Batman: Arkham Knight

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i thought the nightwing dlc was serviceable
it was short sure, but really, it's not like there was going to be a massive storyline made out of "Stop penguin from escaping gcpd"
not really, it's about 15- 20 mins roughly depending on how good your combat/predator skills are

it's basically 2 combat rooms and a multileveled room predator section
anyone else constantly crash into stuff and drive off rooftops when driving the Batmobile?
Yeah. The thing is too fast for such a dense environment. Good thing most of the city was evacuated bc my Batman would be running over half of Gotham
yeah I'm hoping for the same and they are treated the same way rock steady is privilege( more time and more say) wise

I second this. PLEASE let them take over. Woukd love to see what they could do after Origins with next gen hardware. Someone please make it happen.

Seconded. I'd rather other characters got a shot, but seeing as we're certainly getting more Batman games, WBM would be a great choice. I would like though if they got a big enough team to have two projects going, so they can have a Batman team and a team that rotates between different properties.

There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that WB Montreal was formed for the express purpose of taking the reigns after Rocksteady finishes. Absolutely we'll be getting more Batman.

Yeah, there's going to be more Batman games.


NO.. No more Batman games. Move on WB. Stop milking the series WB after you guys hyped Arkham Knight to be the final game in the Batman series. The series began with Rocksteady, let it end with Rocksteady.

That's silly logic, LEVI. Why should we be denied more great Batman games just because Rocksteady is finished, especially when for many of us the best Batman game didn't even come from them.

Or if people want them to do it so badly, then do it the way they do movies, have them do more than one project at once. Have one team on Batman, and another on Superman or whatever.

Couldn't disagree with you more. Joker in knight was amazing best in the franchise and scarecrow was amazing to. Man I swear origins is the most overrated yet underrated game at the same time. The game its self is so underrated has it is basically city but with a game that is 2 times has big. Maybe I fell that way because I was the only 1 that had like no glitches in the game. I had like 3 glitches in the game and none of them where that bad and only happened like2 times each out of the like 100 hours I have played that game. Yet its story is one of the most overrated things I have ever heard in my life no matter if you are talking about games, music, movies, perfecial athlects it may be the most overrated thing I have ever heard!

Joker in origins was just bad. It was the only game that I fell like he was forced into the game and the only black mask being the joker was so predictable early in the game even more then who the arkham knight was in knight and joker being black mask made way less sinces then the way joker was used in knight. The only thing that surprised me at all origins was bane finding out who batman was. Ever thing else was so predictable. Knight and city's stories are so much better then the lame story in origins. I love origins but the story was the only thing keeping it from being better then city.

It's got nothing to do with glitches. I experienced glitches back when the game was released. I've experienced glitches with Knight, too. That's technical issues. It doesn't affect my opinion of the story or handling of the characters.

Joker in Origins was the most perfect handling of the character out of all four games. By far. For a start the character was actually developed. He's the only Joker in the four games who progresses as a character. He goes from wanting Batman dead, to getting a whole new appreciation for Batman after Batman saves his life at the hotel. Then we get that brilliant therapy scene with Harley where we get a ghoulishly insightful look into the mind of the Joker and what he thinks about life, and how he sees Batman. This scene alone is more characterful development and Joker insight than Rocksteady gave him in their three games combined;


Joker in Asylum, City, and Knight is a stoic character who has no progression whatsoever. It's not just Joker who gets developed in his relationship with Batman in AO, so does Batman himself. It's very reminiscent of The Dark Knight in that Batman begins to slowly realize he's dealing with a brand of psychopathic criminal he's never encountered before, as particularly brilliantly showcased in the hotel scenes.

Second, and I'm cutting and pasting Twoface=badass' brilliant post here, Joker in Origins is the only one who worked well in conjunction with another villain, and not at the expense of another villain. In Origins' case Bane. Bane/Joker were also the only villain combo we actually saw interact. Scarecrow and Knight talk like twice over the radio with each other, and never actually operate in the same space, despite such an image in the trailer.

But the biggest thing Bane and Joker have going for them in AO is that they were both developed, both hyped as huge threats, and importantly neither of them were thrown under the bus to hype up the other. Rocksteady I've noticed has a habit of doing such a thing with their villains in order to establish how big a threat a villain is, the classic examples being Bane in Asylum and Strange in City even more so.

In contrast look at the hotel scenes in Origins - they're a masterclass of developing villains with conflicting goals and establishing power dynamics. Joker is shown to be wild, unpredictable and brilliant, and Bane is shown as tough, pragmatic, resourceful and not scared of the Joker. They are two villains who dislike one another (more so from Bane's direction) but also share an uneasy alliance that is quite satisfactorily never quite broken. Bane develops a good enough knowledge of the Joker that he knows that even after trying to kill each other on the hotel rooftop, that the alliance is easily reforged with the right idea (the heart monitor gambit). His men easily slaughter Joker's, and he's the one that discovers Batman's identity, trashes the batcave, and wounds Alfred, but simultaneously it is Joker that sets everything in motion.

Much, much better than "He was your puppet Ra's!" or whatever the hell the Scarecrow/Knight alliance was meant to be. Seriously, someone at some point had to realise that Knight was a terrifically boring character, but God knows someone else must've had a terrific ***** for the guy, given that he swallows up so much of the narrative compared to Scarecrow. Which is why it's about quality not quantity. That's why AK and Joker don't overshadow Scarecrow despite having more screen time than him, because they were inferior villains handled badly.

You criticize AO for being predictable about Joker being Black Mask, when AK was fifty times worse in being predictable with Jason Todd being the Arkham Knight. And they left that reveal until very late into the game, too. AO at least revealed Joker being Black Mask early in the game, and redeemed Black Mask to recovering and taking back his gang. AO didn't milk it for the bulk of the game. Whereas AK suddenly out of the blue keeps having Batman hallucinate about Jason Todd, a character who had no relevance whatsoever in the previous games. They were as subtle as a sledgehammer to the kneecaps about AK's identity. That goes on several times during the game, until finally very late in the game after you've guessed the truth long, long, long ago they reveal AK is Jason. Your criticisms against AO in support of AK's horrid writing make no sense and just look hypocritical. The Joker in Origins' is by far and away the best Joker and villain of the games for the aforementioned reasons. You can't say the same for the others.
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I hope we get more Batman games.

but it's time for other characters, like Superman, to get a chance to shine.

They can revisit Batman later.

That's silly logic, LEVI. Why should we be denied more great Batman games just because Rocksteady is finished, especially when for many of us the best Batman game didn't even come from them.

Or if people want them to do it so badly, then do it the way they do movies, have them do more than one project at once. Have one team on Batman, and another on Superman or whatever.

It's got nothing to do with glitches. I experienced glitches back when the game was released. I've experienced glitches with Knight, too. That's technical issues. It doesn't affect my opinion of the story or handling of the characters.

Joker in Origins was the most perfect handling of the character out of all four games. By far. For a start the character was actually developed. He's the only Joker in the four games who progresses as a character. He goes from wanting Batman dead, to getting a whole new appreciation for Batman after Batman saves his life at the hotel. Then we get that brilliant therapy scene with Harley where we get a ghoulishly insightful look into the mind of the Joker and what he thinks about life, and how he sees Batman. This scene alone is more characterful development and Joker insight than Rocksteady gave him in their three games combined;


Joker in Asylum, City, and Knight is a stoic character who has no progression whatsoever. It's not just Joker who gets developed in his relationship with Batman in AO, so does Batman himself. It's very reminiscent of The Dark Knight in that Batman begins to slowly realize he's dealing with a brand of psychopathic criminal he's never encountered before, as particularly brilliantly showcased in the hotel scenes.

Second, and I'm cutting and pasting Twoface=badass' brilliant post here, Joker in Origins is the only one who worked well in conjunction with another villain, and not at the expense of another villain. In Origins' case Bane. Bane/Joker were also the only villain combo we actually saw interact. Scarecrow and Knight talk like twice over the radio with each other, and never actually operate in the same space, despite such an image in the trailer.

But the biggest thing Bane and Joker have going for them in AO is that they were both developed, both hyped as huge threats, and importantly neither of them were thrown under the bus to hype up the other. Rocksteady I've noticed has a habit of doing such a thing with their villains in order to establish how big a threat a villain is, the classic examples being Bane in Asylum and Strange in City even more so.

In contrast look at the hotel scenes in Origins - they're a masterclass of developing villains with conflicting goals and establishing power dynamics. Joker is shown to be wild, unpredictable and brilliant, and Bane is shown as tough, pragmatic, resourceful and not scared of the Joker. They are two villains who dislike one another (more so from Bane's direction) but also share an uneasy alliance that is quite satisfactorily never quite broken. Bane develops a good enough knowledge of the Joker that he knows that even after trying to kill each other on the hotel rooftop, that the alliance is easily reforged with the right idea (the heart monitor gambit). His men easily slaughter Joker's, and he's the one that discovers Batman's identity, trashes the batcave, and wounds Alfred, but simultaneously it is Joker that sets everything in motion.

Much, much better than "He was your puppet Ra's!" or whatever the hell the Scarecrow/Knight alliance was meant to be. Seriously, someone at some point had to realise that Knight was a terrifically boring character, but God knows someone else must've had a terrific ***** for the guy, given that he swallows up so much of the narrative compared to Scarecrow. Which is why it's about quality not quantity. That's why AK and Joker don't overshadow Scarecrow despite having more screen time than him, because they were inferior villains handled badly.

You criticize AO for being predictable about Joker being Black Mask, when AK was fifty times worse in being predictable with Jason Todd being the Arkham Knight. And they left that reveal until very late into the game, too. AO at least revealed Joker being Black Mask early in the game, and redeemed Black Mask to recovering and taking back his gang. AO didn't milk it for the bulk of the game. Whereas AK suddenly out of the blue keeps having Batman hallucinate about Jason Todd, a character who had no relevance whatsoever in the previous games. They were as subtle as a sledgehammer to the kneecaps about AK's identity. That goes on several times during the game, until finally very late in the game after you've guessed the truth long, long, long ago they reveal AK is Jason. Your criticisms against AO in support of AK's horrid writing make no sense and just look hypocritical. The Joker in Origins' is by far and away the best Joker and villain of the games for the aforementioned reasons. You can't say the same for the others.

That's silly logic, LEVI. Why should we be denied more great Batman games just because Rocksteady is finished, especially when for many of us the best Batman game didn't even come from them.

Or if people want them to do it so badly, then do it the way they do movies, have them do more than one project at once. Have one team on Batman, and another on Superman or whatever.

First and foremost whether you liked Knight or not; it was marked as THE FINAL GAME IN THE SERIES

Sure there were other finales that made new games but it wasn't until years passed. We're only 3 months past from Knight.

Second you set up a DC centered game studios in WB Games Montreal. Whether you liked Origins or not, Origins gameplay was very much copy and paste from Rocksteady. Even the boss battles were from Rocksteady games.

Copperhead = Ra's al Ghul clay men and AA Scarecrow
Deathstroke = little bit of Ra's
Bane = basically Bane but you fight him and don't throw a Batarang at the head but still dodge him
Firefly = Ivy
Deadshot = Two-Face Catwoman
Sivia = Ra's female ninjas
Freeze = Freeze

How about instead of this DC centered games studio stops lazily copy and pasting Rocksteady's gameplay to make Batman games, you make your own superhero games?

It's milking of the highest form. Whether you like Origins or not, it's time to have more DC games not starring Batman since we got a trilogy of great games plus a great prequel of it.

There's a reason less is more is a saying. People want a Superman game. People want a Flash game. A Green Arrow game. All those could use Arkham influence in that we have focus on solo city protectors.

It's no lie WB loves to milk Batman but there shouldn't be talk this soon about a new Batman game after the suppose finale when there are rumors of a Superman game being made. Not saying confirm the Superman game but say we are looking to make more DC games as successful as the Batman series.

Maybe do Origins 2 in a few years but do someone else. DC are the only ones currently making great games, in the comic book game department, so why not try to strike gold with another hero instead of holding on to Batman?
I would do nasty things if it meant a Flash game would be made by these guys.


Thank you. Part of that applause goes to Twoface=badass. Some of that were his words from one of his posts.

First and foremost whether you liked Knight or not; it was marked as THE FINAL GAME IN THE SERIES

So? Has that ever stopped franchises from being revived with new entries? Of course not.

Furthermore it's the end to Rocksteady's Arkham games. Future Batman games are not bound to that continuity.

Sure there were other finales that made new games but it wasn't until years passed. We're only 3 months past from Knight.

Nobody's expecting a new Batman game this year or next, LEVI. And the time factor won't make a difference anyway. You think gamers care as long as they get more Batman games?

Second you set up a DC centered game studios in WB Games Montreal. Whether you liked Origins or not, Origins gameplay was very much copy and paste from Rocksteady. Even the boss battles were from Rocksteady games.

Copperhead = Ra's al Ghul clay men and AA Scarecrow
Deathstroke = little bit of Ra's
Bane = basically Bane but you fight him and don't throw a Batarang at the head but still dodge him
Firefly = Ivy
Deadshot = Two-Face Catwoman
Sivia = Ra's female ninjas
Freeze = Freeze

That's not a copy and paste, that's utilizing elements from their gameplay engine. The overall gameplay and Batman's movements etc were, and that was great. Why fix it if it isn't broken? Especially when it was in the same continuity.

How about instead of this DC centered games studio stops lazily copy and pasting Rocksteady's gameplay to make Batman games, you make your own superhero games?

Who's asking them to use the Batman gameplay in other superhero games? :huh:

It's milking of the highest form. Whether you like Origins or not, it's time to have more DC games not starring Batman since we got a trilogy of great games plus a great prequel of it.

And they can make more DC games. Not saying otherwise. They don't have to stop making Batman games to do that.

There's a reason less is more is a saying.

Something that springs to mind when we talk of Joker in AK :cwink:

People want a Superman game. People want a Flash game. A Green Arrow game. All those could use Arkham influence in that we have focus on solo city protectors.

I thought you just said using the Arkham influence was lazy and unoriginal?

It's no lie WB loves to milk Batman but there shouldn't be talk this soon about a new Batman game after the suppose finale when there are rumors of a Superman game being made. Not saying confirm the Superman game but say we are looking to make more DC games as successful as the Batman series.

Maybe do Origins 2 in a few years but do someone else. DC are the only ones currently making great games, in the comic book game department, so why not try to strike gold with another hero instead of holding on to Batman?

Nobody's saying they shouldn't do other DC heroes, it's that they don't have to stop making more Batman games, too. There's no reason they can't do both. Like a competent movie studio can do more than one movie at the same time.
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Also on Levi and his point about origins copy and pasting rocksteadys mechanics and especially boss battles, so what? You didn't expect the same mechanics? It's part of the same series. It's an Arkham game, so what if it was a different developer. And at least they had boss battles in Origins, rocksteady completely abandoned boss battles in AK.
AK was marketed as the last game in the series but not the last solo Batman game. WB Montreal can easily make a whole new series with their own game universe.

Other heroes can have games done by other teams just like Injustice is done by Neatherealm and that game includes the DC Universe
a solo Cassandra Cain Batgirl game!!!
and redeemed Black Mask to recovering and taking back his gang.

Eh, they made him a joke villain after that reveal. He was easily disposed off in City and the Red Hood DLC as well.

Deadshot = Two-Face Catwoman

I'm calling bull on this one. Deadshot was actually nerve-wracking and required strategy to take down, while with Two-Face, you just had to get him away from his henchmen, sneak attack, and continue to beat him down until he was defeated.

That's silly logic, LEVI. Why should we be denied more great Batman games just because Rocksteady is finished, especially when for many of us the best Batman game didn't even come from them.

Or if people want them to do it so badly, then do it the way they do movies, have them do more than one project at once. Have one team on Batman, and another on Superman or whatever.

It's got nothing to do with glitches. I experienced glitches back when the game was released. I've experienced glitches with Knight, too. That's technical issues. It doesn't affect my opinion of the story or handling of the characters.

Joker in Origins was the most perfect handling of the character out of all four games. By far. For a start the character was actually developed. He's the only Joker in the four games who progresses as a character. He goes from wanting Batman dead, to getting a whole new appreciation for Batman after Batman saves his life at the hotel. Then we get that brilliant therapy scene with Harley where we get a ghoulishly insightful look into the mind of the Joker and what he thinks about life, and how he sees Batman. This scene alone is more characterful development and Joker insight than Rocksteady gave him in their three games combined;


Joker in Asylum, City, and Knight is a stoic character who has no progression whatsoever. It's not just Joker who gets developed in his relationship with Batman in AO, so does Batman himself. It's very reminiscent of The Dark Knight in that Batman begins to slowly realize he's dealing with a brand of psychopathic criminal he's never encountered before, as particularly brilliantly showcased in the hotel scenes.

Second, and I'm cutting and pasting Twoface=badass' brilliant post here, Joker in Origins is the only one who worked well in conjunction with another villain, and not at the expense of another villain. In Origins' case Bane. Bane/Joker were also the only villain combo we actually saw interact. Scarecrow and Knight talk like twice over the radio with each other, and never actually operate in the same space, despite such an image in the trailer.

But the biggest thing Bane and Joker have going for them in AO is that they were both developed, both hyped as huge threats, and importantly neither of them were thrown under the bus to hype up the other. Rocksteady I've noticed has a habit of doing such a thing with their villains in order to establish how big a threat a villain is, the classic examples being Bane in Asylum and Strange in City even more so.

In contrast look at the hotel scenes in Origins - they're a masterclass of developing villains with conflicting goals and establishing power dynamics. Joker is shown to be wild, unpredictable and brilliant, and Bane is shown as tough, pragmatic, resourceful and not scared of the Joker. They are two villains who dislike one another (more so from Bane's direction) but also share an uneasy alliance that is quite satisfactorily never quite broken. Bane develops a good enough knowledge of the Joker that he knows that even after trying to kill each other on the hotel rooftop, that the alliance is easily reforged with the right idea (the heart monitor gambit). His men easily slaughter Joker's, and he's the one that discovers Batman's identity, trashes the batcave, and wounds Alfred, but simultaneously it is Joker that sets everything in motion.

Much, much better than "He was your puppet Ra's!" or whatever the hell the Scarecrow/Knight alliance was meant to be. Seriously, someone at some point had to realise that Knight was a terrifically boring character, but God knows someone else must've had a terrific ***** for the guy, given that he swallows up so much of the narrative compared to Scarecrow. Which is why it's about quality not quantity. That's why AK and Joker don't overshadow Scarecrow despite having more screen time than him, because they were inferior villains handled badly.

You criticize AO for being predictable about Joker being Black Mask, when AK was fifty times worse in being predictable with Jason Todd being the Arkham Knight. And they left that reveal until very late into the game, too. AO at least revealed Joker being Black Mask early in the game, and redeemed Black Mask to recovering and taking back his gang. AO didn't milk it for the bulk of the game. Whereas AK suddenly out of the blue keeps having Batman hallucinate about Jason Todd, a character who had no relevance whatsoever in the previous games. They were as subtle as a sledgehammer to the kneecaps about AK's identity. That goes on several times during the game, until finally very late in the game after you've guessed the truth long, long, long ago they reveal AK is Jason. Your criticisms against AO in support of AK's horrid writing make no sense and just look hypocritical. The Joker in Origins' is by far and away the best Joker and villain of the games for the aforementioned reasons. You can't say the same for the others.

It sounds like I'll enjoy Origins the most.

hope it either gets remastered or BC through the X1.
How anybody could think that any of the villains in Knight were handled well is beyond me.
I think Scarecrow in AK was greatly done for the most part. Thinking any villain and especially Joker was done bad in AO blows my mind after so much confusion.

The Joker/Black Mask twist was bad but other than that, Joker was by the far best there and in AA!
My expectations on the AK as a whole when Scarecrow was announced as the main villain were through the roof... then he was barely in the ****ing game. If the entire game had been like the last hour or so, this would have been my game of the year.
It focused way too much on the Arkham Knight, who is as interesting as fighting a teenager going through a "YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND ME" phase.
Arkham Knight was a great game and from what I have heard and seen the first three were too (I didn't play them) so I hope they keep making Batman games personally. If they can make games for other characters too then that would also be great but if I had to choose between Batman and other characters then I would choose a Batman game personally. At least that is how I feel now. A Suicide Squad game would certainly be interesting though. Or perhaps even something like Injustice where you can play as several characters in one game but have it an action-adventure game like the Arkham games were rather than just a fighting game.

That's silly logic, LEVI. Why should we be denied more great Batman games just because Rocksteady is finished, especially when for many of us the best Batman game didn't even come from them.

Or if people want them to do it so badly, then do it the way they do movies, have them do more than one project at once. Have one team on Batman, and another on Superman or whatever.

It's got nothing to do with glitches. I experienced glitches back when the game was released. I've experienced glitches with Knight, too. That's technical issues. It doesn't affect my opinion of the story or handling of the characters.

Joker in Origins was the most perfect handling of the character out of all four games. By far. For a start the character was actually developed. He's the only Joker in the four games who progresses as a character. He goes from wanting Batman dead, to getting a whole new appreciation for Batman after Batman saves his life at the hotel. Then we get that brilliant therapy scene with Harley where we get a ghoulishly insightful look into the mind of the Joker and what he thinks about life, and how he sees Batman. This scene alone is more characterful development and Joker insight than Rocksteady gave him in their three games combined;


Joker in Asylum, City, and Knight is a stoic character who has no progression whatsoever. It's not just Joker who gets developed in his relationship with Batman in AO, so does Batman himself. It's very reminiscent of The Dark Knight in that Batman begins to slowly realize he's dealing with a brand of psychopathic criminal he's never encountered before, as particularly brilliantly showcased in the hotel scenes.

Second, and I'm cutting and pasting Twoface=badass' brilliant post here, Joker in Origins is the only one who worked well in conjunction with another villain, and not at the expense of another villain. In Origins' case Bane. Bane/Joker were also the only villain combo we actually saw interact. Scarecrow and Knight talk like twice over the radio with each other, and never actually operate in the same space, despite such an image in the trailer.

But the biggest thing Bane and Joker have going for them in AO is that they were both developed, both hyped as huge threats, and importantly neither of them were thrown under the bus to hype up the other. Rocksteady I've noticed has a habit of doing such a thing with their villains in order to establish how big a threat a villain is, the classic examples being Bane in Asylum and Strange in City even more so.

In contrast look at the hotel scenes in Origins - they're a masterclass of developing villains with conflicting goals and establishing power dynamics. Joker is shown to be wild, unpredictable and brilliant, and Bane is shown as tough, pragmatic, resourceful and not scared of the Joker. They are two villains who dislike one another (more so from Bane's direction) but also share an uneasy alliance that is quite satisfactorily never quite broken. Bane develops a good enough knowledge of the Joker that he knows that even after trying to kill each other on the hotel rooftop, that the alliance is easily reforged with the right idea (the heart monitor gambit). His men easily slaughter Joker's, and he's the one that discovers Batman's identity, trashes the batcave, and wounds Alfred, but simultaneously it is Joker that sets everything in motion.

Much, much better than "He was your puppet Ra's!" or whatever the hell the Scarecrow/Knight alliance was meant to be. Seriously, someone at some point had to realise that Knight was a terrifically boring character, but God knows someone else must've had a terrific ***** for the guy, given that he swallows up so much of the narrative compared to Scarecrow. Which is why it's about quality not quantity. That's why AK and Joker don't overshadow Scarecrow despite having more screen time than him, because they were inferior villains handled badly.

You criticize AO for being predictable about Joker being Black Mask, when AK was fifty times worse in being predictable with Jason Todd being the Arkham Knight. And they left that reveal until very late into the game, too. AO at least revealed Joker being Black Mask early in the game, and redeemed Black Mask to recovering and taking back his gang. AO didn't milk it for the bulk of the game. Whereas AK suddenly out of the blue keeps having Batman hallucinate about Jason Todd, a character who had no relevance whatsoever in the previous games. They were as subtle as a sledgehammer to the kneecaps about AK's identity. That goes on several times during the game, until finally very late in the game after you've guessed the truth long, long, long ago they reveal AK is Jason. Your criticisms against AO in support of AK's horrid writing make no sense and just look hypocritical. The Joker in Origins' is by far and away the best Joker and villain of the games for the aforementioned reasons. You can't say the same for the others.

They absolutely need to make a Batman Forever/& Robin skin. Just for pure laughs.
I hope we get more Batman games.

but it's time for other characters, like Superman, to get a chance to shine.

They can revisit Batman later.

I imagine a Wonder Woman game would be pretty awesome as long as they don't go the lazy route and just re-skin God of War, what with the Greek mythology. She certainly has enough variety I'd think. Hand to hand, super strength, melee weapons, her tiara, the lasso.
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