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Street Fighter V

Boose don't want none.
Damn, they're killing me. -400 LP.

If you care about that stuff I would recommend playing in casual first. Finely tune the character(s) you're playing as and you'll find the transition to Ranked better
Almost nobody plays casual. I'd happily play offline, but there's nothing to play but stupid survival. Online is too competitive for leisure.
It's the Arcade Mode that honed my skills in USF4.

I remember how much I really, really sucked at beating it in the beginning and specially against Seth, which was infuriating. But the more I played, beating it with every character, the easier it became. Seth became ridiculously easier to deal with and the actual challenge was to get Oni to fight me and that was so much fun.

Not having Arcade Mode in here is baffling, to me. It's such an unbelievably basic mode.
I can't belive people are actually defending the price for this undeveloped game.

Fans call it "early access" and that's funny, because there are physical copies for sale with barely any content in the disks. Capcom should of just went full digital on this one.

It's like receiving your only Christmas present Unwrapped in October. It's like getting just a steak, with no beer, no french fries, no salad, no appetizers, with plastic forks and knives with the steak on a paper plate and sometimes the plastic forks and knifes break ( bad internet connection ) and you can't eat your steak, unless you go survival mode and eat with your hands. :)
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Almost nobody plays casual. I'd happily play offline, but there's nothing to play but stupid survival. Online is too competitive for leisure.

I have fight request on for both ranked and casual, and I get plenty of fights for both.

It's the Arcade Mode that honed my skills in USF4.

I remember how much I really, really sucked at beating it in the beginning and specially against Seth, which was infuriating. But the more I played, beating it with every character, the easier it became. Seth became ridiculously easier to deal with and the actual challenge was to get Oni to fight me and that was so much fun.

Not having Arcade Mode in here is baffling, to me. It's such an unbelievably basic mode.

I feel like with Arcade you get really good at Arcade, finding the patterns of the computer and whatnot. I really just never felt like it compared to fighting real people. It's good to help learning moves and whatnot, but you can easily do that in training.

I can't belive people are actually defending the price for this undeveloped game.

Fans call it "early access" and that's funny, because there are physical copies for sale with barely any content in the disks. Capcom should of just went full digital on this one.

It's like receiving your only Christmas present Unwrapped in October. It's like getting just a steak, with no beer, no french fries, no salad, no appetizers, with plastic forks and knives with the steak on a paper plate and sometimes the plastic forks and knifes break ( bad internet connection ) and you can't eat your steak, unless you go survival mode and eat with your hands. :)

Games aren't food. As long as the content is coming, I don't know, it's just not that big of a deal to me. I don't eat steak, but SFV tastes pretty good to me right now. More modes and stuff being added later is cool, but the real meat of the game (online and vs) is here, and it's fantastic.
I can't belive people are actually defending the price for this undeveloped game.

Fans call it "early access" and that's funny, because there are physical copies for sale with barely any content in the disks. Capcom should of just went full digital on this one.

It's like receiving your only Christmas present Unwrapped in October. It's like getting just a steak, with no beer, no french fries, no salad, no appetizers, with plastic forks and knives with the steak on a paper plate and sometimes the plastic forks and knifes break ( bad internet connection ) and you can't eat your steak, unless you go survival mode and eat with your hands. :)
IA. The game is unfinished. They should have waited a few months and released it when they had more content ready. June or heck even August/September seems like it would have been enough to put out a better product. I had no problem with the lack of characters but I thought having such a small number meant it would give them time to focus on putting more into the game
There was no way it was going to get delayed that long, though, realistically. It was have missed all the major competitive circuits, and their stocks would have taken a dive.

Just don't buy it until that time period, I guess, and you can get the "finished" product. Just like you could have waited a year or whatever for Super Street Fighter IV when it released after vanilla. Different model, but it's the same basic concept that SF has operated under since II.
If they didn't release it now, then they would have messed up the Capcom Cup and might not have made Evo. So yeah, they had to release it now, or it is irrelevant for a year.
Switching gears, apparently for Hell Mode survival, it's going around that you can just spam Shoryuken with Ken or Ryu and basically breeze through the whole thing (100 fights pretty easily). Not tried it myself, seems too good to be true and all, but then again Zangief's spin thing cut through arcade at max difficulty on all the SFIV incarnations so it wouldn't surprise me.
I wonder how difficult it would be to patch in a standard vs CPU mode.

I mean, it can't be hard that hard, can it, when the assets are pretty much there in the game already?

In fact, they already have a "VS" mode in the game for local coop - it should be relatively simple to enable vs CPU in that mode.

And as for Arcade Mode, they essentially already have that in the game as well with the individual character Story Mode. all they have to do is simply add more matches in each story and let us adjust the difficulty level ( which they say they plan on doing ).

there really is no need for a separate Arcade Mode, unless they want Story Mode to be the full fledged story they are releasing in June. then they can turn the existing individual character stories into Arcade Mode.
They want to roll out "free" material while also rolling out the stuff that cost money. Thus, they are holding stuff back on purpose imo.
They want to roll out "free" material while also rolling out the stuff that cost money. Thus, they are holding stuff back on purpose imo.

well, that's a pretty ****** plan if you ask me.

for all the talk of making SF V more appealing to "casuals" and bringing in a new generation of fans, this game in its current state is essentially a big middle finger to the casuals in favor of catering to the online pro players and tournament crowd.

If this were any other game, I'd be boycotting the **** out of it until it gets a more complete release. I'm certainly glad I didn't pay the full $60 for it now in its current state.

The game is unfinished and it really is inexcusable to release it as it is now.

at the very least, Capcom needs to patch in a vs CPU mode ASAP.

the rest of the stuff can come later, but I don't think Capcom can afford to wait too long before adding that stuff.
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and you know what's even more messed up, which makes this whole thing even more frustrating and confusing??

go and watch those character introduction trailers that zenith had been posting in the past week or so. I'm watching them again right now. For example, here's Ryu's:


these character trailers were part of the marketing campaign - designed to give consumers a taste of what to expect in the game.

but what do they show in these trailers? They show match gameplay with a PLAYER 1 VS CPU. There are slots for multiple "Vs" on top which means there are multiple rounds in the match. there's a countdown timer.

iow, it looks just like your standard VS CPU match that's been part of fighting games since the beginning.

or the match gameplay could be part of an Arcade Mode with the same standard 2 out 3 format.

regardless, that's what is shown in the marketing material for the game, which would lead the average consumer to believe that is what's in the game.

so........what happened Capcom?? Why isn't what you are showing in those videos in the actual game? It was in the game when you made those videos.

that's borderline false advertising if you ask me or else it's such a huge oversight that it just makes you go......wtf??!!
Switching gears, apparently for Hell Mode survival, it's going around that you can just spam Shoryuken with Ken or Ryu and basically breeze through the whole thing (100 fights pretty easily). Not tried it myself, seems too good to be true and all, but then again Zangief's spin thing cut through arcade at max difficulty on all the SFIV incarnations so it wouldn't surprise me.

Hell difficulty has an easy AI until you get into the 80's and they tend to smarten up a bit.
Keyboard, huh? How about a Hitbox then?

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I don't get how to fight on it - it doesn't have a stick??? Need to check videos of it.

UPD. Checked more vids... I think, Hitbox is a great thing if you can use your left ring finger REALLY well. I can't, so it won't work for me. But it's a cool device.
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well, that's a pretty ****** plan if you ask me.

You may not like it, but it makes sense for what Capcom wants SFV to be. They aren't thinking of it as a single game release, one and done, they are thinking of it as a service. They want this single release to last an entire generation without doing any updated retail releases like Super, AE or Ultra. The other alternative to that is to slowly release things to keep the community active and coming back.

And if you don't like that model, just don't buy it and wait until the content is added. It's that simple.

for all the talk of making SF V more appealing to "casuals" and bringing in a new generation of fans, this game in its current state is essentially a big middle finger to the casuals in favor of catering to the online pro players and tournament crowd.

No, you're just presuming, like you have this whole time, that all "casuals" think exactly like you and care to the degree that you do about single player content. Most "casuals" just want to play multi with their friends mixed in with some casual onlines. Hell, most of my friends who played IV when it first released were annoyed that you had to unlock characters. They just wanted everybody unlocked so they could have everyone to play multi with.

I'm sorry that you feel left out or whatever, but you're within a big minority here whether you want to believe it or not. And I think sales will probably show that, too, as I expect SFV will sell fine despite this backlash, especially once the content drip begins and more stuff is added.

The game is unfinished and it really is inexcusable to release it as it is now.

The amount of fun I'm having, and time I'm putting into it, seems like a pretty decent excuse to me.

It's not easy on a keyboard. :woot: I wanna buy a stick, but not sure which one to get.

The MadCatz Alpha has been getting solid reviews for a budget mini-stick, if you don't mind getting something smaller. One of the reviews mentions it doesn't support PC natively, but it has a workaround to get it to work.

Yes, I was thinking to buy exactly this one. Really funny - it's promoted as the one to get with SFV, but isn't supported by the PC version.

But it's not the first time PC crowd has to look for workarounds for something.
You may not like it, but it makes sense for what Capcom wants SFV to be. They aren't thinking of it as a single game release, one and done, they are thinking of it as a service. They want this single release to last an entire generation without doing any updated retail releases like Super, AE or Ultra. The other alternative to that is to slowly release things to keep the community active and coming back.

And if you don't like that model, just don't buy it and wait until the content is added. It's that simple.

No, you're just presuming, like you have this whole time, that all "casuals" think exactly like you and care to the degree that you do about single player content. Most "casuals" just want to play multi with their friends mixed in with some casual onlines. Hell, most of my friends who played IV when it first released were annoyed that you had to unlock characters. They just wanted everybody unlocked so they could have everyone to play multi with.

I'm sorry that you feel left out or whatever, but you're within a big minority here whether you want to believe it or not. And I think sales will probably show that, too, as I expect SFV will sell fine despite this backlash, especially once the content drip begins and more stuff is added.

The amount of fun I'm having, and time I'm putting into it, seems like a pretty decent excuse to me.

The MadCatz Alpha has been getting solid reviews for a budget mini-stick, if you don't mind getting something smaller. One of the reviews mentions it doesn't support PC natively, but it has a workaround to get it to work.


guess I'm just not much of a fan of this "game as a service" business model.

anyways, I completed Cammy's Easy Survival Mode last night. wasn't much of a challenge, so I suppose that's expected for Easy. However, I did have to buy health supplements a few times to stay in the game for 10 rounds. I can only imagine what playing through the harder difficulties will entail......lol.

Until they patch in a proper Arcade Mode and a vs CPU mode, it looks like I'll be replaying Survival Mode quite a bit.

oh, and Cammy's Battle Outfit is :hmr:.
Wait, you bought the game? Lol, well.

Anyway, I think Easy and Normal have definitely been toned down from IV. Easy was always easy and all, but this easy is like brain dead, it's pretty pitiful. Normal is also a lot easier than Normal was in IV.
Wait, you bought the game? Lol, well.

Anyway, I think Easy and Normal have definitely been toned down from IV. Easy was always easy and all, but this easy is like brain dead, it's pretty pitiful. Normal is also a lot easier than Normal was in IV.

yeah, I bought it.....lol.

I had trade in credit to use which brought the price down to about $10. So, for that price, I figured why not? Plus, I have to get it for my girls Cammy and Ibuki. :o

I'll be able to get enjoyment out of it with the current modes offered, just not to the full extent I had originally thought since it is lacking in single player content. so, hopefully, that stuff gets added in real soon.

but, as I said a few posts back, if this were any other game, I'd be boycotting it until it feels more complete. And I'm certainly glad I didn't pay the full $60 ( or even $48 with my GC discount at BB ).

but, it's Street Fighter, so I made an exception and am willing to give Capcom some leeway to address the lack of single player content.

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