DC Universe - Justice League: War

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Two minutes with this flash showing no vibrational power set made sense to me.

Yeah, that's pretty terrible too. In the comic, he vibrated through a Parademon to escape Darkseid's Omega Beams. So not only does he have less screen time in the Movie and lines given away, his powers have been downgraded as well.
Furthermore, I've yet to see a Supes/WW pairing that didn't result in the usual sexism of having Superman constantly have to save her/protect her 'honour'/otherwise downgrade her abilities.
This mindset is what I am talking about. I can't stand it. Superman been saved from Zod and Faora by wonderwoman in "Superman Wonderwoman" Does that downgrade Superman? This is a double standard. What if Diana wanted to cook Clark a steak? Are you going to flip?
Yeah, that's pretty terrible too. In the comic, he vibrated through a Parademon to escape Darkseid's Omega Beams. So not only does he have less screen time in the Movie and lines given away, his powers have been downgraded as well.
He did vibrated through them in the movie.
Yeah...that's definitely some hardcore assumptions being made there. I don't like the WW/Supes pairing because both are fundamentally outsiders whose stories are about acquainting themselves with a mortal world, and coming to understand it. Hence Lois Lane and Steve Trevor, and their respective casts which serve to ground them and humble them. With that pairing, it completely subverts the points of each character and results in furt.
You got your way since the 1940s. It's time for a change. I don't see the appeal of superheroes dating normal people. I always consider Lois to be a hypergamous woman that is only interested in dating a god. I rather have him date his equal. Other characters can serve the purpose of humbling and grounding a character, but it does not have to be their significant other. That is just boring writing if they repeat it.

By the way, superman and wonder were pretty much equal when they fought together as a team in this movie. He only caught wonder woman in that one scene. I don't see how that degrades her character.

Hell, in the comics , superman tries to hide his flaws from wonderwoman, because he does not want to disappoint her. He is pressure in being this perfect man to her. That is not a downgrade to her character, and it's interesting seeing superman that way. Imperfection can make a interesting story.
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You got your way since the 1940s. It's time for a change. I don't see the appeal of superheroes dating normal people. I always consider Lois to be a hypergamous woman that is only interested in dating a god. I rather have him date his equal. Other characters can serve the purpose of humbling and grounding a character, but it does not have to be their significant other. That is just boring writing if they repeat it.

By the way, superman and wonder were pretty much equal when they fought together as a team in this movie. He only caught wonder woman in that one scene. I don't see how that degrades her character.

Hell, in the comics , superman tries to hide his flaws from wonderwoman, because he does not want to disappoint her. He is pressure in being this perfect man to her. That is not a downgrade to her character, and it's interesting seeing superman that way. Imperfection can make a interesting story.

What was the flaws he was trying to hide from WW??
Also i'm fine with changes to the comic but when you make them 2 dimensional morons that thinks punching things is how to answer to everything...we might have a problem here.
The source material for this feature wasn't particularly good to begin with and the film doesn't really try to improve on it. Pretty visuals are once again wasted on a lackluster story with characterizations that range from weak to just plain unlikable, and all the chaotic, crazed fight scenes (admittedly more adrenaline charging than the painfully dull, unimaginative fights in say JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM) does not hide this. Green Lantern and Wonder Woman get it the worst - Green Lantern's arrogance is dialed up so high that he comes off being stupid and mean rather than just cocky and overconfident, while Wonder Woman comes across as little more than a dumb, spazzy child trapped in a woman's body (the Amazons must not have high standards if this was the best they could do for an ambassador). Michelle Monaghan felt miscast in the role as well; her voice sounded like it would have been a better fit for Lois Lane than Wonder Woman. Fans who complained that Superman "wasn't nice enough" in 2013's MAN OF STEEL probably won't care for his characterization here either.

Beyond Monaghan's miscasting as Wonder Woman the other actors were okay. Sean Astin certainly sounded like he was having fun with the role of Shazam-the-hero-formerly-known-as-Captain-Marvel.

The two plot points that I truly hated and which most definitely soured the movie for me was the sickening puppy dog love romance burgeoning between Superman and Wonder Woman and Superman the murderer rearing his ugly head again. First, the romance – I never liked the idea of Clark and Diana getting involved as it always seem highly forced and unnatural to me.
Is it any more forced or unnatural than Wonder Woman chasing after a billionaire with severe emotional problems? :cwink:

I actually agree with pretty much the rest of what you wrote, especially the Darkseid note. Terrible waste of a great villain.
It's not that the Superman and Wonder Woman romance is unnatural, but that the movie presented it in an unnatural way. Clark and Diana do have a certain chemistry and we've seen good stories involving the pairing, yet JL: War failed to convey any of that. They talk a few times, fight together and by the end of the film they're already looking at each other suggestively. If the relationship had more buildup it would have been more believable, but as it is the romance has a forced feel.
It's not that the Superman and Wonder Woman romance is unnatural, but that the movie presented it in an unnatural way. Clark and Diana do have a certain chemistry and we've seen good stories involving the pairing, yet JL: War failed to convey any of that. They talk a few times, fight together and by the end of the film they're already looking at each other suggestively. If the relationship had more buildup it would have been more believable, but as it is the romance has a forced feel.

Oh I most definitely agree that this aspect could have been handled better - just as so many other aspects of the movie could have been (and should have been) handled better. I was just having a little fun with that remark at Pfeiffer-Fan
Am I the only one who thinks New 52 / Justice League: War Superman looks a little like a young Elvis Presley?
Man rewatching this spits all over that horrible ice cream scene.

Man rewatching this spits all over that horrible ice cream scene.

Yes. This is what superheros are about.

And regarding Supes/Wondy:

It's not the idea of the relationship I don't like. I can actually see those two having things in comment and getting along. It's the execution of it so far. They keep doing this shallow, stunt-like stuff instead of giving them a real connection.
Finally watched this. Nice animation, great action.

The story and characterizations were kind of on the nose, and about half the dialogue is pretty meh. Wonder Woman was awful, but I honestly think that's as much down to her voice actress as the way it was written. Michelle seemed to think she was in a ****** kids' anime or something. Green Lantern and Flash are pretty much just there to be comic relief, though Batman and GL have a few nice moments.

Darkseid, though, is the biggest crime. He's just a guy with powers. None of the regal nature, excellent dialogue or character shown in far better portrayals.

I was actually kind of surprised at how much I liked Cyborg, and the idea of him being a sort of alien robot.

It's entertaining, but falls well short of the potential of this storyline and these characters.
Am I the only one who thinks New 52 / Justice League: War Superman looks a little like a young Elvis Presley?

I got a young Bruno Sammartino vibe from Supes.

Man rewatching this spits all over that horrible ice cream scene.

I liked them both. I really didn't think Wondy's characterization in War was all that different than the 2009 movie. She was still naïve and valiant, but more brash this time out.
This movie was a reminder of why I dislike the Superman/Wonder Woman relationship so much. And I have a feeling it'll be worse in the sequel.
Yes. This is what superheros are about.

And regarding Supes/Wondy:

It's not the idea of the relationship I don't like. I can actually see those two having things in comment and getting along. It's the execution of it so far. They keep doing this shallow, stunt-like stuff instead of giving them a real connection.

You should read Superman/Wonder Woman, then. It's a great comic and gets pretty good reviews each month. That is, if you either like the pairing or are willing to give it a chance.
You should read Superman/Wonder Woman, then. It's a great comic and gets pretty good reviews each month. That is, if you either like the pairing or are willing to give it a chance.

Historically, I don't like it (and I'm a Clois fan), but I've heard good things about this comic from others. So, I'm trying to be more open-minded and will check it out.
Historically, I don't like it (and I'm a Clois fan), but I've heard good things about this comic from others. So, I'm trying to be more open-minded and will check it out.

I feel you. Historically, I probably fall under Superman/Lois, too, but when DC started their New 52 universe and paired Lois off with that Jonathan Carrol character, I said "Eff it, put Superman with someone new then". I had no idea DC would finally put Clark with Diana after teasing it all these years.

So far, I like the pairing, if anything, it being something different. Most likely, somewhere down the line, DC will put Clark back together with Lois, but for now, I'm enjoying the ride.
Hi All,

New here.

I just finished (binge watched) all the JL/JLU series. Everything is still fresh and loveable in my mind. Then, a few days ago I caught JL War!!! Sorry!.. I hate it. :wall:

JL War's drawing is too dark and unimaginative, not to mention Supe lookking like a freak. Characters are very out of balance.

But I'm kinda out of option.. I'm gonna watch JL Flashback anyway :)

Hey, can some one explain what the term "New 52" means?

Nice meeting you all.
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