove him from the very movie that made the most just feels very wrong to me and I am not having a lot of faith on Dooms role in the MCU...this has been my TedTalk lmao
Eh, on one hand does Doom not being involved in Secret Wars suck? Yes. But does it immediately mean that Doom won't emerge later on as a big player? No. I do think the X-Men will be front and center come Phase 7, but we still have different areas of focus within the MCU. We have the Mystical end building up now. There is the cosmic sector which may be teeing up Galactus in the future. You have more Earth based heroes fighting smaller crime like Daredevil or Spider-Man. With the vast content Marvel is pumping out, Doom can still be a big deal. I don't know what obvious endgame there is for Doom if Secret Wars has been done especially since we already saw the stealing of Surfer's powers thing tries and botched once before. But Doom is a flexible character and something I am sure will be done with him in the future, even if that future isn't as immediate as we would all like
At this point, I am almost ready to throw in the towel and tell Marvel Studios/Feige to leave Doom/Latveria out of their plans...

Let's break it down...Kang is being promoted as the next Thanos and if that means he will be the final boss for Phase 6, then he gets to be in both Avengers KD and Avengers SW...after that, Phase 7 will more than likely be the Mutant/X-Men time...beyond that we are looking at 2026 and beyond...I am sorry but I don't see them giving Doom an entire phase or multi phase arcs....I feel like by now they should have done it. Maybe I'm growing very pessimistic cause for all the good Marvel has done, somehow Doom always gets crapped on. It just doesn't make sense to NOT prioritize him and start building. Wakanda Forever made perfect sense to be Dooms kickoff adapting both "Three Kings" and a hint of Doomwar and yet how do you ultimately bring Doom into this? You remove him from the very movie that made the most just feels very wrong to me and I am not having a lot of faith on Dooms role in the MCU...this has been my TedTalk lmao

I think you’re overthinking things.

Kang can have his moment in the sun with Doom right behind to be, well, the Doom we know and love.

Doom is huge. Casual fans don’t even know who Kang is yet, but everybody knows Doctor Doom.

I’m absolutely certain if I asked my wife, the name Kang would mean nothing to her. She wouldn’t even know it had anything to do with comic books.

But Dr. Doom, like Spider-man or Hulk would give her an immediate image of the comic book character. She wouldn’t know anything about Latveria or Boris or Doombots, but she’d immediately be able to connect the name with a Kirby drawing of him.

Let them do a watered down version of Secret Wars, but as they’re doing that, they can also be developing Doom and Silver Surfer and Galactus etc. and 15 years from now we could have an epic story featuring those characters that will make Secret Wars seem small in comparison.
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I just showed my wife this photo and asked her if she knew who it was.


No clue. When I told her it was Kang and asked if that sounded familiar or she knew anything about him, she did not.

Then I showed her this:


She immediately, without pausing, Identified it as Dr. Doom.

Marvel isn’t stupid. They know Doom is THE Marvel villain, and he’ll take his place as such.

It might take a while, but that’s good. Do it right. Don’t rush it.
I think you’re overthinking things.

Kang can have his moment in the sun with Doom right behind to be, well, the Doom we know and love.

Doom is huge. Casual fans don’t even know who Kang is yet, but everybody knows Doctor Doom.

I’m absolutely certain if I asked my wife, the name Kang would mean nothing to her. She wouldn’t even know it had anything to do with comic books.

But Dr. Doom, like Spider-man or Hulk would give her an immediate image of the comic book character. She wouldn’t know anything about Latveria or Boris or Doombots, but she’d immediately be able to connect the name with a Kirby drawing of him.

Let them do a watered down version of Secret Wars, but as they’re doing that, they can also be developing Doom and Silver Surfer and Galactus etc. and 15 years from now we could have an epic story featuring those characters that will make Secret Wars seem small in comparison.

While you make some good points...but 15 years from now??? Oh hell no...I'll be almost 60...I will not wait for Doom that long to have some possible moment..Secret Wars is literally Marvel's largest event and to rob Doom of that no matter what is just wrong...and they should have given Kang another event and saved SW for Doom...I'm just feeling very jaded right now
I just showed my wife this photo and asked her if she knew who it was.

View attachment 59617

No clue. When I told her it was Kang and asked if that sounded familiar or she knew anything about him, she did not.

Then I showed her this:

View attachment 59618

She immediately, without pausing, Identified it as Dr. Doom.

Marvel isn’t stupid. They know Doom is THE Marvel villain, and he’ll take his place as such.

It might take a while, but that’s good. Do it right. Don’t rush it.

I don't know if your wife is an accurate measure of the general public's knowledge, seeing as she's married to a big Fantastic Four fan (who probably cosplays as Dr Doom anyway).

While you make some good points...but 15 years from now??? Oh hell no...I'll be almost 60...I will not wait for Doom that long to have some possible moment..Secret Wars is literally Marvel's largest event and to rob Doom of that no matter what is just wrong...and they should have given Kang another event and saved SW for Doom...I'm just feeling very jaded right now

15 years? More like 16 if each phase lasts 4 years and each FF character is solo for 1 phase before finally uniting together as a team.
While you make some good points...but 15 years from now??? Oh hell no...I'll be almost 60...I will not wait for Doom that long to have some possible moment..Secret Wars is literally Marvel's largest event and to rob Doom of that no matter what is just wrong...and they should have given Kang another event and saved SW for Doom...I'm just feeling very jaded right now

Well it took 11 years from Iron Man until Endgame and in that time we saw the character grow and develop, and we need something similar with Doom.

Doom hasn’t even been mentioned in the MCU yet, so to go from that to Secret Wars in a few years just wouldn’t work. It would be forced and rushed and not do Doom justice.

I’d rather see Doom done right than Doom done quickly. And, no, there’s no guarantee we’ll get either, but we at least have a chance we’ll get a great Doom if they take their time and do him right.

As for age, I’m HOPING I’ll have seen a decent FF film by the time I turn 60 - in March 2025.:cwink:
While you make some good points...but 15 years from now??? Oh hell no...I'll be almost 60...I will not wait for Doom that long to have some possible moment..Secret Wars is literally Marvel's largest event and to rob Doom of that no matter what is just wrong...and they should have given Kang another event and saved SW for Doom...I'm just feeling very jaded right now
I get what you're feeling. It's like if they took the Galactus Trilogy and gave it to the Avengers or the X-Men. Jean Grey charms the Silver Surfer and Iceman retrieves the Ultimate Nullifier for Professor X to wield. Or they could have Wolverine beat Galactus one on one, I guess.
@Fluedd That actually reminds me of a comic I bought and read as a kid:


It's actually a damn good story with a great ending.
If we only look at the Black Panther sequel and no other upcoming films, I have noticed the strong wish to have Doom appear in that very film.
Wakanda Forever is already going to be a visual highlight with interesting stuff. The much requested NAMOR is finally getting his live action debut, and rising up as the film's villain. His underwater kingdom is now being introduced in MCU (hopefully along with the explanation how that place came to be.... because they need to go back to mythology again, tell us more about the godess Bast, and likely a sea god as well... and how it's all connected)
There will be a great deal of tension between the two nations. Could it lead to a full-fledged war????

And it's also likely the characters will briefly mention other weird/mystical things that have happened in MCU (Shang-Chi, Eternals, multiverse portals etc).
Considering the scope of this sequel, maybe there could even be a cameo by another MCU hero?????? Then I bet it's someone who's been to Wakanda before (not all of them have).

But despite all this fantastical stuff.... it's not enough. Some people want more than that, specifically also having the iconic Doom involved in some capacity.
We have been spoiled too much the last decade!!!
Maybe there wasn't too much stuff crammed into X-Men 3 or Spider-Man 3, after all
I'm curious how Wakanda Forever performs at the box office. The first Black Panther movie did extraordinarily well, and was the most successful superhero movie ever at the time IIRC. But losing Chadwick Boseman is a big blow, and I'm not sure that replacing him with yet another female legacy character is the best idea.

Black Panther first appeared in the pages of the Fantastic Four, of course, Marvel's flagship comic book at the time.
Wakanda Forever is already going to be a visual highlight with interesting stuff. The much requested NAMOR is finally getting his live action debut, and rising up as the film's villain. His underwear kingdom is now being introduced in MCU (hopefully along with the explanation how that place came to be.... because they need to go back to mythology again, tell us more about the godess Bast, and likely a sea god as well... and how it's all connected)
There will be a great deal of tension between the two nations. Could it lead to a full-fledged war????

And it's also likely the characters will briefly mention other weird/mystical things that have happened in MCU (Shang-Chi, Eternals, multiverse portals etc).
Considering the scope of this sequel, maybe there could even be a cameo by another MCU hero?????? Then I bet it's someone who's been to Wakanda before (not all of them have).

But despite all this fantastical stuff.... it's not enough. Some people want more than that, specifically also having the iconic Doom involved in some capacity.
We have been spoiled too much the last decade!!!
Maybe there wasn't too much stuff crammed into X-Men 3 or Spider-Man 3, after all
thats what I read at first…
I will be close to 62 myself when FF comes out!! I mid or end credit scene IMO. With DOziM would get chatter talking!! Doom and Namor have history so even though they wouldn’t meet in WF. It would get the ball rolling!! Fox messed up all characters in FF!! I also want to see all characters done right and not rushed but like goblinscrier I don’t have 15 years to back wait!! KANG can be the really big bad in most of the movies in phase 4-6 but why can’t other solo movies have doom be big bad??!! Just wondering!! Also glad if true that doom isn’t main villan in FF!! That’s been overdone and oversctewed IMO

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