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Jurassic World: Dominion

I wonder if they may move the release date up. Its not scheduled for release for about a year.
Gives them plenty of time for the world - and theatres - to be back to a more normal state. This ain’t a film you’ll want to watch at home for the first time judging by this footage description.

Laura and Sam and Jeff are just as big a part of the movie as Chris and Bryce are, as far as screen time, as far as their importance to the story, everything."

Music to my ears!
All of those previews sounds so amazing why Imax though why lol. I just want it to be online. I have been excited for this movie has I like the last 2 a lot more then most people only TP 3 do I not really care for and this sounds even better then I though.
I wonder if they may move the release date up. Its not scheduled for release for about a year.

No. Even though cinemas are beginning to recover, Universal wants to make sure all the major international markets are back up to full steam.

Plus the rest of 2021 and 2022 are packed to the gills with delayed product.
It's times like this that I'm thankful to have a close friend managing a movie theater nearby. He'll let me watch the clip for free without having to spend money on F9. Can't wait!
It's times like this that I'm thankful to have a close friend managing a movie theater nearby. He'll let me watch the clip for free without having to spend money on F9. Can't wait!

Damn that’s lucky! I need a friend like that. I’d wanna just go watch the clip quick and then leave hahaha.
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I'm actually somewhat genuinely interested in this, at least the intro short; still fairly confident the rest of the movie will be more or less as I expect given the last two films. The dinosaur roster sounds great just insofar as having a variety of new animals featured and I gotta give it to them, the creature design of what I'm assuming is the newly-discovered small (and feathered!) tyrannosaur Moros intrepidus looks fairly solid (though I'd give it a thinner head shape). It's almost like you can actually have Jurassic Park/World creature designs be more or less accurate while still looking like it comes from the same franchise. I wonder who's been saying that for years...?

That said, the jury's still out on their Pyroraptor which hasn't been officially revealed yet. That'll truly be the make-or-break for me as far as feathered creature design goes, especially since their Deinonychus -- which the franchise's Velociraptor is actually based on -- officially looks like this:

So it seems the Jurassic World franchise wants to actually do right this time. And because they went and spoiled the whole intro with the description, you know what that means...

Time to get paleontologically pedantic! :funny:
Like I said, genuinely interested in watching the intro if for nothing other than the atmosphere and animation. That said, my praise has to be dampened by the extremely anachronistic cast of creatures, none of which come from the same time or place even though it's supposed to be "accurate" (and no, Pangea isn't a valid excuse; the continents were already broken up into roughly their modern configurations by the start of the Cretaceous) and I imagine trying to emphasize how the 21st century clones aren't the same as the authentic "real" ones in prehistory, so already undermining its own theme there. Also undermining the franchise title since the prehistoric sequence is from the end of the Cretaceous -- which is no longer 65 million years ago (mya); it's been re-dated to 66 mya for the last 10+ years now. (Get with the prehistoric times; what's the consultant been doing?).

The menagerie is pretty nutty:
  • Iguanodon from ~125 mya in England
  • Giganotosaurus from ~98 mya in South America
  • Morus intrepidus (not sure why they went as far as to give the full binomial but okay, I guess only the tyrannosaurs get full name recognition in this series) from ~96 mya in Western North America
  • Dreadnoughtus from ~80 mya in South America
  • Oviraptor from ~80 mya in Mongolia
  • Nasutoceratops (which we already saw in Battle at Big Rock) from ~75 mya in Western North America
  • Quetzalcoatlus from ~66 mya in North America (though they could probably fly across the world at a whim)
  • Tyrannosaurus rex from ~66 mya in Western North America
Also, I'm calling it now that the modern T. rex is gonna fight the antagonist Giganotosaurus and have a flashback to the opening sequence because "genetic memory" or some sh*te. Hell, I'll take it further and say the Giganotosaurus is a clone of the one from the opening sequence too. That seems like something Trevorrow would write given his track record on this series.

Edit: I went on Twitter and this was the first thing I saw:
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The intro has me very intrigued. 60 something million years ago flash back with Paleo correct Dinosaurs and zoom into the mosquito taking "Dino DNA" before being trapped in amber.
Full circle! Off to a good start.

Also, I figured the Giganotosaurus would be the "Villain" of this film and I'm fine with that. And If what I read in the spoilers above is true I'm fine with what happens in "65 million years ago" sequence between the Giga and a REX but Hope during the current timeline in the film itself we dont have a repeat of JP III Spino vs Rex. OG Rexy been with us since the beginning. Let her be.
Showing the ancient origin of the T. rex is fine and honestly a cool premise, but the 65 million year-old grudge match is really stupid the more I think about it. It's like they're trying to redo JPIII but "deeper" this time, but it's so silly when the segment with "real" dinosaurs has a bunch of different species that would've never seen each other. T. rex and Giganotosaurus are like 30+ million years apart on different continents... :loco:

I'd have been much more pleased if they had T. rex being killed by a Triceratops; that's like the most iconic predator-prey matchup and nobody's really done that onscreen yet in a big way. And since this is the "last" movie, hell, why not go all-out and bring in the hybrid Ultimasaurus from the Chaos Effect toy line as the big bad beast and have the Triceratops that killed the T. rex be part of that monster's DNA.
So much amazing news happening lately for Jurassic. Any other fans here of Evolution? Was one of my favorite games and they announced Evolution 2 today and it’s coming out this year! Awesome trailer for it and lots of details and info and screenshots released today. Plus I’ve recently gotten a lot of deliveries from Target/Amazon/EBay of Jurassic goodies (I’m a big collector). So Jurassic June has been treating this fan very well :D
I’m not liking the giga killing the rex. Did they learn nothing from jp3
I'm guessing it's to foreshadow a rematch later on in the movie?
I just don’t see myself paying to see F9 especially not in IMAX. But my mom and sister like those movies so should they go see it I guess I’d meet up with em.
I wonder if a new movie could ever popularize a lesser known dinosaur in the public consciousness like Jurassic Park did for Velociraptors. They tried with the Spinosaurus but it never took off the same way.
I'd argue they did well for Spinosaurus, albeit more like infamous. Most people who know about it was via JPIII, and there was a big stink for years from folks complaining about how science is "ruining Spinosaurus" after the 2014 study that announced that they were in fact short-legged and river dwelling.

It feels like they're trying to popularize Moros, the new little feathered tyrannosaur in the promo photo and the one mentioned here:
Contrary to the headlines, it wasn't actually discovered 2 years ago, just officially named and scientifically described as a new species. The actual discovery of its fossils was back in 2013.
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I wonder if a new movie could ever popularize a lesser known dinosaur in the public consciousness like Jurassic Park did for Velociraptors. They tried with the Spinosaurus but it never took off the same way.
They tried too hard with the Spinosaurus in JPIII. They pretty much force fed it to us by putting it on the logo and having it kill the T-Rex, which was a bridge too far for a lot of fans. It just wasn't as memorable as the Rex or the raptors. The point was made by having the Rex smash through the Spinosaurus skeleton in Jurassic World. For the record, I like the Spinosaurus. I certainly prefer it to the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor when it comes to big bad dinosaurs in the series and I wouldn't mind it making one more appearance (as in more than a cameo) before they call it a day.
Since I'm on a decent roll with calling silly twists today, I'm gonna make another call and say that they're gonna reintroduce Spinosaurus and have the T. rex kill that too.
Just rewatched Fallen Kingdom last night, while it definitely has its issues, the strengths of the movie far outweigh them and make it an exceptional Jurassic movie in my eyes. The opening is probably the best opening in the franchise, the Indoraptor brought back this terrifying intelligence that the raptors have been missing since the original, the stuff on the island is a nice throwback to Lost World (they even played the theme of Lost World during similar scenes in both movies when they discover what's really happening, nice touch), the emotional weight of the dinos dying on the island still holds up so well, and then you really feel for the dinos again in the end when you feel like they're about to meet their end. Look, the girl being a clone was definitely a 'wtf' type of reveal here, but that doesn't negate the rest of the movie for me. It's still a W. Oh and Blue taking over the final roar from our favorite t-rex was just beautiful

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